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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Salamence EX
Dragon Frontiers Preview
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.00
Modified: 1.00
Limited: -
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Salamence is exactly what
you'd expect from a Stage 2 ex Pokemon. Very high HP and
decent Poke-Power.
Type Shift is useful considering some of the most popular
Pokemon in the new modified format, including Metagross d,
Scizor ex, Steelix ex have fire weaknesses.
However, both of its attacks are average and fall short of
making Salamence ex playable.
One huge advantage of Salamence ex d is that its non ex
version, Salamence d, is a strong card. Still, I see it
having limited uses.
A weakness to colorless is really interesting now
considering that Pidgeot (RG) has rotated, and reasons for
people to play Crystal Shard have declined now that Rayquaza
ex (DX) is no longer seeing play, and Dark Dragonite has
rotated out. However, with the release of Castaway, it would
be easy for decks to run 1 Crystal Shard if they wanted.
Either way, a weakness to colorless is a good weakness to
have in the new modified.
Modified: 3/5
Unlimited: 1/5 |
Raichu88 |
My name is Salamence
I got a special gift
I can change my color
With my Type Shift
Unlimited: Nope it’s weakness for Colorless makes it a snack
for our little pixie fairy yes I mean Clefable.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well it’s not good but it’s not bad either, There
are enough good Pokemon
that have Fire weakness. It’s power makes it vulnerable for
Cursed Stone, Cessation Crystal
and Raichu. It’s attacks is average and the Weakness to
Colorless means that Crystal Shard is a problem now that
Cast away is out you can get it out quicker then before. You
could counter the Crystal Shard with Windstorm but it
doesn’t makes this card more playable.
Rating : 2.5/5
Limited: Could be nice I mean 160 HP and the ability to turn
to fire when you need it, plus the Bench-hit ability makes
it a nice card in Limited.
Rating : 3/5
Toon Master |
OK so today we are
reviewing Sally ex.
Lets look at all the stats and whatnot:
160 HP for a stage 2 ex is pretty nice.
Type Shift can be OK if the defending pokemon is weak to
I personally love ALL water type Pokemon but there is no
dominant weakness floating around.
Claw Swipe is a fair 3 for 60. Mediocre for an ex.
Dual Stream is where it gets interesting. 4 for 80 is OK,
BUT the ability to hit the bench AND the active can be
pretty sweet at times. Especially when you like only need 10
to 40 HP to ko the defending, THEN you can just dish 40 to
one of their bench.
Weakness to colorless is expected for a dragon, but not a
horrible weakness.
DOUBLE resistance is off da chain! Fighting is usually a
pretty dominant type and fire could be pretty good this
format, so we will see how useful the double resistance
really is.
2 Retreat Cost is once again expected for stage 2 ex.
NOW for the ratings
Unlimited 1/5
Don't bother. Too much time and effort to get it set up.
Modified 3.5/5
Really nice here! The ability to hit the bench and active is
off da chain. It's stats are overall mediocre, so it makes
for a pretty good card. We will eventually see if these even
makes a mark on the format, but I think someone will try it.
Limited 4/5
If you get the other lines PLAY it. I highly doubt that many
people will pull all 3, but if you get em then you can
prolly base your deck around it. It should be able to leave
its mark while on the field.
Till next time y'all
Peace Out Homies