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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tyranitar EX - d
Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
With 150 HP, a good
weakness, and three attacks, Tyranitar ex d looks like it
will be one of the strongest cards in the upcoming Dragon
Frontiers sets. However, Tyranitar ex d is actually not as
strong as it appears.
Electromark allows you to place a counter on any Pokemon,
setting it up for a KO with Shock Wave. While this concept
may seem broken, there are two overlooked concepts that
prevent it from actually BEING broken:
1) Most players don't realize that one wasted turn is a big
deal. Your opponents, in general, are going to be 2-hit
KO'ing Tyranitar ex, meaning you will Electromark they're
biggest threat, they will hit it, you will take the KO with
Shock-wave, and then your Tyranitar ex will be knocked out.
This two-turn combo is slow. The ability to repeatedly knock
out almost any Pokemon, as seen with old modified combos
such as Blaziken ex/Blaziken and Blastoise ex/Steelix ex is
much stronger. Even if Tyranitar ex lasts three turns, a
second Electromark will end up being useless (unless you can
get another Tyranitar ex d fully built) because your
opponents will always be able to 3 hit KO it.
2) In the new modified, very few decks rely heavily on one
single Pokemon. In the old modified, many decks relied on
Pidgeot or Blastoise ex as their most important Pokemon. You
could focus on taking out this vital evolution to gain a
game-winning advantage. However, most new modified decks,
many of which use the Holon's Castform + delta Pokemon
engine, do not rely on a single Pokemon, but rather swarm
with multiple Stage1s and Stage2s.
Wasting these two turns to get one KO in exchange for an ex
KO and 3 energy drops definitely puts you on the lower end
of the stick.
Hyper Claws is a decent attack, but falls 10 or 20 damage
short of being really good. The most popular Stage2 Pokemon,
including Metagross d, Dragonite d, Metagross (DX) and
Salamence d all avoid being one hit KO'd by Hyper Claws.
Modified 3.5/5
A slow, Energy Removal vulnerable target. No chance. 1/5
If you are lucky enough to get Larvitars and Pupitars, a 150
HP Pokemon is going to win you most of your games if you can
get it out. You would end up using Hyper Claws to ohko most
of your opponent's Pokemon.
Limited 3.5/5 |

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Tyranitar ex d - Dragon
Quite a unique card! The HP and retreat cost are pretty
standard for a Stage 2 ex, but the attacks are like nothing
we've ever seen before. Electromark places a marker on one
of your opponents Pokemon, and Shock-wave takes it out. This
is especially effective against EX Pokemon such as Mew ex or
Manetric ex, seeing as they deal relatively low damage, yet
still give up two prizes. Depending on how PUI rules the
situation with "markers", this card can either be really
good, or really bad. If evolving ends up removing the
marker, then the cards almost worthless, as people can just
opt to not evolve their basics, wait to see where you place
the marker, and then just evolve out of it, making your last
turn absolutely useless. If evolving DOESN'T remove it,
however, you can really put your opponent in a sticky
situation early on. Just place a marker on whatever they're
building, and they're forced to either throw that Pokemon at
your Tyranitar immediately, or give up on it, and start
building something else. Just keep on placing that marker on
that "something else", and they're eventually forced into a
very unfavorable situation.
Unlimited - 1/5
Stage 2s and EXs aren't popular in Unlimited, so the attacks
are all pretty sub-par. Factor in the vulnerability to
Energy Removal/Super Energy Removal, and you a very weak
Unlimited card.
Modified - 3/5
It's extremely anti-Mew ex (one of the most popular cards in
Modified at the moment), but its overall usefulness really
depends on the ruling with the markers. Not so great if
evolving removes it, and quite good if it doesn't.
Limited - 5/5
If you get this thing out, it should clean house. Most
limited cards can only do 10-20 damage. Just immediately
Electro/Wave anything your opponent has that does decent
damage, and finish off their weak things with Hyper Claws.

The Red Rose |
Hello Pojoites....yes i
just called you all pojoites.....anyway enough of my witless
banter.....its time for the card of the day, first I would
like to say sorry for not being so good this week and last
my work schedule has picked up drastically so please bare
with me................
anyway today we look at one of the most intriguing cards i
have ever seen myself....Tyranitar Ex d
Unlimited: now assuming that there is not a way for your
opponent to get that marker off then this card is a two turn
kill to anything....which in my book is freakin awesome so
there are quite alot of good lower lines for this card from
the older sets.......5/5
Limited: I wanna play this card so bad its not even
funny......anyway i am going to break this one down one by
one.....the first attack is probably the most critical one
he has .....it does no damage but it enables you to
automatically kill the opponents pokemon on your next
turn........Hyper claws is a nice little attack doing
seventy on its own and a additional twenty for stage two
poekmon, which is good seeing as you probably kill most non
ex basic and stage one with this attack anyway......the last
attack sums this guy up in one word awesome......remember
that useless no damage attack well now its not so useless as
any pokemon that has that electroshock token on it is koed
no damage taken just dead.......5/5
Limited: if you get it and get the parts for it run
this might seem a little biased but could be a very game
breaking card in my opinion
anyway hit me up at zoran_217@hotmail.com and we can chat
later daysI tried to go
on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without you all I'm going to be is
The Red Rose....Entering The Battlefield |
Raichu88 |
My name is Tyranitar
Look what I can do
With my Shock Wave
I’ll one hit KO you
Unlimited: ER, SER and Vileplume Ex are around ready to eat
this thing.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well this thing could see play depending on the
Errata of the card.
Anyway I don’t see this card becoming that BIG. There are
better Ex’s in the upcoming set.
Overall I think this is an average card with decent attacks
and a weakness to deal with.
Rating : 2.5/5
Limited: This thing is a Power-House it can easily KO with
Hyper Claws.
If necessary you can use Shock Wave to get rid of your
opponents main attacker.
Besides that you got 150 HP to cover you up.
Rating : 3/5