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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Banette ex
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 4
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Banette ex:
Banette ex was a playable card in the last format, and
has now gained more strength in modified due to the
release of the Ascension Shuppet. Ascension allows you
to create a consistent and fast Banette deck - the
strongest way to run Banette ex.
What's unique about Banette ex is that is has multiple
ways to turn downsides of cards into good ones. For
example, Shadow Chant was made for the Holon Engine -
that is, every Holon supporter, as the discard effect
now becomes a benefit, allowing you to discard
supporters to do more damage with Shadow Chant. Rainbow
Energy's one damage counter can immediately be
transferred to one of your opponent's Pokemon. Also,
other seemingly useless cards, like Sableye (CG) can
help get supporters in the discard pile.
While the new modified does not seem to have nearly as
many popular ex-based decks as the 05-06 format, having
Banette (CG) as an option with Banette ex is another
In unlimited, there are faster Stage1's - and even
basics (that don't give up two prizes) that can hit for
similar damage even faster.
Being a stage1 with a common basic, Banette ex may seem
good. Unfortunately, supporters are so difficult to come
by in the limited format (you usually end up with 1 or
2), Shadow Chant actually becomes a very weak attack.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Banette ex
Banette ex is one of the fastest cards in Modified right
now, and one of my personal favorites. It gained a lot
of power when the Ascension Shuppet was released. Also,
the rotation of almost every Dark Pokemon is a huge
factor in its recent popularity. Shadow Chant is an
amazing attack, maxing out at 90 damage for only two
energy! Shady Move isn’t the best of Poke-Powers, but it
gets the job done in certain situations where you need
to deal 100 damage.
Unlimited: Bad, REALLY bad. You’re just begging to give
Sneasel 2 free prizes. Also, supporters aren’t very
useful in Unlimited when you have things like Oak and
Comp. Search around, so the attacks going to be quite
bad. 1/5
Modified: Banette/Houndoom is definitely one of the top
decks in Modified at the moment. There is some
vulnerability to Scramble Energy, but Crystal Beach
helps with that, somewhat. Banette should be quite
popular at cities. 4/5
Limited: Decent I guess. Not many supporters to build
the attack, but Shady move is nice against things that
deal low damage. I’d play it. 4/5

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Banette ex from Legend Maker.
If you don’t know who this guy is, then “get familiar”!
Banette ex is one of the biggest Psychic threats in the
game right now I’d put him third behind only Mew EX,
from the same set, and Flygon d Ex from Dragon
Frontiers. Although he only has 1 attack, look at the
specs of the entire card. His poke power lets you move 1
damage counter anywhere in the game, and his attack does
a max of 90. That’s 100 damage for only 1 psychic and 1
colorless. Just 1 retreat cost, and a fighting
resistance means he is very fast and reliable. His
darkness weakness, keeps him from being broken, like
Flygon d ex.
Combos: His non-ex Counterpart from CG is just as
troublesome as he is.
Modified: 4/5 His low attack cost, and low retreat cost
is very rare, with such a powerful attack.
Limited: 2/5 The lack of supporter cards in this format,
means he wont do much damage, plus misdreveus is the
queen here!
Current ebay Value: $20 (Plus or minus $2 dollars)
~Muk Man~
For questions or comments, send an email to
Raichu88 |
My name is Banette
Adding up 70 is what I can’t
But I can add up 60
With my Shadow Chant
Unlimited: Weak to Darkness will make it a snack for
And being an Ex with only 90 HP is terrible here.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: This thing is a GOOD I mean it can do 90 on
And it’s ability to move damage around makes it very
playable with Rainbow energy.
It’s basic form has a Ascension attack and his non-ex
counterpart can’t be damaged by ex’s.
Even though this card seems overrated there are still
things it has it’s problems with, namely Raichu d this
thing can Metallic Thunder you for the K.O. (We all know
that Raichu is a very popular card right now). But
overall this card is good in Modified.
Rating : 3.5/5
Limited: You won’t have that many Supporters here so it
wouldn’t deal that much damage.
Rating : 1/5

Computer Guy |
Banette ex from Ex Legend Maker
Banette ex is one of my favorite ex's in the Modified
format right now. The stats are very good with a
resistance to fighting and only one retreat cost. The
Poke-Power is great. The ability to move damage counters
around is what makes this card so good. If more than one
Banette ex is out, all of their powers can be used. The
attack works great if there are a lot of Supporters in
the discard pile. Using the Holon Engine is a good way
to get Supporters in the discard pile quickly.
A few combos with Banette ex are, Banette ex/Delcatty
ex, Banette ex/Cacturne, and T2 Banette ex.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 5/5
Limited: 4.9/5
Toon Master |
Unlimited 1/5
Umm this card gets killed by Sneasel's evil claws. AND
it is an ex. AND it only has 90 HP.
Sorry but this doesn't cut it.
Modified 4.5/5
AWESOME HERE!!!!! I love this card and it should be a
major contender at cities. It is just so fast that not
many decks can take the beatdown so early in the game.
Not to mention it is combined with BF and Crystal Beach
to make it even more deadly. AND we also now have a
Shuppet with Ascension. The stats on the card are
overall mediocre. 90 HP stinks but it's retreat cost is
pretty good, for only 1. Fighting resistance is very
nice, especially w/ the growing popularity of Exeggutor
d. Now the real power comes from its Poke-Power and
attack. Shady Move is definitely one of the better
Poke-Powers out right now. It is almost the equivelant
to a free strength charm each turn. It's attack is
simply OFF DA CHAIN. I mean fo reals y'all. For 2 energy
it can do a possible 90 DAMAGE! SNAP! 90 for 2 and Shady
Move puts it at 100 A TURN. FOR 2
ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That
is pretty amazing. I may be a little biased but I love
this card.
If you don't know how to beat it, you better learn.
CAUSE it should be a major contender at Cities. I will
try to play it.
Limited 3/5
OK here. It's stats kinda stink in this format, but not
horrible. It's a stage 1 and should be easy to pull a
Shuppet. BUT pulling supporters is the tricky part. On a
lucky day you may get 3 supporters, so it isn't as great
Peace Out y'all
Espeon |
Banette ex:
Unlimited: 1/5
A 90 hp ex is 2 free prizes, dark weakness is Sneasel
bait, if you play supporters here, you lose anyways. Is
there any point to playing this?
Modified: 4/5
For quite a while, this card was synonymous with the
world "potential". 2 for up to 90 and a pretty good
power seems way too good to pass, even on a 90 hp ex.
The Banette SD at worlds may have flopped for the most
part but this season, it returns as an early favorite to
take a few cities. The addition of Banette CG adds
another weapon to the deck as well as Sableye CG. We'll
see if its potential can be realized now.
Limited: 4/5
Even without that many supporters, 2 for 40-50 is still
a good deal in Limited and the power could keep it alive
while setting up kills. 90 hp is low for a stage 1 ex
but it can usually kill more than 2 before it bites the