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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Crystal Gaurdian
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.41
Limited: 2.6
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Sableye (CG)
Sableye (CG) is one of those basics that you look to find a
combination with. Some of its obvious uses are with Banette
ex and Nidoqueen d, putting supporters and Pokemon
(respectively) in the discard pile. Unfortunately, most
times you will end up whiffing, and by the time you do get a
few cards in the discard pile, you will have reached the
maximum damage for these attacks.
You can also use the power to decide whether or not you can
benefit from drawing a card on top of your deck. For
example, if you plan on using a card like TV Reporter, you
can check to see if the top card of your deck is useful. If
it isn't, you can discard it, giving you a better chance at
drawing something with TV Reporter that you could use.
Disable obviously works well against any Pokemon with one
attack (ironically including Banette ex), but decks usually
find ways to work around it. Because it only does 10
damage, the best you can hope to do is maybe stall a few
turns and end up giving a prize.
With so many free retreating Pokemon and attacking options,
Disable will rarely hinder an opponent. There are obviously
multiple cards that can benefit from having cards in the
discard pile, but Sableye only gives you a small chance of
getting this. If you're looking for a good combo, there's
over 100 better ones that don't involve Sableye.
In limited, Disable can sometimes put your opponent's in
a difficult situation for a few turns, or limit some other
basics attack so that they are slowed down, perhaps dealing
10 damage back and forth with you. If you have more
evolutions in your deck, you will usually end up benefiting
from the time stalled with Sableye, as you will end up
overpowering your opponent eventually.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Sableye – CG
An interesting card. Sableye’s Power allows you to discard
any card off of the top of your deck. This can be combined
with things like Banette to get Supporters in the discard,
or Dragonite d to get lightning energy in the discard. His
attack isn’t bad either. 10 damage and shutting off an
attack for 1 energy can be devastating against a lot of the
new EX Pokemon that only have one attack, like Flygon ex d
or Gardy ex d, and also against some of the old ones, like
Banette ex. In general though, Pokemon is not a game where
you want to discard things from your deck, so I don’t see
this card being that helpful.
Unlimited: Not very useful. I can’t think of any combos
using this card. Seems like a waste of a bench spot. 1/5
Modified: Useful in certain decks. Average power, average
attack, and average stats make for an average Pokemon. 3/5
Limited: I can’t really see someone drafting well enough to
come up with a combo to make use of the power. The attacks
quite bad in draft, seeing as most basics have multiple
attacks, and 10 damage isn’t going to add up fast. 1/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Sableye CG
Modified 2.5/5 - It is useful for decks that takes advantage
having specific type of cards in the discard pile. One of the
obvious combinations is with Banette ex, where filling up the
discard pile with 6 or more Supporters have serious value. Other
potential combinations (but probably less attractive) would be
with Delcatty ex, Nidoking delta, etc. In terms of building up a
discard pile with Energy cards, you can simply use Holon
trainers to do the job, and use Mantine delta and Tyranitar
delta for energy advantage. Sableye CG isn't the best Pokemon
for that job.
Since the Pokemon is very deck specific, and it's very hard to
make it game-breaking, I can't give it a huge score.
Raichu88 |
My name is Sableye
Don’t be affraid
I discard your topdeck
With my excavate
Unlimited: We have better Basis Dark Pokemon. You don’t
really need his Power
in this Format. Disable is nice and resistance for
Colorless is good against Clefable.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: This is a nice add up for Yesterdays CotD.
Because of it’s Power you have a chance to do more
damage with Shadow Chant. And it’s Resistance is kinda
Rating : 2/5
Limited: It can Disable and do damage, this can be very
annoying in Limited.
Rating: 2/5
Kempley05 |
Sableye CG
Not a bad card, excavate has a lot of abilities in terms
of deck thinning and allows you to control a little more
of your game. Possibly he could be used in decks that
like discard, I'm thinking Metanite possibly. Apart from
that he's a possible card in Mewtric as his attack can
stop Pokémon with one attack right in their tracks (Charizard
d, Metagross d) however most have 2 or more. Has
potentially and could make it into several decks,
however the decks that use him won't be great in number.
Unlimited - 1/5
Modified - 2/5
Limited - 3/5
Espeon |
Sableye CG:
Unlimited: 1/5
Woah its a 60 hp dark Pokemon with no weakness =O sounds
an awful lot like another card in Unlimited eh?
Not quite... they wouldn't need to ban this one from the
STS if it was out back then because nobody in their
right mind would of played it there.
Modified: 2/5
Theres way better powers out there that actually let you
draw the card.
Possibly could see play with Banette ex but in any other
deck, its like this card WANTS to fail. And it does.
Limited: 4/5
No weakness! Alot of Pokemon here have 1 attack so
hitting them with disable means they can't attack! The
power is actually pretty useful here.