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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sceptile ex d
Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.25
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Computer Guy |
Sceptile ex from Ex Crystal
This is one of the better ex's in the set. The HP is
solid, the attack is nice and the Poke-Power is brutal,
in giving all pokemon ex an extra energy cost and
shutting off all of there Poke-Powers and Poke-Body's.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5
The Great Cell |
Hello everyone out there at Pojo! On this Labor Day
we'll take a look at a hot new Psychic type from Crystal
Guardians, Sceptile ex.
Unlimited (2.25/5): Surprisingly decent here, although
it still has a lot of shortcomings. Not being able to
shut down your opponents’ ex Poke-Bodies is a huge
issue, especially since Vileplume ex HL is a popular
card for its ability to halt all non-supporter trainers.
If you could find a way to shut off your own Poke-Body
(it increases the cost of your attack too!), or an
effective counter to Energy Removal, then Power Revenge
would be extremely brutal and cost-efficient. Last of
all, the resistance to water is too awesome against the
popular Blastoise-themed decks (so long as their main
attacker is water). I’ll go out on a limb and maybe
overrate it, but Sceptile has some real potential.
Modified (4.25/5): Hmmmm, I’d say that Scepty’s a real
powerhouse in this format. While there are some obscure
ways that shut off extra liquid in Unlimited, in
Modified, the in-practice cost of Power Revenge should
almost always be three (unless you have Battle Frontier
in play/Crystal Shard attached to Sceptile). Regardless,
Power Revenge is an efficiently priced, powerful attack.
I wish that this card was around when Blastoise ex and
Electrode ex were popular, but Extra Liquid’s still
great against the wide variety of ex Poke-Powers,
especially some of the newer ones found in Crystal
The “d” symbol on Sceptile ex instantly makes it a
better card, because it can be applied to excellent
trainers like Holon Researcher, Holon Ruins, and Holon
Lake, and this could help it be a consistent deck. While
I’ll state as a disclaimer that I’m not that
knowledgeable about the DX-on format yet (we’ve only
officially had it for three days), I see world class
decks such as Mew ex/Manetric ex, the Eeveelutions (as
if it weren’t crippled enough by the format rotation),
and Flariados getting completely dominated by a solid
Sceptile list.
I don’t know if I’ll be saying, “I told you so” or be
eating my own words a few months from now, but Sceptile
ex has the makings of a great deck.
Limited (2.5/5): It’s a fat ex that can just plow
through stuff…not much more to know, but with that said,
it’s kinda lame compared to most ex attackers. Four
prizes means an instant cap on damage potential, and
while it fares a lot better in sealed play, in draft an
opponent could just do something as stupid as Ivysaur
Swarm and win with ease :/. Really disappointing
compared to most stage two ex’s, which is ironic since
the same rating in unlimited is a godsend for newer
cards, and all that praise in “Modified” doesn’t amount
Overall, Sceptile ex is one of the most promising cards
to come out of EX: Crystal Guardians, and I’m hoping to
see what it can really do come City Championships.

Joker Boi |
Joker Boi
Sceptile ex~ Right now I am working on a deck involving
this guy with a friend. Sceptile ex to me is sorta weird
he is not to detailed but not to simple. His body shuts
off all ex powers AND requires all exs one more energy
to attack which is almost never a bad thing. At a first
glance it seems that Sceptile has a attack that is 2 for
60 but in reality due to his body it is 3 for 60+ the 60
can reach a high of 110 also. I cant say I dont like
this card I mean the only problem is the fact that he
has double weakness which could cause him not to be seen
Modified 3/5 Limited 4/5 Unlimited 2/5
Raichu88 |
Yeahh It’s my birthday finally 18 ;-)
My name is Sceptile
You might feel sore
Cause with my Power
You’ll pay 1 Energy more
Unlimited: Powers are big here so could be nice and it’s
attack is fairly cheap and does a nice amount of damage,
so yeah with the right combination.
Rating : 2.5/5
Modified: Good here but only at late game in the
beginning it’s just a Bench sitter.
I can’t think of any Combo with this card right now but
maybe with the new Sceptile from POP4. (Not sure what it
does but it seems that it will be a reprint of the RS
Energy Trans version)
Rating : 3/5
Limited: Hell Yeahh take it stops Powers does 60 for two
plus 10 if your behind in prizes.
Nice Card ;-)
Rating : 4/5