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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Fearow δ
Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.16
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 2.96
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Fearow CG
Modified (DX-on): 1/5 - Sorry the Pokemon is simply too weak,
and its Poke-Power is trivial. There are many better options to
get Pokemon out, than to waste the deck space on a stage 1 line.
1234 |
“Delta Sign” is like a Celio’s Network that you can use
to find Pokémon-EX, but it only works on δ Pokémon (at
least it doesn’t use up your supporter for the turn).
The Poké-Power is really the only thing about this card
that makes it playable (yes, a playable Fearow!).
Unlimited: OHKOs from Electabuzz [BS] are all you’ll
get. 1/5
Modified: If you’re searching for basics, the only card
you should need is Lanette's Net Search/Holon Mentor.
The only reason you should need this is to search for
evolved Pokémon. The HP is low (Raichu [HP]/Shiftry EX
will tear it apart and get an easy prize before you can
get any good use from this card). 1.7/5
Limited: There a few playable δ Pokémon in CG. If you
can’t get any Celio’s/Dual Ball/Pokéball/Pokénav, then
maybe you could get some use from Fearow 1.9/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Kevin89 |
Fearow CG
I haven't really looked for a combo with delta pokemon
in unlimited so I may be wrong, but Fearow is pointless
as long as delta pokemon aren't good in unlimited.
Fearow is a cool card, it has a very interesting
poke-power which searches for a pokemon d. Fearow will
definitely speed up your play, but the problem is that
fearow only has 60 HP. Cursed stone will eat it alive,
and unlike pidgeot, this bird can't hold it's own while
active. Nonetheless, Fearow doesn't have any problems
with battle frontier and it's VERY helpful in most delta
I didn't play any prerelease so I can only base this on
Fearow, in combination with stronger delta pokemon can
be a killer, use celio to search for a fearow, and use
fearow the rest of the game to get your monsters out. 30
damage isn't even that bad here so Fearow is definitely
the way to go.
Computer Guy |
Fearow from Ex Crystal Guardians.
The Poke-Power works great in any delta deck. Other than
that fact pretty useless.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 3/5