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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ex Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.5
Modified: 2.65
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Dugtrio CG
Modified 3/5 - I think protecting your Bench can be quite
valuable, since Steelix ex will still be a major force. The
attacks are average, but I think Dugtrio will worth a 2-2 line
(Basic - Stage 1) for a number of decks.
It depends if your primary attacker, such as Aggron ex, would be
a huge energy investment that's worth protecting on the Bench.
Computer Guy |
Dugtrio from Ex Crystal Guardians. Apparently the first
Dugtrio reviewed ever at Pojo.
The Poke-Boby is what makes this card stand out. By
preventing benched damage that almost shuts down Delta
Eggs and any other decks that hit the bench like Steelix
The attacks are nice too.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
DarkJake |
Over-rated alert. Let's take a gander at the stats; 70
HP for a Stage 1 is pretty bad, it should've been
higher. Dig Under isn't priced so bad, although the
biggest problem is that Dugtrio is to be only considered
as a tech to sit on the bench, playing a deck surrounded
by him wouldn't be so smart because 70 HP is easy to do,
and fitting in fighting energy isn't. The 2nd attack, 60
for FCC, is again, not very special. People want to use
Dugtrio for his body, as long as Dugtrio is in play
(even on bench) your opponent can't do damage to you via
attacks. Of course, reversals, ER2s, and non-damaging
bench-hitting (damage counters, switching) will still
affect you. The biggest problem is how popular Cease
Crystal is getting, and with that attached to an active,
Dugtrio becomes a dead card.
Unlimited: Oh please. 1/5
Modified: I don't like this guy…some people say there's
a future in him, but a 1-1 line (wasting 2 card spaces)
to gain a GAMBLE AT SPECIFIC IMMUNITY just doesn't cut
it for me. 2/5
Limited: Not that great, because Cease Crystal is in
this actual set…I guess it is a strong stage 1 for
draft. 3/5
Raichu88 |
My name is Dugtrio
I cause tremors 1.7 on the scale
Your bench can’t be damaged
Because of my Sand Veil
Woow we never reviewd a Dugtrio before 0_0
Unlimited: There isn’t a decent Pokemon in Unlimited
that can hit the damage, Sure there are enough choices
and combo to choose, but the popular decks in Unlimited
don’t have any bench hitters. And it’s attacks aren’t
that good.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Kinda nice even though Steelix isn’t that fast
anymore (No Blastoise Ex) There are other ways but even
if it was fast enough to do it, this guy will prevent it
cause of the Sand Veil Poke-Body. It would be a nice ad
to a Polistall deck (Look at SceptileRancher’s Tip)
Rating : 2/5
Limited: There will always be some bench hitters out
here and this guy stop them not only that it can hit the
bench itself too and 3 for 60 is a good only thing bad
that it does 10 to itself.
Rating : 2.5/5