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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Crystal Guardian
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2.85
Limited: 1.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Mawile CG
Modified 2.5/5 - Not that sure about its potential yet, but it
is very similar to Lunatone LM's attack, allowing you to find
trainers. However, this version is much better, because you can
also find Supporters. It just depends if there are better things
to do in turn 1 (such as investing an Energy to your main
attacker's pre-evolutions) in a given situation.
Kempley05 |
Mawile CG
Mawile is in my opinion one of the more underrated
potential starters in CG. We say last year How Lunatone
LM made its name as being a great starter, in some the
the best decks, including RK9, some Draggytode at worlds
and Bannete/Medicham. Although he doesn't get rid of
Fire and colourless bodies like Lunarock, he allows you
to search for supporters enhancing your set up even
further. I see him being a good starter in stage 2, slow
set-up decks, as well as a possible tech in Mewtric. In
addition he can search and instantly attach tools, which
gets round the trainer lock against decks like Mewtric,
and if you search for Cessation Crystal, it get rids of
Verstatile, Smooth Over, and every other power and body
in the game.
Unlimited - 1/5
Modified - 3/5 - like I say, its a technically good card
that will see play, to what extent is yet to be seen.
Limited - 2.5/5 Not many trainers here, but still good
to search for any you might have

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Mawile from Crystal
Guardians. This card is the perfect pokemon to make use
of, and abuse all of the new Pokemon tools. For 1
colorless energy, you can search you deck for any
trainer card, and if you grab a tool you can attach it.
This is important, because with new decks depending on
powers and bodies to set up. A cessation crystal, turn 1
can cause massive damage. The second attack can be just
as good, (Mew ex beware) causing 50 damage to an ex on
turn 2. So if you’re looking for a starter, Mawile is a
solid choice
Combos: Works well with any pokemon that makes use of
tools. Kingler (CG),
Slowking (UF)
Modified: 3/5 Can be just as helpful as it can be
Limited: 1/5 No Metal means no attack.
Current ebay Value: $1.50 (plus or minus $.75 cent)
Raichu88 |
My name is Mawile
I’ll show you my mining
It will give you a Trainer
So please stop whining
Unlimited: The first attack is nice but we have better
search like CPU. Bite Off
Is ok I guess cause there still is Vileplume ex and
Suicune ex.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Could become great here but not sure if it
will really become that great.
I mean he has a great first attack wich is sorta like
Lunatone’s but this time you can search
for a supporter as well. And that makes some kind of a
deferens. It can attack Ex’s for more kinda like Jirachi
and it has resistance for Metal. Has potential but needs
the right fit.
Rating : 2/5
Limited: Nice since you can search for trainer and
supporter wich you don’t have much in Limited.
Rating : 1.5/5
Computer Guy |
Mawile from Ex Crystal Guardians.
I love this card because it can get you a trainer first
turn. If you get a pokemon tool card you get to attach
it to a pokemon. That could be a first turn Cessation
Crystal. There are many other combos out there.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3/5