Raichu88 |
My name is Warp
You get to choose
Which Pokemon goes
That you might
gonna loose
Unlimited: Nice
card depends on the Deck.
Rating : 3/5
Modified: Good
here can really surprise your opponent but like
Unlimited it really depends on the Deck, cause some
Decks rather use Switch.
Rating : 3/5
Switching is the Key to Win in Limited so take it.
Rating : 5/5

garsh0p |
4/2 Warp Point
This is one of those cards that I personally feel
belongs in every deck (except decks that have free
retreat, such as Delta). Warp Point can be game
changing, whether it is to remove one of your opponent's
pesky pokemon from active position or to retreat one of
your own. Its a simple concept that involves very
strategic plays. Its also a short term solution to
Cessation Crystal. A very useful card indeed.
4.5 / 5 |

Alex Bramham
Top 8
UK Nationals
2006 |
Warp point
A potent card for use with high retreat cost pokémon or
for ridding a pokéemon of special conditions.
Unfortunately, if the opponent chooses a free retreat
pokemon such as the popular latios ex d or beldum d,
then they can simply retreat back. Early game, it's an
ideal card though because after a mentor is played you
have your ideal starter pokemon. It can also slow your
opponent's delta draw if they start with a castform and
a delta pokémon. By my no means is Warp point a bad deck
choice but its use can be somewhat limited.
Modified: 3/5 |

Anthony C
AKA- The Ft. Laud. Loud Mounth
League Leader
Top 32 Grinder 2004
Warp Point
Unlimited- Gust of Wind is so much
better here, the only reason you should
have to use it is to save your active
pokemon from being KOed. Rating 1.5/5
Modified- Very Nice card for
disrupting your opponent, especially
if a pokemon on you bench can KO any
pokemon on your opponents
bench. Rating 3/5
Limited- Good card to have
especially if you have your
active pokemon effected by a
special condition. Rating 3/5
-the ft. laud. loud mouth

Steve Silvestro
8 @ Nats
2006 10th at Worlds |
Warp Point :
Unlimited 3/5 : While this card is good in unlimited ,
there are better double switch cards. Most notably ,
Double Gust.
Modifed 4/5: Almost a staple but not quite. More or
less a very nice luxury. Nice for disruption AND status
Limited 2/5: Not very good in limited but playable. If
you want to toss a little bit of disruption play it. |