Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Anthony C
AKA- The Ft. Laud. Loud Mounth
League Leader
Top 32 Grinder 2004
Flareon EX
Unlimited- Blastoise and Feraligatr KO Rating 1/5
Modified- When combed with Ariados from UF this card
can do 70 damage for 1 energy and possibly 20 more
on a burn flip. Rating 4/5
Limited- This is a pretty decent EX in limited
events, the power causes 2 special conditions which
can change the game in limited, and it does 30
damage for 2 energies and reduces damage next turn
by 20. Its 2nd attack is decent also, 70 damage for
3 energies attached, but you must take 10 damage, a
small price to pay since most cards you will face in
limited has 70 hp or less. Rating 4/5
-the ft. laud. loud mouth
PTO - St. Louis
Flareon EX - Deltas
Ahhh, the card that runs the Flariados deck, and several
eevelution engines!! I like starting here!
110 HP, 1 retreat cost...both good for a stage 1 EX
Pokepower that makes your opponent's active Burned and
Confused...really NICE.
It is easy to see where the easy combo between this and
UF Ariados came in...and it also has a few other Pokemon
that scream "abuse me", such as the Power Keepers
Skarmory EX (3 damage counters on you if you retreat),
other Eeveultions - (Jolteon EX - to put even more
damage counters on), and Absol EX from Power Keepers -
move 3 damage around to set the kill.
The 110 HP is 10 more than Rayquaza * can dish out (Deoxys
set), so it is an even better reason to keep this card
Let's see....let's rate it...
Unlimited. Surprising, I only give this a 2/5 here. The
ability to combo (still) with Ariados for a 1 energy
attacker, is downplayed by the numerous pokemon with 1
retreat cost in unlimited. Even though it is a stage 1,
comboing with stage 1s, it may be TOO SLOW for the
format! Someone will prove me wrong, I am sure!
Modified. Hmmm..let's see, a fire type, which Steelix,
Metagross and Scizor just DO NOT LIKE. A power that
hits, EVERYONE, and an easy combo card that can make a
deck miserable that does not play switch. The weakness
is not being delta, but other than that, there are two
major decks that this is used in, Flariados (Flareon
with Ariados UF), and Absolutions (Absol EX, Power
Keepers with Flareon EX and other Eevelutions)...I am
going to give this a 4.5/5....any card played by the big
players must be noticed.
Limited (draft)...5/5 the only weakness is giving up 2
prizes...and the bonus of getting this baby is HUGE.
Once it gets rolling, it is tough to stop, especially in
a set that has pieces that are weak to fire. Take him,
play him. Eevees are easy in this set too!
Great to be back a part of the COTD Team!
British Nationals
Flareon Ex
He’s got a decent power, good hp
And ok attacks, but unless this
Card is in a flarios deck or a deck
Using swalot (CG) his power is not
Because of the many ways of removing
Special conditions (tropios, heal energy Retreating
etc). Although he may be Better against the pokemon with
high retreat Cost as it would be harder for them to get
rid Of the special condition.