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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Stantler lv. 38
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
Sorry for
another minimalist review, but again I just don’t have much time to
write and for once it’s a card I’ve deck tested, and even done so
LV.28 is a common from the latest set and it might become a common site
in decks. It is a Colorless Basic Pokémon that can’t
Evolve, but it has a solid 70 HP for such a
thing with only a +20 Fighting Weakness and a low Retreat Cost of one.
Its second attack, Frightening Horn is only two Energy, and it yields 20
damage and automatically Confuses the
Defending Pokémon if said Pokémon isn’t an Evolved Pokémon. The real
reason to run it, though, is for Lead. Lead is a no-Energy requiring
attack that lets you snag a Supporter from your deck and add it to your
hand. This can be very useful for setting up, though sometimes you wish
this was a smaller Pokémon so your opponent could KO it and get it out
of your Active slot for you. Of course it isn’t too hard to Retreat,
but that takes Energy and eats up a bench slot: many decks can’t spare

goose |
Stantler Lv.28 SW
Hello there pokemon fans, today’s COTD is one that
replaced a starter that was already there. Chingling
MT has a first attack exactly like Stantler’s first
attack (With only a slight name difference.) The
second attack on this thing is O.K. won’t be used
much other than in a few specific cases (Like vs.
Rayquaza EX (Delta)) Also, this card has 30 more HP
than Chingling, making it a little better there too.
The only reason you’d use Chingling over this is if
A. you couldn’t get Stantler, or B. you had a
psychic deck and could also use Chimecho (Which is
nice is Dark Palm (Nidoqueen + Dusknior (Also called
Pros (Compared to Chingling) –
30 more HP
Has a second attack
Colorless fits better
Cons (Compared to Chingling) –
Can’t evolve
Fighting weakness
Unlimited – Supporters here? 1/5
Modified – If you need a specific supporter, this is
your guy. 3.75/5
Limited – search your deck for the already hard to
pull supporters. 4.35/5
This is the last COTD before Christmas, here's
hoping you have a great Christmas!

Raichu88 |
My name is Stantler
I’m Santa’s helper
I pull his sleigh
In trade for shelter
Unlimted: You hardly play any Supporters in Unlimited…
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Good card it’s in a lot of Decks. It’s better
then Chingling cus of it’s HP.
You can get a Supporter card from your Deck for free, so
you can begin your setup.
The little downside about it is that it has weakness for
fighting wich is kinda popular nowadays.
Second attack isn’t to bad either.
Rating : 3.5/5
Limited: If you were lucky enough to get a Supporter
take it. This will thin your Deck and get what you need.
Rating : 3/5 |
Chris Nagel |
Hey everybody, this
is my first ever COTD, so I just want to give a little
introduction about myself. I started playing Pokemon a
long time ago, when Jungle was a new set. I took a break
for a few years, and then finally came back to the game
last year. Since I came back, I made to a Secret Wonders
prerelease and then 2 City Championships this year. So I
am very happy to be doing this, to help all of you as
well as myself by doing Pojo's COTD. I'll keep my
reviews detailed, but not too long so that it is
agonizingly boring. Anyway here is today's:
Name: Stantler
Set: Secret Wonders
Rarity: Common
Overview: OK, so Stantler is a basic colorless Pokemon,
which does not evolve. It has 70 HP, +20 Weakness to
fighting, no Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 1. Its
first attack, 'Lead,' has no energy cost and allows you
to search your deck for a Supporter card and put it into
your hand. Its second attack, 'Frighten Horn,' has an
energy cost of CC, doing 20 damage and giving automatic
confusion only if the defending Pokemon isn't an evolved
Analysis: Stantler has some great attributes and some
not so great attributes. 70 HP for a basic is usually
great, but for one that doesn't evolve, it isn't. +20
weakness to fighting is not bad. It's attacks are also
not very strong. However, Stantler should not be used as
an attacking Pokemon, but more as a setup/situational
Pokemon. If you get him in your starting hand, he better
start as your Active. Being able to search for any
supporter in your deck makes him very useful in the
early game to help setup. Also, Frighten Horn can be
great as a defense against SW Absol (which has become a
fixture in so many modified decks) and other powerful
basics. But, again, Frighten Horn would only be useful
early game as well, because it only does 20 damage and
almost all decks use evolutions, meaning the confusion
effect will become nonexistent the further you go into a
game. This is where I repeat that Stantler should be
used as a helper Pokemon to start the game until you get
your big guns ready. And Stantler will help to get them
ready faster with Lead and provide protection from Absol
with Frighten Horn.
Unlimited - Unlimited decks should not be using many
supporters, so Stantler would not be very helpful and
would just provide easy KO's for your opponent. (1/5)
Modified - Stantler represents a great starting Pokemon
and will help you set up faster. It also provides some
protection from SW Absol with the confusion effect of
Frighten Horn. Use it as a helper to setup for your main
attackers. (4/5)
Limited - Stantler is awesome in this format. At a
prerelease I attended, almost everyone got at least one
supporter (I got 3). Stantler helps to get them so that
you can setup faster. Also, Frighten Horn is very
useful: I T2'ed an opposing Farfetch'd with a Pluspower
and then a flip for tails on confusion. (4.5/5) |