2006 World
Champion |
150 without discarding energy is huge. However, discarding 5
cards is the problem. This downside can be made almost
meaningless when using Salamence ex to pick up your last 2-3
Hydro Wave will generally be less useful than Volcanic
Flame, but using it repeatedly can wreck any deck.
The best thing about Salamence is its ability to utilize
Holon's Castform so effectively. The worst thing is its
colorless weakness, as players can use Crystal Shard to
score an easy OHKO.
Modified 4/5 |

Raichu88 |
My name is Salamence
I am just too lame
I’ll do 150 damage
With my Volcanic Flame
Unlimited: It’s an Ex with a terrible weakness being
colorless meaning Wigglytuff Ex eats this thing.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: We have a lot better things to do 150 like
Latios* and Latias*. And the weakness is terrible with
al the Crystal Shards around.
Rating : 2/5
Limited: If you can get it out it’s second attack can be
devastating and with 160 HP it will last long.
Rating : 3/5\ |

Steve Silvestro
Top 4 at Worlds
2006 10th at Worlds |
Review #2 Power Keepers Salamence:
Unlimited Rating 1/5: Being a stage 2 with very high
attack costs make him nearly useless in the Unlimited
Modified Rating 2/5: In modified if you get an
exceptional start this card has the potential to excell
, but needs a great supporting line.
Limited Rating 1/5: His high attack cost makes him very
unusefull in limited and the constant discarding
(Whether it be energy or cards from your deck). |

garsh0p |
2/21 Salamence ex PK
When the scan of this first came out, there were people
both praising and bashing it. I didn't realize how good
it was until I had it used against me.
4 for 150 is amazing. Although 5 cards from the top of
your deck may seem like alot, it won't matter if you put
yourself in a winning position. YOu don't need any
energy support either, so you can launch this attack 2-3
times in a row to finish off your opponent.
Hydro Wave is also a very strong attack. I've had an
opponent take 4 prizes on my benched pokemon in 2 turns
to win the game. It's extremely deadly.
With the strength of Salamence decks these days, I don't
think it ought to be all that hard to find a way to play
this card. 160 HP makes it a pain to take down and safe
from a OHKO from Lati@s*.
4/5 |