2006 World
Champion |
Although Psychic Protector is shut off by Battle Frontier,
this is no longer as big an issue as it was in the last
format. Psychic Protector can make Flygon ex a very hard
OHKO target, but unfortunately, Pokemon like Latios* and
Lugia ex are getting the KO regardless of how many cards you
Slashing Strike is a mediocre attack which works well with
Boost Energy. Although tails stops you from attacking with
it next turn, its free retreat lets you easily bring in a
new attacker on the next turn.
Modified 3/5 |

Steve Silvestro
Top 4 at Worlds
2006 10th at Worlds |
Power Keepers Flygon EX:
Unlimited Rating 3/5: With the constant hand refreshing in
the Unlimited format discarding 4 is not very bad at all. As
long as you avoid decks that can deal huge damage you will
be able to stay alive for some time!
Modified Rating 4/5: This card as HUGE potential in this
format. Try using it with Delcatty (PK) and Magneton (PK) to
constantly keep cards in your hand to use Flygon's Poke-BODY
for constant -40.
Limited Rating 3/5: If you can get him out he will rule the
game.Most Pokemon in Limited cannot maintain more than 30-40
a turn. Keep reducing that damage and you are sure to win
the game. |

Raichu88 |
My name
is Flygon
Damage I can stand
I block
it with my Body
For 4
cards from your hand
Unlimited: Nope not a good card terrible weakness
and lame attack.
: 1/5
Modified: We have a way better Flygon Ex in both
Dragon Frontiers and Legend Maker. With the one from
Dragon Frontiers being the best. I asked myself do
we really need another Flygon Ex? Apparently we did.
With 150 HP it’s just as strong as it other
counterparts but as for it’s Body and it’s Attack
it’s just a weak card. The only plus it has is free
retreat but with Phoebe’s Stadium out now that’s out
of the picture for Flygon d Ex.
: 1/5
Limited: Good if you can build one but it’s attack
still is risky. But with 150 I would still try.
: 2/5

garsh0p |
2/23 Flygon ex PK
3 for 70 with a 50/50 chance of not being able to attack
next turn is absolutely horrible for an stage 2 ex. Its
body is nothing to write home about. Free retreat and
lightning resistance are the only good things on this
card. You won't have room for this if you're playing
Flygon d and Flygon ex DF.
1.5 / 5 |