2006 World
Champion |
Like Banette ex, Banette PK works best later in the game.
However, Grudge is never going to achieve the 90 that Shadow
Chant can. Bench Manipulation is not as strong as it looks,
as it's doing 80 or less half the time to a full bench.
However, having a Pokemon that doesn't give up two prizes is
a nice reason consider playing one in your Banette deck.
Modified 2/5 |

Steve Silvestro
Top 4 at Worlds
2006 10th at Worlds |
Bannete PK:
Unlimited Rating 1/5: Type specific attacks make this card
very bad in unlimited. And his attacks are very sub-par
Modified Rating 2/5: This card is inferior to other Bannetes
in the format.Grudge maxes out at 70 which is less than
Bannete EX , and this card doesn't have Safe-Guard. Bench
Manipulation is decent at best. Most Banny decks run Giant
Stump so players will be weary to put their basics down.
Limited Rating 3/5: The only reason this card earns a 3/5
from me is because of his bottom attack. Grudge is terrible
in a 4 prize card format. However in limited players will
have their bench full or nearly full. |

Raichu88 |
My name is Banette
It’s a frustration
I make you flip coins
With my Bench Manipulation
Unlimited: Weakness for Darkness means Sneasel will KO
it easy. And the attacks aren’t To good too.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: We have 2 better Banette’s to choose from like
the Ex version and the Safe Guard version. I really
don’t know why we would need another Banette.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Very nice card here. Bench Manipulation can do
a lot of damage cause in Limited your opponent will have
a full bench most of the time.
Rating : 2.5/5 |