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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dragonite δ
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 4.15
Limited: 1.85
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Great in combination with Metagross d, Dragonite d works
best to assist other Pokemon in attacking. Overall, its
attacks are quite weak, so you'll want to pick another delta
Pokemon and fit the Holon Engine into your deck.
Blastoise (Base) is probably your best form of energy
manipulation. A vulnerable target for Neo: Genesis Murkrow.
The difficulty of getting a Stage2 out means its usually a
dead card in your deck, even with Dratini & Dragonair.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Dragonite d
Dragonite d is the second half of the “Metanite” combo. Its
Poke-Power allows you to attach a Lightning Energy Card from
your discard pile to any of your benched Pokemon. This is
obviously insanely good with Metagross d’s Crush and Burn,
but also works well with anything else that discards energy,
like Lugia ex, or Latios*. Agility is also a nice attack to
buy some turns while you try and get another Metagross
Unlimited: 2/5
Slow, but does well against Energy Removal. Still pretty bad
here, though.
Modified: 4/5
Hurt by a lot of stadiums, but Delta Charge is still one of
the best Poke-Powers in the game right now, and makes
Metanite the beast it is.
Limited: 2/5
Slow stage 2 with Mediocre attacks, but Delta Charge is
alright here.
Kempley05 |
This week we’re reviewing some of the cards that see
play in one of the deck most popular decks so far this
year - “Metanite”
Today it’s Dragonite. This card is nothing special,
agility’s an ok attack, it’s second is very overpriced,
but it’s the power that makes this card a force to be
reckoned with.
Think back a couple of years ago to the deck “Blaze”, a
similar effect with fire energy dominated the format for
a year or so. We don’t have anything like the old
Blaziken ex, but the effect is still seeing play.
Largely it’s combined with Metagross from ds for some
big damage, but it’s also worked alongside Ampharos uf.
Expect to see more of it as we enter the new year. The
ability to capitalise on negative effects like discard
is very cool.
Unlimited 1/5 – There are better energy manipulation
cards around.
Modified 4.5/5 – Combined with the right attacker, one
of the best energy manipulation cards in the format.
Limited 2/5 - if you can set-up, a very good attacker,
but you’ll need the basic and stage 1 line, along with
metal energy.