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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Metagross δ
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 4.4
Limited: 2.3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Definitely a nice option to have in any deck that runs
Metagross (Deoxys), as it helps boost your consistency.
But overall, Metagross d works best and most effectively
with Dragonite d.
Without Dragonite d, Metagross's Crush and Burn attack is
extremely weak, as
it is difficult to have enough in play to use the attack
However, with Dragonite d, and the Holon Engine, Metagross d
becomes the primary focus of a consistent stage two deck.
A decent evolution. Lightning type is nice against new age
Rain Dance (Base
Blastoise/Suicune ex) decks. However, running Stage2's in
unlimited can cut
into your room for game-winning trainers, and Metagross is
going to need another back-up evolution to keep it
A great power. Relying on metal, its attack will be
difficult or impossible
to use, but getting it out can give you a big advantage.
Unfortunately, getting out a Stage2 is very hard, even if
you do manage to get the whole
1-1-1 line.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Metagross d
Metagross d from Delta Species is definitely one of those
cards that has a big effect on the Metagame right now.
Metanite (Metagross/Dragonite) is one of the top decks, if
not THE top deck in the format right now. Crush and Burn’s
synergy with Delta Charge is unreal. Delta Control isn’t the
best power by itself, but when you get multiple of these
things out, you’re gunna be able to go through your deck
fast, and have access to almost any card you need.
Unlimited: 1/5
Too slow, and too vulnerable to Energy Removal
Modified: 4/5
Amazing in Metanite, but not that great in much else. The
thing I dislike most about this card is that every deck has
a way to OHKO it, and when your Grosses go down, bad things
happen. It does have nice recovery though due to Delta
Control. UGH! I’m torn on this card :-D.
Limited: 2/5
Stage 2 = Bad in Limited
Crush and Burn = Terrible in Limited
Delta Control = AMAZING in Limited
I think I’ll give it the extra point just cause Delta
Control would be game breaking.
Kempley05 |
This week we’re reviewing some of the cards that see
play in one of the deck most popular decks so far this
year - “Metanite”
Today it’s Metagross. For me his power is a very strong
one, selective draw every turn is something very rare
this year. As his power is stackable multiples of these
in play mean typically you’ll draw the card you need –
as a draw engine, multiple fast Metagross are nearly as
good as last years Pidgeot. A turn 1 Metagross will give
you a huge advantage in setup.
His attack is particularly interesting. Very flexible
damage is always good, if you have the energy in play
you can knock out any Pokemon in this format. The
problem? You have to discard your crucial turn’s energy
attachment. Typically then this cards is combined with
energy manipulation – this year largely Dragonite which
we’ll review later, and last year Dragonite or Electrode
ex. A 2 Energy makes Metagross a very fast Pokemon, and
with the right backing cards to recover energy one of
the best in the format.
His high retreat is a problem, usually countered with
switch. Resistance to Grass is nice but not essential,
and there isn’t too much fire in this format besides
Arcanine. He’s also vulnerable to disruption cards like
Cursed Stone, Battle Frontier, Holon Legacy and
Cessation Crystal, but they’re all countered by
windstorm. This card has silenced it’s many critics, and
Metanite has had more top 2 finishes than any other deck
at cities this year.
Unlimited 1/5 – better options here.
Modified 4.5/5 – is the key card in one of the best
decks around
Limited 3/5 – if you can set-up, a very good attacker,
will be a nightmare to get it out though.