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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 2.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
A great addition to decks like Metanite or Sallygross,
making troublesome Stage2's an easy OHKO.
Stage2's are rare. If they're around, they're on the bench.
Fitting the necessary energy to do 50 damage is difficult.
80 HP prevents it from being absolutely terrible.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Probably the most playable Star Pokemon in the game at
the moment. Decks like Sallygross and Metanite drool
over this card, knowing it gives them a huge edge vs
each other, and in the mirror match. Definitely worth
the space.
Unlimited: 1/5
You wont see any stage 2s here, but you WILL see plenty
of Energy Removal for your LPR attack!
Modified: 4/5
A staple in energy manipulation decks. Stage 2’s are
very popular here. This card is a must.
Limited: 2/5
Nice first attack, but Shooting Star wont be helping
much here.

Hung |
Modified 4/5 - I like Latios* a bit more than Latias*,
because it can target both non-ex and ex Pokemon stage
2's. 150 damage is enough to One-Hit KO most of them,
and for a discard of 3 Energies, it's a good deal.
Kempley05 |
This week we’re reviewing some of the cards that see
play in one of the deck most popular decks so far this
year - “Metanite”
Today it’s Latios*. Like most stars he’s a tech as
opposed to a key part of the structure of your deck.
With Holons Pokemon he offers a quick knockout of all
but about 3 of the stage 2’s in this year’s format.
Great in Metanite, Mewtric and Megalix, an offer of a
basic and 3 energy for a stage 2 with a bunch of energy
is always a good thing. The decks you can use him in are
limited, but in the ones you can he’s great.
Limited – 1/5 Energy cost makes it difficult to run,
plus theres a lack of stage 2’s when compared to
Modified. Don’t expect to see much of it.
Modified – 4/5 – You can’t use this in any deck, but in
the ones you can it’s broken.
Limited – 3/5 - Not many stage 2’s, but 50 a turn with
80 HP for a basic Pokemon is nice, if you run the energy
right it’s OK.

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Latios*
from Deoxys.
The best Shinning pokemon to ever come
out, Latios* has 2 great attacks a low retreat cost, and
his only drawback is that you can only play with 1 of
him. For 1 colorless, you get to do 10 damage and heal
anyone of your pokemon in play. That one damage counter
may be the difference between a game and a turn 2 donk.
His second attack is the end all for any stage 2 pokemon.
150 will ohko any stage 2 in the game except T-TAR. And
with Holon castform, electrode, and magneton everywhere,
it’s an easy combination. If you can get your hands on
one of these guys, he will prove his worth in almost any
Anything that gets multiple energies into play, for a
surprise OHKO. Gardy d, Dragonite d.
If you
could play more than 1 he’d be perfect
it be very hard to get/keep all the right energy on him.
(Plus or minus
$ 4 dollars)
~Muk Man~
Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions
or comments, send an email to
DarkJake |
Finally a good card. Honestly, this guy is very, very,
VERY, good. Doing 150 damage to Stage 2s, OHKOing most
of them in the process? Where do I sign up? Any energy
manipulation deck that can handle Lightning, Psychic, or
Grass, should DEFENITELY play this guy! There's really
nothing more to say, it's just good, it makes big stage
2 decks like ttar ex δ a JOKE. I loooove this card.
Unlimited: ummm… nope. 1/5
Modified: YES PLEASE! In ANY deck that it CAN be played,
it SHOULD be played! A nonex with the ability to OHKO
Stage 2s, ex or non; with the use of a Castform…nice.
Limited: Pretty useful here, ironically crystal shard
CAN be drafted, lol. 3.5/5