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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon's Castform
EX Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.37
Modified: 5
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Holon's Castform
The best card in modified. Not only an amazing energy, but
allows every delta based deck to be consistent. Without
Holon's Castform, decks like Delta, Metanite, Sallygross
would have trouble setting up. Having the ability to use
Holon's Mentor to grab energy will greatly improve any
deck's consistency.
Here Delta based decks aren't strong, and it's another
target for Neo:
Genesis Murkrow.
With enough Delta Pokemon, its a decent opener. Overall, a
nice energy to have if you are running multiple types of

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Holon’s Castform
Arguably the best card in the game. Not only is Holon’s
Castform an amazing opener, but an amazing closer as well!
Delta Draw is an amazing opening for most decks, and
Castforms energy ability is insanely good at every stage of
the game, especially later on when you’re running low on
energy. Everything about this card is broken.
Unlimited: 1/5
Not as good as Cleffa, and it’s nasty Tyrogue bait. Sucks as
energy as well here, due to energy removal.
Modified: 5/5
Definitely a perfect score here. Everything about the card
is better than it should be. If you’re playing a setup deck,
4 of these are a necessity.
Limited: 5/5
You’ll have plenty of Delta Pokemon here, so Delta draw is
disgustingly good. The energy effect is still pretty nice to
have around as well.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Holon's Castform
Modified 5/5 - Without this Pokemon, delta Pokemon decks
wouldn't be as attractive and competitive as they are right now.
With Holon Mentor, this allows a fast and consistent setup of
your Pokemon army for most decks consisting of primarily delta
Kempley05 |
Holons Castform
This week we’re reviewing some of the cards that see
play in one of the deck most popular decks so far this
year - “Metanite”
Today it’s Holons Castform. I am quite happy to make a
bold statement here - this is the best card in the
Holon’s Castform is Mentorable energy that you can
attach to ex’s, and it’s huge draw in any delta deck, it
allows easy teching of Latios* or Latias*, the quantity
of cards you can get makes most delta decks work, it’s
easily the best starter in the format if you have delta
basics available. It sees play in decks like Metanite,
Raieggs, Sallygross, Flygon ex delta and so on – quite
right too.
Un-Limited – 1/5 – Bigger draw without attacking
available, not good here.
Modified – 5/5 – Like I say the best card in a delta
filled format.
Limited – 5/5 – Top notch card, special energy and draw
are precious in limited.

Computer Guy |
Holon's Castfrom
Holon's Castform is a card that is so good and useful
that nowadays it's extremely hard to come by. Combine it
with Holon Mentor and you've got this sweet combo that
lets you draw so many cards early in a game.
Not only is Holon's Castform a great draw card but its
also a great way to power up a card because it counts as
two of any type of energy. What makes the card even
better is that you can get it out of your deck with
Holon Mentor. Also when it's in the discard pile it
counts as a pokemon which means Power Tree would work
well with it.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 5/5
Limited: 4/5

Joker Boi |
Holons Castform~This is hands down the best pokemon card
in our modified format today. over half of the most
competitive decks out there play this card in their
decks to ensure maximum consitancy. The fact that We
have holons mentor makes castform a A+ starter and most
of the pokemon in modified today are delta. Another
bonus is the fact that it is not only a great starting
pokemon it is also acts as a better but worse double
rainbow energy that is searchable with mentor. If you
are making any delta based pokemon decks it would be
highly foolish of you not to play castform
Modified 5/5 Limited 4/5 Unlimited 2/5