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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Flygon δ
EX Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Working best with cards like Salamence d (which create a
Holon Engine based
deck), Flygon d can power up attackers which would usually
have too
demanding of energy costs. Combined with Chimecho d, Flygon
d becomes an
infinite supplier of powerful attacks.
The best energy manipulator will usually end up being
Blastoise (Base),
since it can power up the powerful Suicune ex's attack. Some
other options
that usually end up better are Blastoise ex (Fire Red/Leaf
Green), Blaziken
(Ruby/Sapphire), and Dragonite d (Delta Species).
A difficult attack to use, and a Stage2. You also may not
have enough
energy in your hand to abuse its power. Either that or
you'll be able to
use the attack you want to without needing Delta Supply.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Flygon d
Flygon d HP is quite a good card in this metagame. 110 HP is
nice, Lighting/Fighting resistance is AMAZING, colorless
weakness is fine, Swift is only OK, but Delta Supply is insanely
good with lots of things, namely Chimecho d and Salamance d.
Unlimited: 1/5
Slow stage 2 with a nastey vulnerability to Energy Removal. Wont
cut it here.
Modified: 3.5/5
Lightning resistance and Swift are great against Metanite. This
card has some MAJOR Banette and Delta problems though, which
sucks. Sally d fixes those problems quite nicely however!
Limited: 3/5
Great attack and power for limited, but it'll be hard to get out
in time.

Raichu88 |
My name is Flygon
I attach energy
So you can attack faster
To K.O your enemy
Unlimited: We have better Pokemon to do Energy attaching for us.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: This thing works so nice in Flygon d Ex Decks since
you get to attack a lot faster.
And it’s attack is nice when your Flygon d Ex runs into a Safe
Guard Pokemon. Just wacth out for Crystal Shard.
Rating : 3/5
Limited: If you can get it out it’s nice for it’s Power but
since it still needs Metal Energy your lucky if your attacking
with this guy.
Rating : 1.5/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Flygon d
Modified 3.5/5 - I think the fact that it requires you to have
the extra Basic Energies or Delta Rainbow Energies make this
card a bit less powerful than a Pokemon like Dragonite d.
Pokemon like Dragonite d can recycle Lightning Energies in the
discard pile, allowing you to reuse them late in the game where
you may have no more Energies in either your hand or your deck.
Nevertheless, this Pokemon is still an effective Energy
Accelerator. So try this Pokemon, with let's say Flygon ex
delta. I think you'll like the results.

Joker Boi |
Flygon d~This card has blown up since the release of Dragon
Frontiers I dunno if it was because of Flygon ex d or the fact
that Dragon Frontiers gave delta decks a great boost of speed
but whatever it was flygon is beginning to get played (in a good
way). Flygon is a stage 2 which isnt always nice but you have to
look at the ability having flygon d on your bench can put the
game in your hands in a matter of seconds one of the major
aspects of a game of pokemon is energy on your pokemon and being
able to use the attacks you need to use at the time you need to
use them flygon gives you a extra boost each turn. On another
note flygon hits for 60 and gets through alot of defensive
attacks with Swift a 2 retreat isnt to hot but again flygon
should almost never find himself as your active pokemon. In alot
of decks like flymence, flygon, or delta sploosh flygon is a
great tool to use and it is helping win games all over the
Modified 3/5 Limited 2/5 Unlimited 1/5