Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
"Ness" 2006 World
Sharpedo ex can be a fast & extremely disruptive Stage1.
Losing the classic
turn two engine (Jirachi (DX) + Swoop Teleporter) hurts,
because you are
forced to run multiple Professor Elm's Training Method and
Wally's Training
if you want to get that Sharpedo ex out quickly.
Decks that rely on Magcargo (DX) or other high retreating
Pokemon will have
a lot of trouble setting up against your infinite cycle of
Drag Offs, and
combined with Darkness Blast to take out their biggest
threats, Sharpedo ex
is actually a solid card in this format.
Darkness Blast has too expensive of an energy cost. The
basic is also very
weak and is typical Gust of Wind + OHKO bait.
You won't be using Darkness Blast, but the two colorless
Drag off can be
extremely effective.
"Chuck" Brosseau 5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player")
Sharpedo ex
Sharpedo ex was a lot better last format with Pow!, Admin,
and Swoop. Today, the only thing that makes it playable is
Banette ex’s popularity. Not a bad card, but not great at
the moment.
Unlimited: 1/5
Slow stage 1 that gets demolished by energy removal.
Modified: 3/5
Good counter to Banette, but lacks any decent support in the
form of trainers.
Limited: 3/5
Drag off is good, but you probably wont find the energy for
his 2nd attack.