Zorpa |
Yay a good card! At least from my perspective he is.
Water type Pokemon are always nice. But his HP is more
of what is this Pokemon's problem rather than his
attacks. It is 90, which is prime Infernape territory.
However his attacks are actually decent. Screw Tail does
a Hyper Beam effect and can be decent in the early game
to keep an opponent low on energy. However, his second
attack is just finger lickin' good. WW for 40 damage is
decent enough but you add not 10 but 20 for every water
energy not used to pay the cost up to 40 damage, this
means he is at 80 damage for WWWW! This card should stay
in Water decks because of that. His pre-evolved form is
not so bad either, and with 60 hp will likely survive
long enough to turn from Buizel to Floatzel.
Modified-3/5 (won't last long, but can kill Fire
"I was outta bullets!" |

goose |
Floatzel Lv. 29 D&P
Hello everybody. Today’s the last day of “Almost good
enough to play” week. Floatzel is a very, very fast
pokemon is the game, and part of that follows him over
into the card game (hence needing only two energy to do
either attack.) But sadly he doesn’t work, the HP is
within OHKOing distance of a blast from the mad monkey
lord, Infernape, and his attacks aren’t good enough. If
his first attack didn’t require a flip, then this would
be a good card.
Pros –
Discard energy on the opponent
Cons –
Flipping and all its flippingness
OHKOing distance for Infernape
Not enough damage on his attacks
Unlimited – I can make this card slow in one word,
Sneasle. 1/5
Modified – Meh, not good enough. 2.5/5
Limited – Discarding energy? Low retreat? Fast? Oh Yea.
Keep to the bench Floatzel while the big boys (and a
flaming mad monkey…) fight it out,
“Life’s Tough, get a helmet!” |

Alex M. |
Floatzel Lv. 29
Diamond and Pearl
Unlimited: 2/5 You could probably play this in a
Raindance deck. It's a Stage 1 so it could be powered up
fairly quickly.
Modified: 2.5/5 Water + DRE = OHKO of Infernape.
However, after the strong showing of Empoleon/Marowak at
Nationals this past weekend I don't see Infernape being
as hyped as it was.
Limited: 3.5/5 Ehhhh decent attacker here. You have a
chance of an ER in its first attack and a chance to do
80 with its second. This a decent card for Limited. |
Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Floatzel lv 29
nearly good enough to play......
40 for 2 and it can be bosted if you add a few W thats
30 and maybe energy discard for 2 thats ok
1 retreat thats ok
stage 1 with 90 hp thats ok too
BUT: in constructed "ok" just isnt enough it is very
unlikely that this card is ever going to do anything
big. Its too ordinary.
limited: its a rare people are likely to take it and
play it youre unlikely to get more than 2 in your deck
however if someone just keep passing them you migth as
well play it.
conclusion: Nothing special why play it?
classic 1 going to make NO impact whatsoever
modified 2.5 (Nearly playable)
limited 2.5 |
Patrick M. |
lv 29
pokemon is a stage one pokemon which
evolves from buizel its first attack 2 for
30 is a pretty standard attack with the
ability to discard 1 of your opponents
pokemon is pretty nice because it will
disrupt your opponet if you can get it off
early game then theres the 2nd attack which
is 40 for 2 which isnt bad but then you have
the possibiliy to do 80 if there are wwwwcc
attached and 6 for 80 really isnt that good
also it doesnt evolve which hurts it a lot
it has a pretty cheap retreat cost of one
but isnt really any use past easily game if
you have a fully charged floatazel you can
knock out infernape which is useful but the
fact that it wont reach the right energy in
time makes it not as good with that said
here are my ratings
1/5 no use here
3/5 could be worse then this
2/5 if you get the 2nd attack to 80 youll
knock out most basics but its 6 energy

Steve Silvestro
WCSTS Champ |
Floatzel: Ughz! =[
1/5 (Srsly, what more do I need to say) |