Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Alex Bramham
Top 8
UK Nationals
I don't think pluspower will "work" in many decks.
First, it can only be topdecked yet it is only needed in
certain situations. Second, many decks are starting to
use the castaway engine, where strength charm is far
more useful for being a tool. As I see it, all pluspower
will do for the format is leave people on edge if they
are against a pokemon that could KO them if it could
just do ten more damage.
Anthony C
AKA- The Ft. Laud. Loud Mounth
League Leader
Top 32 Grinder 2004
Unlimited- Not that good here, in unlimited you are
normally overkilling and don't need the extra 10 Rating
Modified- Good part about Pluspower it happens before
weakness and resistance, Bad part with the new way of
calculating weakness and resistance the good
part doesn't matter. STRENGTH CHARM becomes much better
then Pluspower because it can be searched out
with Castaway. Rating 2/5
Limited- Extra 10 damage can be good at times, but it
does take up space, only put it in if you have nothing
else good to put in. Rating 1.5/5
-the ft. laud. loud mouth
PTO - St. Louis
"You must respect my authoitae"
FINALLY! A card that
does not get like 0 rating from me as a trainer in this
Pluspower is a stackable trainer, that you can add to
pokemon that already have a tool, or another plus power
That's right kiddies...you can have a crystal shard AND
a pluspower! Or 2 plus powers, or even 3!
Problem is, being just a trainer, it is impossible to
search for it...but wait...what is that new Grass
Trainer/Pokemon...Budew...oh, this just may be playable!
10 extra damage dropped at the right time is
DEVASTATING. 20 is Oh...oh....CHAW! Too many people will
not see it coming, or see the raminfications of having 2
dropped on them...and
It is BEFORE weakness and resistance, so with the right
drop, it is +20 per pluspower! Combine with Crystal
Shard, and you go from resistant to ouch weak on some
This is more of dinosaur then the mysterious fossil, as
pluspower was put out in the first base set, and has now
made its return!
Unlimited...always good here! 4/5
Modified...some decks will use Strength Charm more
effectively, but other decks...it just works! 4/5
Limited...10 extra damage, no drawbacks, just too
devastating. 5/5
There you go!
Pluspower Diamond &
OH yes!!! They finally brought this thing back =) *Hugs
the nearest random bystander* O.K. now this was (and is)
a nice card. Simple effect that can change the game in
an instant. For those of you who don’t know, this is an
ancient reprint from plenty of packs starting with the
base set.
This card rocks as it can turn your 50 damage attack
that is 10 damage from being able to knock out your
opponents last pokemon, into GG (good game, used to say
the end of a game.)
Use this card in a fast deck that can do damage quickly
(like Lucario.)
Not a supporter.
10 extra damage.
None at all. =)
Unlimited – This card rocks, turning the already
powerful Sneasle into a umm… A Sneasle that can do 10
extra damage =P. 4/5
Modified – I predict lots of faster decks in the future.
Limited – Good here as it could mean game. 4/5
Wow this card rocks,
“Do you ever stop to think and forget to start again?”
James the
Hey again everyone
its Wednesday and for the next 2 days were looking at
Reprints right out of Base set and Jungle respectively.
Today were looking at plus power a Card that brings back
some very fond memories and well some not so pleasant
ones but lets not go there.
As I said Plus power isn’t a new cards Its from the
oldest set in the game, just reprinted so we can use it
again. Plus Powers Effect is pretty strait forward, you
attach it as if it were a Pokemon tool and get rid of it
at end of turn as though it were a supporter, it simply
adds 10 more damage to your attack BEFORE weakness and
resistance are applied. Sure 10 Damage may not seem like
a lot but every bit of damage counts. Its uses have gone
down a little overtime since we have a lot more trainers
out there that help decks out more then this one does,
and Pokemon generally have More Hp then back in the good
old days but if you find you have an extra slot left in
your deck then heck try a Plus Power you may be
Unlimited: 3/5 Not much to Say this cards pretty average
Modified: 3.5/5 I think this could combo well with the
new Pokemon with free attacks, What’s better then an
attack that hits for 10 damage for no Energy? An attack
that does 20 for free!
Limited: 4/5 Again with the free attacks on some pokemon
this Trainer may prove most useful in a Limited Draft
then in other formats.