Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Alex Bramham
Top 8
UK Nationals
With Electabuzz delta as a draw engine and anti-castform
and Elekid for setup, the deck status looks sound.
Resistance to metal is awesome, and the use of double
rainbow or scramble gives it similar powers to Raichu
delta. With dragonite delta for support, Electrivire
could become a strong archetype but 100HP is just short
to endure attacks, plus you would need to build multiple
dragonites to attack every turn. As dratini is not a
great starter, worries arise.
Electivire Lv. 46
Diamond & Pearl
Howdy. Today’s COTD is another new poke’ from D&P that
could have plenty of uses. First is the very nice stage
1 HP, second is the abuseability with Dragonite d (DS)
(Won’t be as good as Metanite but…) and last (but
certainly not least) is the fact that it could do 120
damage! You just Giga Impact for 60, then again for 120
for the KO, use Dragonite’s Poke’ power to bring those
energy back from the discard, then use Electivire’s
power to put those energy back onto Electivire.