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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Torterra LV. X

Diamond & Pearl


Date Reviewed: 05.30.07

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.17

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

My name is Torterra
I’m worth some cash
Even though I do 100
With my Vigorous Dash

Unlimited: It’s body can be outdone with Gust of Wind and the attack is to expensive.

Rating : 1/5

Modified: It’s power is nice but only works when behind in prizes. And in fact Torterra LV X
is a stage 3 you’re not gonna play it for it’s power. The attack cost is high and hurts yourself.
I don’t think this will see a lot of play.

Rating : 2/5

Limited: I don’t think you can get it out if you can sure play it, switching opponents Pokemon is good here.

Rating : 2.5/5

Torterra Lv. X Diamond & Pearl
Good day to you. The COTD today is one of the three Lv. X’s in the set. What make these pokemon so unique is the ability to be placed on a pokemon as long as it has the same name.
This Lv. X is a must if you want a Torterra deck as the only non-Lv. X Torterra out there is weak by his own rights. The only reason this guy could work is because of that 100 damage attack, to bad it costs 4 energies and does damage to Torterra himself (even though it does do damage to an opponents benched poke’.) This card is also very, very slow, too slow for the metagame. Not only do you have to evolve a pokemon to a stage 2, but you also have to use this guy on him the next turn. That makes him way too slow.
Nice 160 HP
100 damage attack
Very nice poke’ power
No great non-Lv. X Torterra
4 retreat
He’s still a 2.H.K.O. for Flygon EX
He’s a Lv. X (although this would seem good, it is not. Lv. X’s need to be put on the same card as themselves, which make them slow. Lv. X’s are usually good, but being one is bad.)
Unlimited – No, Too slow for Sneasle. 1/5
Modified – Ummm… Dang I’m torn; it has a good attack and a very nice HP. But he falls short of greatness. 3/5
Limited – If you can get him out you’ve won the game… That is IF you can get him out.
Greenzangoose has just left the building,
“Out of my mind, back in five minuets.”

PTO - St. Louis
"You must respect my authoitae"


OK, how about I tackle the big green monster!
160 HP - not bad at all for a stage 2+, especially one that gives only one prize!
Attack for 100 for 4 that does 30 and self damages for 30....
Am I the only one who thinks we should use 2 double rainbow energy on this beast, and do 80, then 10 and 10 to ourselves, in kind of a metal chansey method?
Weakness fire - bad, but only +30, even the mighty infernape cannot take it in a hit!  It's big cousin, infernape EX can though!
This card SCREAMS combo me with vespiqueen, blissey EX, or other happy heal pokemon to keep the tank going. 
I just don't think it is fast enough, or a big enough hitter to seal the deal, sorry.
Unlimited...only if you want to lose - 1/5
Modified...pretty good, really pretty good.  3/5
Limited...OK, if you draft the whole line, you still will lose to an inferno/monfernape/rapidash swarm, but I would take it and try it...dude, it is a LVL X!!!  4/5
There you go!  See you in a few!
Hey it’s the M-Azing one here sorry this review got in a Little Late but hey I was uh Partying for the Holidays… Or more like to tired from working to get online sooner and get this Review out but enough about that lets get Strait to the Card of the day and that card is…. TORTERRA level X!
Well to Start off at first glance this Beast is pretty impressive 160 hp on a Non Ex pokemon, a 100 Damage attack that also does damage to the Opponents bench, and only plus 30 Vs a Fire type…but then you got to realize no this isint a Pokemon Ex but basically an Evolution of a Final Form that Doesn’t get the benefit of those Cards that Help fuel Evolutions, and Finally you realize he Still Counts as Torterra so you cant have more then 4 copies of Torterra and or Torterra Lv X in your Deck. So With that all in Mind lets break him down. First as I Stated before 160 Hp is Solid especially seeing as you don’t hand your opponent 2 Prize cards when or if he Dies. He has a Pokepower which allows you to Switch your opponents Pokemon with one from there bench…Providing your Opponent Has More Prize Cards Left then you do. His Pokepower Is like a Gust Of wind for when your behind and don’t get me wrong forcing your opponent to switch Pokemon is normally a good thing but not when it comes from being in a losing situation. Now His Attack Vigorous Rush with a cost of 3 Grass and one Colorless deals 100 base damage…OUCH! But the cost alone means its going to take time to set up time but then again so is Getting this guy in play. The attack also Deals out 30 damage to both you and one of your Opponents benched Pokemon I guess this isn’t bad seeing a you could kill 2 Birds with one attack if timed right. We must not forget he is a Level X so he can use all powers and attacks from his normal form, Body Slam is 3 Colorless for 30 and a chance for paralysis…yeah there’s better choices but his other attack Leaf Storm which for 2 grass and 2 colorless not only deals 60 Damage but Removes 2 damage counters from Each of your Grass Pokemon could combo well with the Level X’s Rush by removing 20 out of the 30 Damage dealt by Rush as well as Dealing 160 in 2 turns which could have Ko’ed 1 to 2 pokemon pending on what it was. The Retreat Cost is Still 4 so once he’s out your keeping him out unless you have an Alternate method to get him back to the Bench.
To Sum it up I think he has some Potential but it is limited due to the lack of Suport for Level X pokemon right now. I think over time he will get better but only time will tell.
Unlimited: 3/5 A lot of Speed here such as Pokemon Breeder could Get Torterra out Quick with the Level X following close behind.
Modified: 3/5 Less Speed here but We do have Rare candy which can Aid us Like Breeder to get Torterra out fast, a Pokemon like Totrerra lv X could win you the Match given the Right chance.
Limited: 2/5 Sorry I don’t think He’s got much going here hes to Slow for an Already Slow format but hey If you Draft him then Try it out, If you throw some Stall pokemon out and build him up you’ll probably get a couple turns out of his Pokemon Power for a comeback Victory…providing your not going against Goku I mean Infernape.
Alex Torterra LvX
I believe the terror-tortoise is not playable for multiple reasons. Fire weakness is horrid with the speculated popularity of Infernape, and a high retreat cost means it must have a large impact on the game to be worthwhile promoting. Torterra's attack is poor, 100HP will not OHKO 100HP pokes with a metal energy (such as Metagross) or pokes whose HP is 110 or higher (Rayquaza ex is a highly-played example). Level Xs are not easy to get in play either, Torterra simply does not have the firepower to compensate for the difficulty. The expensive attack cost may not be such a problem as now when the second D/P expansion is released, but until then Torterra is useless!

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