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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Gardevoir Lv. X

Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders


Date Reviewed: 11.13.07

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 4.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

2005 World

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Gardevoir LV. X
Unlimited - By the time you get a Stage 3 into play your opponent will have won. 1/5
Modified - If you level up from Gardevoir SW, you can use both of their cool powers each turn.  Teleportation is very useful, letting you escape from special conditions and retreat costs. With its Bring Down attack, obviously you wouldn't use it if one of your Pokemon had the fewest remaining HP (unless you had some crazy Scramble Energy combo going on). I'm not really sure how useful it'll be. I mean do you really want to KO the harmless Piplup on their bench when they've got a fully powered Empoleon active? Bring Down seems like it gives your opponent too much control over the situation. They can basically choose what Pokemon you KO.  If you made a deck based on his attack, you'd probably wanna use it with Blissey or some other high HP Pokemon to ensure you don't KO your own Pokemon. 3/5
Limited - If you get it out, cool. It's very difficult to get a Stage 3 out in this format. 2/5

Gardevoir Lv. X SW
Good Tuesday to everyone. Today’s COTD has one of the coolest attacks I’ve ever seen. First off, it’s called Bring Down, just the name makes me think of WWII and AA guns. Second, the ability to automatically KO one pokemon with the lowest HP is just plain awesome. Ok, now that I’m done with how awesome the attack is. It’s HP is O.K. 130 is just below average for a stage 2 level X (But still very high.) The weakness on this thing can bring it to it’s knees, x2 anything is always bad (Thankfully it isn’t x2 to fire.) The retreat cost is a bit big, don’t you think for a pokemon that is so smooth and graceful that it should have less than a lumbering 2? Level X rule rocks, not only can she do all of that, but she can use her old move too!! Psychic Lock is a great way to make sure your opponent doesn’t use any powers at all (Not even windstorm nor power stopping powers can help here.) and the poke-power Telepass is amazing just think about how many supporters are used in modified, now, instead of just using your normal 1 per turn, you also get the Telepass’ one per turn.
Pros –
Bring Down (Such a cool sounding move!)
130 HP
Level X (They so rock!)
Psychic Lock
Cons –
X2 weakness
2 retreat cost
Unlimited – Way to slow as long a Sneasle is around. 1/5
Modified – High HP + auto KO’s + good lookin = 4.5/5
Limited – It’s perfect here, good luck getting her out though. 5/5
Dang, I really, really want a few of these,
“It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.”

My name is Gardevoir
I use my Teleportation
It helps me get away
From a sticky situation

Unlimited: Hard to bring up there are so many other thing that out speed this thing.

Rating : 1/5

Modified: Gardevoir’s Power works nice with Gallade’s first attack. So you could easily combine them
since they both come from a Kirlia. You could even use Gardevoir PK in the Deck to Power it up faster.
Gardevoir from the new set is a good card that fits in the Deck aswell. It’s Power helps you set up that much faster and it’s attack is pretty good.

Rating : 3/5

Limited: Too hard to get and to hard to set up….

Rating : 1/5

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