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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ho-Oh Lv. 45
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 2.88
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Ho-Oh reminds me of the Ho-Oh/Ampharos deck I used to
use for Super Battlezones back in '03. This new Ho-Oh is
much improved, but as time went by, Pokemon started to
do more and more damage for less Energy. Therefore Ho-Oh
doesn't have the oomph it used to.
Unlimited - Energy Removal pwnt. 1/5
Modified - Takes way too long to get enough energy on
Ho-Oh to do decent damage. Cessation Crystal destroys
its power, and so does flipping tails! Keep this bird in
your binder. 1/5
Limited - A possible 80 damage for 4 energy on a 90 HP
basic, and an awesome Poke-Power? Not bad. Could take a
while to get 4 energy on it though. 3/5

goose |
Ho-oh Lv.45 SW
Woot!!! Oh yea!!! Party time!!! It’s my 100th COTD
review *Give party hats to all as a ton of pokemon
shaped confetti falls everywhere.* (Or close enough, I
think I lost count somewhere around 80. =P) O.K. Now,
onto the actual COTD review, Ho-oh has one of the most
intriguing powers I’ve ever seen, with the ability to
stay alive after it’s about to die by giving the
opponent a prize card is awesome, not only does Ho-oh
stay alive, but it get’s healed too. The only problem, a
coin flip… That is sometimes what separates a great card
from a not so great card. The HP on this thing is just
10 short of being decent, as is Ho-oh can be OHKO’ed by
that “Large lava lover” Infernape. The attack (In
combination with the power) is what makes this card
playable. 20 damage for every type of basic energy on
Ho-oh no flips or any negative effects. Now remember,
the energies have to be basic, putting multi (Or any
other type of special energy for the matter.) won’t do
Ho-oh any good. X2 weakness to water sucks, as because
that “Giant camping match” Infernape is around, water
pokemon are sure to be found. 2 retreat cost on a bird!
What kind of irony is that? He must have had to many
Magikarp on the way over. =P
Pros –
The poke-power is awesome
The attack is great
All on a basic pokemon!
Cons –
X2 weakness
2 retreat cost (Oh Ho-oh, how the mighty have gotten…
Coin flips are evil!!!
Unlimited – Want a good basic here? Use Sneasle. 1/5
Modified – I saw a good deck build that used Ho-oh, it
was fun, and it worked! 3.75/5
Limited – needing multiple types of energies and can
save itself??? Yes. 4.5/5
Woot Woot, *dances across the floor* Oh yea! 100th COTD,
“Not only do I not know what's going on, but I wouldn't
know what to do about it if I did.” |