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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Ninetales LV.37

Diamond & Pearl Mysterious Treasures


Date Reviewed: 11.01.07

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.33

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

2005 World

Check out my eBay Store
Unlimited - I'd rather use Gastly of the Base Set. 1/5
Modified - Combo: Color Shift to a type the Defending Pokemon is weak to, play Lake Boundary, Fire Blast for 120. I still don't like it. There's no guarantee your opponent will have a pokemon in play whose type you can take advantage of. Also since you have to discard energy on Ninetales for the attack, you'll need to keep playing energy on him turn after turn, meaning you can't devote energy attachments to any of your other pokemon. 1/5
Limited - Not bad. People tend to use multi-colored Pokemon in this format, so you may get to use the power. Doing a quick 60 damage could hurt. 3/5

Michael from Denmark

2 worlds and 4 national finals.



Ok but not good hp. Fast efficient attack which is the sole reason to use ninetales. 60 is a very important milestone as it allows ninetales to OHKO most basics.

Its pokepower is situational at best.

Being very color intensive and energy hungry I don’t think this is going to be played very much.

Classic 1
Modified 2.5
Limited 2.5

My name is Ninetales
I can set you on Fire
Cus with my Color Shift
I become every type you desire

Unlimited: Blastoise/Suicune Ex owns this Format....

Rating : 1/5

Modified: Could be fun if you can abuse it's Power, but their are a lot of good Water Pokemon around like: Gatr, Empoleon just to name a few. 2 for 60 is nice as you can use Lake Boundary along side of it to use it's Power even more effective.

Rating : 2.5/5

Limited: Devastating! 2 for 60, good Power, Stage 1 and 80 HP Take It !

Rating : 5/5



Ninetales Lv.37 MT
Hello. Today’s COTD is one that won’t see a ton of play unless we start seeing some top notch deck that have pokemon that are weak to themselves. With only 80 HP Ninetales is already less usable as it gets OHKOed by everything from “The king of flaming food” Infernape, to Lucario Lv.X, to my great aunts chili (Can’t blame it for that though. =P) The poke-power, Color Shift, is actually really good if it was on a bit better pokemon. The ability to change type (Especially to more than one type,) is awesome. Its attack is lame. If it did 70 it would be O.K. and if it did 80 people might actually use it. The weakness sucks because it can now be OHKOed by Empoleon. And the 1 retreat cost is large for a fox considering they gave that “Super fire wielding monkey” Infernape 0.
Pros –
Change types to what your opponent has
Stage 1
Cons –
80 HP
Weak attack
Bad weakness
1 retreat on a dang fox!
Unlimited – Too slow, Sneasle eats slower pokemon for breakfast, and lunch, and sometimes dinner. 1/5
Modified – Too many cons, and not enough pros make this fox not worth it. 2/5
Limited – Energy specific attacks w/ energy discard is dead meat here. 2.25/5
Come on people!!! It’s a fox for crying out loud!!! Shouldn’t it be faster than that monkey?!
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