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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lugia Lv. 43
Diamond & Pearl Secret Wonders
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.50
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Lugia is pretty good but situational. Try comboing it with Energy Removal 2
to increase the chance you do 120 instead of 40. Or somehow bring an
opponent's benched pokemon active that has no energy, by using Warp Point,
Torterra X, Lumineon, etc.
Unlimited - Vileplume ex is the only good deck in this format! Lugia doesn't
fit into the equation at all. 1/5
Modified - Seems too situational. 2/5
Limited - Not bad. Solid HP for a basic, 20 damage for 1 energy and a chance
at returning an opponent's energy. 4/5

goose |
Lugia Lv. 43 SW
Hello there. Today’s COTD is another new card from the
new secrete wonders set. The 90 HP Is just 10 short of
good, with 100 he could survive the “burning
banana-loving monkey king” Infernape. The first attack
is decent, 1 © to do 20 and maybe return an energy to
your opponents hand. The second attack, at first glance,
is what makes this card look good. 120 for just 1 (p)
and 2 ©, but there is a catch, if the opposing pokemon
has even one energy on it, the attack only does 40,
ouch. Psychic weakness is OK as the only two psychic
pokemon that see much play right now is Nidoqueen (Which
can OHKO Lugia anyway,) and Dusknior (Which puts damage
counters on the opponent.) Fighting resistance is good
as Mario is doing a good job sticking around.
Pros –
Fighting resistance
90 HP on a basic
Possible 120 damage (Not likely but…)
Cons –
Low HP
Can only usually do 40 for 1 (p) and 2 ©
The attacks suck =P
Unlimited – won’t do good in limited, won’t do good here
Modified – Read above ^^^ 2/5
Limited – OK here, 90 HP is good, but the lack of damage
sucks 2.75/5
Hope you enjoy school (as much as is possible),
“I’m not lazy, it’s productive procrastination!” |

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Lugia lv 43
20 for C is very good. resistance to
fighting and good hp makes this card very
effective to block unslaugths from fast
decks featuring fighting pokes like Mario
the energy deattachment is perfekt to slow
those kind of deck down aswell as making
castform energies less usefull.
The second attack just got COMBO spelled all
over it but I cant seem to find the card to
match it .
Intersting card with loads of potential
Modified 3
Classic 2.5
Limited 4

Tiberius |
Lugia Lv. 43
Im sorry for you lugia fans, but this card sucks. Im
going to be short and all, because I have quarter exams
this week, and Im pressed for time.
simply put, the attacl is wasteful. sure, it looks to be
a combo, but how many times will they have an active
with no energy? and silver wing, if you're returning an
energy, they'll simply attach it again next turn.
if it discarded, this would become an unlimited beast of
an attacker
HP is not so good, but since its basic, 90 should work
psychic destruction seems to be powerful, but the
chances you'll be able to do the full 120 are very low.
I'd use yesterday's charizard against this, as you'll
always do 120, even 170 sometimes. sorry people, but it
just doesn't work
unlimited 1.1/5
modified: 2/5 (cause of certain combos to get someone
active you can kill)
limited: don't know yet |