goose |
Magmortar Lv.52 SW
G’ day mate, today’s COTD is the third in our “New cards
from new set” week. Man, we have to shorten the title of
this weeks COTD’s… Oh well, this card is not quite as
good as the Magmortar from the MT set. Even though this
card can do 40 and 20 to two pokemon, the MT one can do
80. The HP is nice, 10 more than the MT Magmortar. But
the retreat is bad, 3 retreat is a massive amount that
makes you almost unable to retreat this guy.
Pros –
110 HP
Massive damage possibility with first attack
Level X
Cons –
3 retreat
Not quite as good as the MT Magmortar
Unlimited – Nope 1/5
Modified – doesn’t look too good, but it might still
work 3/5
Limited – High HP + good attack + bench whacking attack
= 4.75/5
My internet broke down L so I may be unable to do my
COTD’s for a while,
“Those who want, get what they want; those who have,
want what they don’t ; and those who don’t care, don’t
care.” |

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Magmortar Lv 52
Marcargo were very played in its time FFF
gave you 40 + 20 for each discarded energy
THIS is so much better 110 hp is cool first
attack beats hard and fast. On the other
hand you need to be playing nearle clean
fire deck to use it to its fullest the
pokebody is usefull aswell making every F
energy into an usefull potion fireball
bazooka is usefull but kind of slow.
Modified 3
Classic 2
Limited 2-4 (depending on the magmar)