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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Professor Oak's Visit

Diamond & Pearl Secret Wonders

Date Reviewed: 10.19.07

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.50
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 4.70

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.


Busy busy busy.


Its do a quick, super stripped down review (well, by my standards), or completely miss out on these sneak peaks, so short and simple it is.


Professor Oak’s Visit (POV for short) is a new Supporter.  Is there a bad Professor Oak card?  The original Professor Oak was amazing and utterly broken.  Professor Oak’s Research is still a great, solid Supporter, and now POV should start seeing play as soon as it is actually available.  For decks that don’t gain anything from cards being in the discard, this will probably become the de facto “straight draw card”.  While hand size may decrease (between Team Galactic’s Wager and Team Galactic’s Mars), it can still be annoying when every Supporter is searching for a few, restricted choice cards or shuffle your hand away before you draw.  POV is that great “draw three” we are all used to, but instead of discarding (before or after the draw) or shuffling in before (like Bill’s Maintenance), it is after, and that is huge.  Unlike Bill’s Maintenance, it isn’t going to be dead if it is the only card in hand.  Conservative-style players have a new friend, and given that we lack big recycle cards like Town Volunteers and hand or deck cards like Pokémon Retriever, throwing cards away can be fairly bad.




Unlimited: 2/5

Modified: 4/5

Limited: 4.5/5

Michael from Denmark

2 worlds and 4 national finals.
Proffesor Oaks visit

Worse or better than TV-reporter?

On the plus side you don’t lose your card forever but most deck playing Tv reporter uses the discard pile as a resource.

Flygon, blaziken, Meatknigt the list goes on. This means that Oak is only going to be used if it is good enough draw whether this is only time will decide.

Modified 2.5
Classic 2
Limited 4

2005 World

Check out my eBay Store

Professor Oak's Visit

Unlimited - There are much better trainers in this format. 1/5

Modified - It's like TV Reporter, but instead of discarding a card from your hand you put it on the bottom of your deck. You'll have to decide which to use based on what your deck is like. If you use a lot of cards that are worth discarding mid-late game, use TVR so you can thin your hand size and draw into more useful cards after a Team Galactic's Wager. If discarding a card with TVR would hurt your deck, use Prof Oak's Visit. 4/5

Limited - You need all the draw you can get in this farmat! 5/5

Ian Jefferson Here we have yet another Professor based card. Falling in line behind Oak's Research, PETM, Prof. Birch, Prof Cozmo's, and Prof. Rowan.

A fairly simply draw card, and its for 3 cards as usual for a blind drawing card. The big raw draw power card of choice is TV Reporter, getting to draw your 3 before choosing your discard. There are still some I see using Holon Adventurer, but the discard is before the draw. Bill's Maintenance is just kinda lame, losing the card into the deck before you draw, and running the risk of re-drawing the card you decided to get rid of.

Prof. Oak's Visit gets the basic 3 card just like everyone else. The only real change between this card and everything else in the format, is where the extra card goes. The card returns to you deck like with Bill's, but its after the draw, allowing you to get 3 brand new cards. And also allowing you to keep all your deck's cards without discarding.

Unlimited: 1  Too slow, 3 is great, but there's enough draw power here.

Modified:  3.5  Same as everything else, just a matter of taste. The .5 is for getting the keep the card instead of discarding it.

Limited:  5  A no loss draw 3 in limited? You' be foolish not to take this one.

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