2005 World
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Unlimited - Slow, high retreat cost, bad. Base set Gastly
pwnage! 1/5
Modified - He looks bad in this format too. I guess if
you somehow got 90 damage on it, you'd do 110 with
Raging Flood, but that's blah. Once Raging Flood is
doing decent damage it's practically dead. Wild Waves is
pretty good, it can be powered up with a boost. But I'd
rather use Whiscash MT, since it does 20 to each Benched
Pokemon, not 10. The retreat cost of 4 is horrible. 1/5
Limited - Very nice. The healing effect from Raging
Flood is good in this format since not many Pokemon can
OHKO; they're usually hitting for puny amounts of
damage. Wild Waves has 3 colorless energy in its cost so
that can easily be powered up to sweep your opponent's
Pokemon. 4/5

Ian Jefferson |
Unlimited: 1 Its big, its got lame attacks,
and if you get 2 energy on it at all, its SER next turn.
Modified: 3 Extra damage from having damage, and then self healing....could be
interesting if done well. There is also a Gastrodon East Sea that moves its
damage counters to another Gastrodon using an attack. VERY expensive retreat,
without Fluffy Berry, switch will just have to be part of any deck that uses the
100HP stage 1 is nice. Resistance to Electric -20, weak to grass +30, not bad.
Not great either.
The second attack is pricey but 80 is a nice big number and it hits both players
benches for 10 each. Be on the lookout for cards that add damage times the
number of pokemon in play with damage counters on them, that will make this
overpriced attack very useful.
Limited : 4.5 It gets a high number simply due to the stage 1 and 2 energy self
healing attack. Its not a game winner, but it will be sitting around for a long
time for you to search for and power something up.