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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Blissey Lv. 44
Diamond & Pearl Mysterious Treasures
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.00
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 4.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

goose |
Enjoy my COTD for today. =D
Blissey Lv.44 MT
Hey there all who read this, today’s COTD is Blissey,
the evolution to the formally unevolveable egg
pokemon Chansey. This pokemon has absolutely massive
HP for a stage 1, 130 can survive OHKO’s from almost
anyone. The power “Kind Egg” Is ok, it is like a
selective copycat that can be played every turn.
Happy chance is an OK attack, 20 +10 for every
energy but first you look in your discard for one.
This could very well work OK with pokemon like
Luxray or Raichu to help this pokemon get massive
amounts of energy. Or it could work well with
pokemon like Celebi, who will allow you to rearrange
the energy on all of your pokemon (Really good in
late game.)
130 HP
Potential for lots of damage
“Kind Egg”
Cons –
Needs energy
Needs to have a deck centered around it
3 retreat
Unlimited – Sneasle beats all 1/5
Modified – Pros and Cons are tied, might work, might
not 3.5/5
Limited – Draw = Good, High HP = Great 4.75/5
It’s a tie; this card isn’t good nor bad,
“I don't mind going nowhere as long as it's an
interesting path.”
Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Blissey is a very good card indeed 130 Hp is
very much and its attack is very good. its
pokepower isnt very good needing pinpuku IS a
big letdown .
Blessey needs to be played beatdown or in some
weird combo allowing it to stack a lot of energycards.
to use the attack to the fullest you need to get
basic energys in the pile luckely thres a lot of
ways to do that
modified: 3.5
classic 3
limited 5
Tiberius |
ok I've got time at this minute ^^
Blissey, Lv 44
130 HP
Weakness to fighting +30
3 retreat
Well, when I first looked at this card, I'll say it looked a little pathetic.
but I took a second look. Kind Egg seems good, but it isn't, really, unless
you're really trying to combo this card with energy draw delcatty, that might
work, but I would rather use one of last week's COTDs for that, Bronzong. Its
discarding for drawing, with a bonus if you dumped energy. a little better, I
now for the attack. at first I thought it was underpowered, but look. 20
+ 10 for each energy attached, ok 30 damage for 1 energy, not bad, but
before doing damage, you can search your discard for an energy from your discard
and attach it to her. so thats 40 for 1 energy that you placed from your hand.
and it keeps bumping up every turn. I see a little combo with the bronzong I
mentioned earlier, two. you discard an energy with his ability, draw two, and
then attach the energy to blissey with happy chance and fire away. can get
strong, but realistically, hes going down sometime, but her hefty HP helps that.
the retreat too isn't that hard to pay with you resurrecting energies from the
discard to pay for it, anyway. solid, but the power doesn't work well with the
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Modified: 3/5 bet someone can make a sick combo with this, maybe with another
blissey and a lot of healing cards like gold berry (is that still in unlimited
Limited: 4/5 much better here. an energy savings on this card can be used to
power other cards, even when its powering up with the discard. a huge hitter
(which it will be once it gets four+ energies) will plow through stuff