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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Feraligatr Lv. 53
Diamond & Pearl Mysterious Treasures
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.75
Modified: 3.40
Limited: 2.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

goose |
Feraligatr Lv.53 MT
Hello to those that read this. Today’s COTD is one that
I am having a hard time finding a way to abuse it. 130
HP is awesome, 130 will allow him to survive almost any
attack at least once. The first attack, wow, with the
right setup, it could do massive amounts of damage. I
could see a deck with this, Delcatty, and plenty of draw
power, being played sometime by someone. The second
attack is on the ok side. 60 damage for 1(w) 2© isn’t
the best, and the discard is alright, but it would be so
much better if it was 70 instead (OHKO the incinerator
of a monkey Infernape.) The 2 retreat is a bit much but
eh… It can be played around (yesterday’s COTD anyone?)
Pros –
130 HP
Possibly attack for massive damage with only 2 (w)
Cons –
Second attack needs to do 10 more damage
2 retreat
Needs to be the focus of your deck
Unlimited – stage 2 = NO 1/5
Modified – has potential for use… 3.5/5
Limited – One you get him up, you could OHKO every
pokemon your opponent has (As long as you have the
energy in your hand.) 3.75/5
Use this only when the time is right… Wow, that was
“Oops... My reality check bounced.” |
Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Feraligatr lv 53
good retreat ok. Is anyone going to break this card? It
has potential to be powerfull but how to get your hand
on the needed LOADS of energy is an entirely other
second attack is ok discarding cards is nice and may
very well become handy in limited is is good if you get
the line.
Classic 3
modified 3
limited 3

Tiberius |
Sorry, folks, I'd
like to give this beast the credit it deserves, but I
don't have the time.
ok, Feraligator. what I'm really hoping is he gives
strength to a new decktype, if it doesn't exist already:
hand desruction. This card, as well, as walrein, also
from the same set, could easily destroy hands.
walrein's attack basically says; "discard two cards or
your guy is useless for a turn. Breaking tail is weaker,
but it still makes them discard always. Energy cyclone
is a sad attack, too weak unless you have way too much
energy in your hand. Breaking tail is obviously the
better move. retreat cost of two, not so bad there, 130
HP is definitely solid, overall a pretty good card.
sorry I can't do this better. tomorrows will be better.
Unlimited: 1/5 too slow
Modified:3/5 hopefully the deck type I described will be
tried by a few people
Limited: 2/5 ok in limited. this is because of the
energy amount require to make the first attack any good,
but breaking tail is good here.
Tiberius |

Jesse Farler |
Feraligatr Lv. 53
More and more as
time goes on, you will see this Pokemon used in many
different variants of decks. As of right now,
Feraligatr is best set up with it's lower form of
Croconaw and stuff like Delcatty for draw to get
some energies in your hand. It's all about
Feraligatr's Energy Cyclone.
Modified -
3.5/5...this card is good and will only be getting
Limited -
2.5/5...if you get the full line 60 for 3 is good.
Odds are, you won't be using Energy Cyclone with
such a lack of draws.
Olly |
finally my favorite pokemon returns but has to be one
of the most broken cards ever
unlimited: 2/5 not sure could work
modified: 4/5 this card along with magneton and delcatty
has become a frustrating deck to handle. It has already
won a couple of battle roads.
limited 1/5
there aren't any energy retrieving cards in the set so
don't play it |