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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day



Power Keepers


Date Reviewed: 03.23.07

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.50
Modified: 1.63
Limited: 2.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

3/23 Cacturne PK

The attack is not very good at all. Way too flippy. Auto poison through a power seems great, but then you have to remember how hard it is to lock a stadium in play. Sidney's Stadium is not really that beneficial anyways. The only thing that's good on this card is the psychic resistance. This card is too weak for the current metgame.

1 / 5

Alex Bramham

Top 8
UK Nationals

Very minimal use as your defending pokemon and a weak power. Sidney's stadium is a weak deck choice, plus poison is a fairly small effect for a support pokemon when others such as Hounddoom, Xatu, Altaria and Gyarados offer such stronger effects without cramping your stadiums.

Modified: 1.2/5

Anthony C
AKA- The Ft. Laud. Loud Mounth
League Leader
Top 32 Grinder 2004
Unlimited- 70 HP in unlimited just doesn't cut. Rating 1/5
Modified- The power on this card can be used in a similar way has Typlosion UF body (See Monday's Review) however its power only works if Sidney's stadium is in play, with a lot of windstorms and other stadiums in the metagame you are lucky to use the power more then twice . Rating 2/5
Limited- Power will most likely not be used since the chances of you pulling both Cacturne and Sidney's Stadium and getting them on the field is low. Also the attack can be good at times and bad at times depending on how many heads you flip. Rating 2.5/5
The ft. laud. loud mouth's Final Thought on the "Liability" deck
All this week cards that can be used with Weezing from DX were reviewed. It is my opinion that Typlosion UF is the best card to go with. However depending on your metagame the card that can be used with Wezing can be changed, for example if your metagame has a lot of EXs go with Exploud EX, if your metagame has a lot of poke powers and poke bodies go with Weezing from DS and Curse Stone, if you plan on going to an event with an unpredictable metagame, such as Worlds, Nationals or events in Florida, stick with Typlosion. The choice is yours, just remember have fun it is only a game.
-the ft. laud. loud mouth

A scary pokemon lurks around in desert a mix of a cactus and a scarecrow Cacturne is here and this is beast of the desert, Look at it’s Power it’s like poison pollen except for you need a stadium that makes the dark poke’s condition free when it comes to poison, paralysis and sleep time (Bye Bye misdrevous) 70 hp isn’t all good for it and it has one energy for the retreat cost that’s a little better I guess, has a weakness to Fighting which is hardly seen right now and a resistance against psychic the type that runs the format, and because it’s dark Bandoom is not even an option anymore, then finally someone read the attack out loud for me boostable if you want to but it makes you flip 4 coins for 20 damage for each heads total of 80 if you got pokemagic.

(Unlimited 3/5) This thing is so killer I mean what stadiums were played in that time Cacturne and his partners will run everything except LBS but poison is something you don’t want to mess with this poke with a Mr. Mime Deck.

(Modified 2.5/5) He is not the best modified pokemon out there if played right I can see that but not really I said all I could in my paragraph up top so I just gave him what he’s worth.

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