Modified- The power on
this card can be used in
a similar way has
Typlosion UF body (See
Monday's Review) however
its power only works if
Sidney's stadium is in
play, with a lot of
windstorms and other
stadiums in the metagame
you are lucky to use the
power more then
twice . Rating 2/5
Limited- Power will
most likely not be
used since the
chances of you
pulling both
Cacturne and
Sidney's Stadium and
getting them on the
field is low. Also
the attack can be
good at times
and bad at times
depending on how
many heads you flip.
Rating 2.5/5
The ft. laud. loud
mouth's Final
Thought on
the "Liability" deck
All this week cards
that can be used
with Weezing from DX
were reviewed. It is
my opinion that
Typlosion UF is the
best card to go
with. However
depending on your
metagame the card
that can be used
with Wezing can be
changed, for example
if your metagame has
a lot of EXs go with
Exploud EX, if your
metagame has a lot
of poke powers and
poke bodies go with
Weezing from DS and
Curse Stone, if you
plan on going to an
event with an
metagame, such as
Worlds, Nationals or
events in Florida,
stick with Typlosion.
The choice is yours,
just remember have
fun it is only a
-the ft. laud. loud