2006 World
Champion |
Energy Switch:
One of the worst trainers in the game. Any combination you
could come up with (such as using Blaziken PK's Firestarter
Poke-Power, then moving the energy to the active) is not
only weak, but not worth the space it takes up. Simply play
your energy correctly and you won't need this card.
Modified: 1/5 |

Computer Guy |
Energy Switch.
This trainer isn't really worth playing. There are way
better trainers to play than this one. Almost useless in
the modified format.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 3/5

Otaku |
If you find the review is too long, skip straight to the
Ratings and Summary!
Name :
Energy Switch
Set :
EX Power Keepers (Most Recent)
Card# :
Rarity :
Type :
Effect Text:
Move a basic Energy card attached to 1 of your Pokémon to
another of your Pokémon.
Energy Switch
is an interesting card in search of a use, or rather a deck
where its obscure uses can actually be worthwhile enough to
bother including. Given the availability of cards that provide
multiple types of Energy, it isn’t going to be worth it to
lessen the difficulty of running multiple Energy types. It
doesn’t work on Special Energy, so it can’t be used to save
those from being wasted when you had to attach it to a less than
ideal candidate during an Energy drought. In fact, the only use
I can really think of is saving Energy that would be discarded
by KO on a Pokémon that doesn’t need it anymore for attacking.
For example, take… gee, most examples I was thinking of have
rotated out. And use Special Energies. Ouch. Oh well, say
you’ve got a Nidorino δ for some reason, and you have
been using Horn Drill. Nidorino δ is about to be KO’d,
so you use Energy Switch to save two a Basic Energy and
go down using Rage. This would make you, effectively, one
Energy attachment ahead of where you’d be without Energy
Switch. The restrictions just kill it, though. It’d be
great if you could use it on either player’s Pokémon (though
that might be too good). It’s a little better in Limited where
you are probably using Basic Energy and such an Energy swing can
win the game.
Koopa Troopa |
Energy Switch
Modified: This card works best with Ho-oh ex. Moving
energy around allows it to hit harder and faster. In
most other decks this card might just take up space. 3/5
Unlimited: I don’t even like comparing new trainers to
old ones, mostly because they can’t live up to the old
broken format of unlimited. 1/5
Limited: This card does quite well in this format. The
ability to move basic energies around is great in
limited. 4/5 |

Raichu88 |
My name is Energy
I can move an Energy
It might come in handy
And I do it for free
Unlimited: There are many cards that can switch energy.
And I mean multiple energy.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Why waste a Deck space. Normally you know wich
Pokemon you attach your Energy too. And if you want to
save your Energy just use Briney’s Compassion or Super
Scoop Up.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Nice card as you sometimes need an extra Energy
attached to another Pokemon.
Energy Switch gives you that opportunity.
Rating : 2.5/5 |
Alex Bramham |
Energy Switch
If it could move special energies, it may be a viable
surpise tactic. Even then it would waste deck space.
Careful planning of the game ahead gives Energy Switch
no use - you shouldn't need to move energies around.
Worst trainer in modified.
Modified: 1/5 |

Anthony C
AKA- The Ft. Laud. Loud Mounth
League Leader
Top 32 Grinder 2004
Worlds 2004 Player
Top 8 FL States 2005
Energy Switch
Unlimited- Moving energy around won't prevent
them from getting energy removaled. Rating: 1/5
Modified- You can only move around basic energy
cards with this card, most good decks in the
modified format mainly uses special energy
cards. Rating: 1.5/5
Limited- Handy card to have especially if you
need a specific kind of energy or another energy
to attack with that is currently attached to
another pokemon. Rating: 3/5