Arbok14 |
(04/11/08) - Luvdisc
Name: Luvdisc Lv. 28
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Common
Analysis: Luvdisc is another one of the low-cost Basic
Pokemon in this set. Rendezvous is useful if
your deck has a lot of Pokemon in it. Otherwise, it
doesn't put out very much. Synchro Dance can work
early game, but if I were to see this opposing me, I
would be reluctant to attach to my active. 30
damage early game is good, especially if you do it
against Magmar. 60 HP is kind of low.
Modified: Only gets decent points because it is
Water-type. (3/5)
Limited: Rendezvous would be better here, as Pokemon
will make up a bigger percentage of your deck.

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
card have no use in constructed. The extra 2 cards you
really want is very unlikely to come here and there is
better options. Limited is where this card really
shines. Any limited deck can use the setup and the odds
are so much better its second attack is usefull too.
Modified 1.5
Limited 4 |