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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 54
Legends Awakened
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Mamoswine Lv. 54
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Water) - Water seems to be the
dominant type these days. Mamoswine definitely helps
that statement.
HP: (140) - Massive HP. This guy will
be around for a while.
(Steel+40/Lightning-20) - Steel is nothing to worry much
about. Lightning resistance is not the great, but
resistance can never be bad.
Retreat Cost: (4) - Massive retreat
cost. Pack some Switches and Warp Points.
Attack #1: (WCC - Ice Fang) - This
attack is flippy but effective when you are lucky. 40
damage is not great, but paralysis and energy removal
are good. Bring the two-headed coin!
Attack #2: (FCCC - Charge Through) -
I can't really see anyone using this attack only for the
60 damage. 100 damage plus 40 to a benched Pokemon is
just plain great. The downside is 40 damage to itself,
but Mamoswine also has 140 HP. It can take a hit.
Final Card Analysis: I honestly like
Mamoswine a lot! It has great HP and a very strong
attack. I would put in potions and buffer pieces to help
keep it around longer. If you can find a good partner
(like Lucario or another bench-hitter), Mamoswine can
certainly dominate. I think this can be much better than
Empoleon is now. Oh, and make sure you use Warp Point
and Switch like crazy.
Modified: Could definitely be an
archetype. Legends Awakened will definitely change all
we know as a metagame right now. (4.5/5)
Limited: While it is difficult to get
Stage 2's out, Mamoswine is a tank if you get it!
Jigglypuff13 |
8/13 Mamoswine Lv.54 (LA)
Hello, and I'm afraid to say that this is the final card
for this week. However, it's another LA preview card,
and the new evolution of Piloswine, Mamoswine! There
hasn't really been much talk about Mamoswine, and I
think it's understandable, being quite an unspectacular
card, where nothing really stands out. The HP, for
instance, is a nice high 140, which should make it a
massive tank. However, there is no certain way on the
rest of the card to keep that tankiness up. The +40
Weakness to Metal hardly seems like a problem, but with
people talking about Magnezone Lv.X (LA), thus with
Magnezone (DP), plus people thinking about teching in
Bastiodon (MT) to stop bench damage, and the ever
popular Metagross (LA), Metal is going to be quite a
popular type, and thus that massive Weakness could end
up being used a lot. -20 Resistance to Lightning is
quite handy though, with Luxray (LA) going to be a
popular counter to most of the metagame, and Electivire
(DP and SW) being used in various deck, either as
support or a main attacker, making Lightning a fairly
popular type as well. However, that massive 4 Retreat
Cost is going to be extremely annoying though. Switch
and Warp Point can cure this massive hindrance, but only
once each, so you are probably going to have to use it
at some point.
Now for it's attacks, which want to chance it from a
certain tank to a suicide attacker. Ice Fang does this
for WCC and doing 40 damage. The reason why this is a
suicide attack is because of the coin flip, which, when
heads Paralyzes and discards and Energy card off the
defending Pokémon. Doesn't sound very suicidal, but when
this is Mamoswine's only tanking attack, and the tanking
part requires a coin flip, it can end up being very
risky, and maybe a bad decision. Charge Through,
however, is an even more suicidal attack, and requires
FCCC, so an obvious problem with the card straight away
is the different energies needed in the energy costs.
Anyway, for those 4 energies, Charge Through does a
frankly rubbish 60 damage. However, if you are willing
to risk 40 of Mamoswine's tanking health, then it does
100 to the active and 40 to one of your opponents
benched Pokémon. As you can see, it takes the card away
from being a tank, since tanks do not take away their
own HP to do more damage.
Combos, well, there aren't any really. The only one I
can think of are healers to increase the amount of fully
powered Charge Throughs you can do. Leftovers, Potion
and Dawn Stadium are all good healers, though if you are
already using Charge Through, Dawn Stadium will be next
to useless. If you want a totally illegal combo, try a
double headed coin for Ice Fang. Of course, you aren't
actually allowed to use a double headed coin, so the
combo is useless, and don't do it, unless you want to
get in trouble for cheating.
Survivability, and it really depends upon how many fully
powered Charge Throughs you do. This survivability
paragraph will be based on none. Kingdra (LA) will need
14 Water Energy cards in the Discard Pile for a OHKO,
though using it's second attack will get a 3HKO at best,
unless Mamoswine has been weakened by any of Kingdra's
20 snipes. Empoleon (MD) gets a 2HKO at best with a
maximum powered Surf Together, though Dual Surf could be
used to weaken Mamoswine enough for a OHKO. Surf
Together will always be a 2HKO at a bench size of 2 or
more. Glaceon Lv.X (MD) always gets a 2HKO using
Avalanche as well, and the 20 spreading from Avalanche
could cause an incredibly weakened Mamoswine to be
OHKOed by Avalanche. Leafeon Lv.X (MD) need 11 Energies
in play to get a OHKO, though chances are the Leafeon
Lv.X player will use Leaf Guard from the normal holo
Leafeon (MD) to stall until Verdant Dance will get a KO.
Luxray (LA) will need to use 2 Shock Bolts to KO
Mamoswine, though the chance of Luxray doing that 2
turns in a row are slim. Skittles would need 7 different
Basic Energy cards attached to Ho-Oh (SW) to get a OHKO,
though that's a little unlikely. AMU can obviously get a
OHKO using Mespirit Lv.X's (LA) Supreme Blast, but is
more likely to got for a 2 or 3HKO using Uxie Lv.X (LA)
and Azelf Lv.X (LA). Magnezone Lv.X (LA) will do 120 and
Paralyze for just 2 energies against Mamoswine, and is
thus likely to be the deciding factor about if you
should use Mamoswine or not.
Modified: In either format, it's a tank that doesn't
want to be one really, with it's suicidal attacks. For
next format, Mamoswine could be frustrated by Bastiodon
(MT) and it's bench damage stopping antics, and
Magnezone Lv.X (LA) and it's 120 and auto-Paralyze-for-2
antics. Mamoswine is incredibly hard to OHKO, but only
when it hasn't used a fully powered Charge Through, and
which point it become easier to KO. If Mamoswine had an
attack that could make use of it's enormous HP and
tanking ability, then it might have been a good card. It
doesn't, so it isn't. 1.5/5
For the rest of this format, it's a little faster due to
DRE and Scramble, which also solve the energy issues
between Ice Fang and Charge Through. However, with DRE,
whilst you may be doing 40 damage to yourself with
Charge Through, you will only end up doing 90 to their
active and 30 to one of their bench, thus while it may
be useful, it's a double edged sword. Also, Mamoswine
will have to deal with other fast cards thanks to DRE
and Scramble as well, so they don't really help that
much. 1.5/5
Limited: Even after a Charge Through or 2, it's still
going to have enough HP to survive all bar the strongest
of hits here. However, it is a stage 2, which is hard to
get out here, even with some of the nice drawing and
searching cards here. Also, it requires 4 Energies for
it's most powerful attack, which is going to be hard to
do. Ice Fang is a nice little attack before then though,
since it can Paralyze and discard an Energy card, which
is incredibly useful and annoying here. Get it out and
set up, you will find it incredibly useful. 3/5 |