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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 45
Diamond & Pearl
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Jigglypuff13 |
8/28 Groudon Lv.45 (LA)
Do remember the review about Kyogre (LA) yesterday?
Well, since it was only yesterday, I'm going to assume
you do. Well, this Groudon is almost exactly the same.
No idea if it's a good thing or not, but it's definitely
fun. Anyway, the card, and 100 HP, even on a Legendary
basic, is still rather nice. Should survive a hit a or
2. The Weakness isn't so great though. x2 Grass Weakness
buts it OHKO range of the rather nice Leafeon Lv.X (MD)
without it needing any extra energies in play, just
those for Verdant Dance. As popular as that card is
going to be next format, there are very few other Grass
types that are going to be problematic, at least until
the next set is released (but that's probably looking
too far ahead really). -20 Lightning Resistance could be
quite nice, though there are very few playable Lightning
types next format, but could see a lot of play as an
anti-Kingdra (LA) type/deck. 3 Retreat Cost is rather
large for a Basic, even if it is incredibly heavy.
Now, the attacks, and these can make it work as a
starter or as a odd solo Pokémon who may turn out quite
nice, but also end up being a fun deck. As a starter,
Drought is the reason why, giving instant energy
acceleration from the beginning. However, you need at
least 2 Fighting Energies in your hand to use it, or 3
to really make it worth while. Basically, it has all of
the up sides and down sides of Kyogre's Drizzle, only
for Fighting Pokémon and decks instead of Water. Major
Earthquake is rather different though. For FFC and
discarding of 2 Fighting energies, you do 100 damage and
10 to each of your benched Pokémon. That 100 damage
should KO just about anything you see early game, but
that 10 bench damage to you will soon build up. This
means that playing anything more than about 2 or 3 Bench
Pokémon, and you will have to keep renewing your bench,
either with Super Scoop Up or by waiting for you bench
to get KOed, then laying new basics. Either way, it's
quite harsh to your bench really.
Combos, and there are really only 2 ways of playing
this. First, there's the starter idea. Now, obviously,
it needs to be in a Fighting deck, though some people
have thought about it in GG/Plox decks, which is an idea
I don't like really. To be a starter, you need lots of
energies in your opening hand, and for that to happen,
you need a lot in your deck. Running too many energies
though, won't give you enough room for many Pokémon or,
importantly, trainers/supporters/stadiums. Still, could
be worth a try. The other way is a solo type deck, being
both starter and main attacker. This has already been
given a name, Groudonk, but what should go in it is a
bit of a disagreement. Some people say only Groudon and
important trainers/supporters/stadiums like Energy
Pick-Up, Roseanne's Research, Buck's Training and the
like, where as others say use Claydol (GE) for
consistency, and Regirock (LA) + Stark Mountain for
Major Earthquakes every turn so long as you have 2 cards
to ditch every turn. Personally, I'd go for the latter,
since it just sounds a little bit more threatening, even
if it is a little less consistent, with less Groundon
Survivability, and it should be quite good. Kingdra (LA)
will only get a 2HKO with at least 1 fully powered
Dragon Pump, though 20 snipes or the use of an Aqua
Stream could reduce that figure, especially with Major
Earthquake's self bench damage. Luxray (LA) can't get a
OHKO unless you are stupid enough to use a Lv.X with
Groudonk, though again, the self bench damage will allow
a OHKO to happen. AMU will only get a OHKO from Supreme
Blast from Mesprit Lv.X (LA), though the often teched in
Mewtwo Lv.x (LA) will allow for stalling by stopping
Groudon from attacking. Froslass (LA) will only get a
3HKO (though spread from both Froslass and Major
Earthquake will reduce this figure), and Destiny Bond is
another alternative. Eeveelutions will use Verdant Dance
from Leafeon Lv.X (MD), or use the normal Leafeon's
second attack for a OHKO, otherwise it's a 2HKO.
Skittles will need 5 different basic Energies attached
to Ho-Oh (SW) for a OHKO. Magnezone Lv.X (LA) will get a
2HKO with it's attack, or use the normal Magnezone's
attack with 5 Metals attached for a OHKO. All of these
figures could be reduced by the number of Major
Earthquakes you've used and the number of Groudons
you've got on your bench.
Modified: I'm still not sure about this card either. I
hate the self bench damage from Major Earthquake, but in
Groudonk, you shouldn't be doing much damage to your
bench then. As a starter, it has the same up and down
sides as Kyogre, but solo, it's the better of the 2, and
probably the more fun of the 2 as well. Still, I don't
like it as much, and it's all down to Major Earthquake's
self bench damage. 2.75/5
For the rest of the format (4 days left!), it's the same
as it was for Kyogre, DRE and Scramble make Drought
unesecary. 2.25/5
Limited: 1 Groudon, 39 Fighting Energies (people have
done this) = fun, and possibly great deck. Kyogre is
still better thogh, though Groudon will get more OHKOs
earlier.3.5/5 |
Milk Man |
Groudon Lv. 45
Today we put our focus onto the Continent Pokemon,
Groudon. A personal favorite overall, and a card I am
currently experienting with. Nice hp on a basic, but
much like Kyogre it's good to make up for a 2X
weakness... Drought is good to combo with itself, but
also if you're looking at a no win with Groudon you
could Drought energy that you used on Major Earthquake
back onto your waiting bench. Speaking of Major
Earthquake, it could be both good and bad, spreading
damage is great, not so much to yourself, but if you
plan it right it could work to your advantage. Maybe
combo with Lucario (either DP or LA) or Kabutops. The
weakness could be most deadly considering the popularity
of Sceptile and Leafeon Lv. X and the resistance isn't
too relevant at this point in time... but maybe soon
enough. As for the retreat... it's ugly... plain and
Modified- Could make or break you... 3/5
Limited- Good hp, bittersweet attacks... could go either
way here too... nothing better than spreading damage,
just watch how much you spread to yourself... 4/5
Chicago, IL |
Groudon Lv. 45
With this card, I am more intrigued
than I was with Kyogre from last time but for god
reasons. At first glance, it seems worse than Kyogre
solely to the fact that the second attack damages your
pokes instead of your opponents. I'll get down to why
Groudon is actually playable in its own deck.
Stats and Specs: 100HP, Double
weakness to grass, -20 resistance to lightning, retreat
cost of three. Average stats for a legendary pokemon.
Nothing special.
It's first attack is the same as
Kyogre's but it's for fighting energy instead. So like I
said with Kyogre, it varies with how many energies you
got in hand.
It's second attack, it's really good.
Ignore its effect for a second.
3 energies for 100 damage?! You gotta
admit that that is pretty broken nonetheless on a basic.
Ok, you do have to get rid of 2 fighting to use it AND
all your bench pokemon take 10 damage. It's still worth
using and its better when you got less pokes on the
When I first saw this card in the
Japanese spoiler, the first thing I see this combo'ed
with is with Regirock and stark mountain. Regirock grabs
the energy, stark mountain switches the fighting energy
to groundon so it can hit with 100 every other turn as
long as you have cards and at least one energy in hand.
I believe that this card will see
some playtesting before battle roads but at the moment
it seems like the strongest types will be water and
grass coming into it(Kingdra, Bellosom, Empoleon,
Torterra, etc.) so who knows how it will fare, it still
deserves a shot to try.
Modified: 3/5. It takes a bit too
much to set up but it could be worth it if you can pull
it off early game.
Limited 3.5/5. Can finish off
anything standing in you way. Big one hitters like this
is worth grabbing here.