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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Porygon-Z Lv. X

Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn

Date Reviewed: 08.06.08

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.25
Limited: 1.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Jigglypuff13 8/6 Porygon-Z Lv.X (MD)
Hello, and this is the second of the MD Lv.X's that we some how missed out, Porygon-Z LV.X. Out of all of the Lv.X's released so far, this is one of the more interesting ones, due to having 2 Poké-Powers and no attacks, rather than having at least 1 attack. With the normal Porygon-Z (GE), that means it could have in total, 3 Poké-Powers it could use. No other Pokémon has that number of Poké-Powers, even on a single card actually. However, before talking about the Pokémon, I'll talk about the basic card first. Well, to start with, 130HP on a Stage 2 Lv.X is roughly average at the moment, but should be able to survive at least 1 hit. Unless it's from the most popular attacking Fighting Type around, Gallade (SW), because Porygon-Z Lv.X has a massive x2 Fighting Weakness, which means Gallade will only ever need to flip 1 prize maximum. No Resistance is annoyingly expected, and that 2 Retreat Cost is also average.
Now, the Poké-Powers, and I think these will make you want to play Porygon-Z Lv.X. First we have Mode Crash, which, when Porygon-Z Lv.X comes into play to Level Up Porygon-Z, you get to discard all Special energies in play. Considering the amount of Special Energies that are played, you will be discarding a lot of Energies in most of your games. While it is only a one time effect, it is a brilliant one. The second Poké-Power is Decode, which could argueably be called the better of the 2 Powers. For this, you get to choose 2 cards from your deck, shuffle the rest of your deck, and put those 2 on top of your deck in any order. That's just a brilliant set-up Poké-Power, which when combined with a draw engine (either Porygon2 (GE) or Claydol (GE) considering it is the Porygon line we are on about), you can make sure you get what you want every turn, which is just amazing. However, this effect has been done once before. Now, for those of you who weren't playing in the e-Reader series of Pokémon cards, there was a card called Oracle, that did exactly what decode does, but in a Supporter. This was used in many decks, including most of the decks that were released from the 2004 World Championships (maybe even all), and was an absolutely brilliant card with the draw engine of choice at the time, Delcatty (RS). Of course, the great thing about decode is that, while you may still only be able to use 1 per turn, you can end up using it more than 4 times all in all, you just need Porygon-Z Lv.X to stay in play that long.
Now, for Porygon-Z Lv.X's weaknesses, and the first is it's massive weakness to possibly the most played deck of the format, GG/Plox. Gallade (SW) will happily flip just 1 prize for a OHKO, but Gardevoir (SW) goes a more subtle approach, stopping Porygon-Z's 3 (including the normal form) Poké-Powers, which stops most of Porygon-Z's power. from this, Cessation Crystal and Battle Frontier, both are less played than GG/Plox decks, but still cause the same problems as Gardevoir's Psychic Lock attack. However, unlike Gardevoir, Battle Frontier and Cessation crystal are easy to get rid off, with Pachirisu (GE) taking care of the former, counter stadiums taking care of the latter, and Windstorms taking care of both. However, since they aren't played that much, there isn't that much need to fear them. Glaceon Lv.X (MD) also shuts down Poké-Powers, but that is taken care of by Lati-Lock. 130HP should allow Porygon-Z Lv.X to live for a while, with decks needing to fulfill unrealistic conditions for a OHKO. examples include Ho-Oh (SW) in Skittles needing 7 different Basic Energies for a OHKO, or Magmortar (SW) needing 7 Fire Energies attached for a OHKO, or Leafeon Lv.X (MD) needing 10 energies in play on the Leafeon players side of the field. The last of them is actually the most likely to happen, but still... Other archetypes just can't get a OHKO, though Empoleon (MD) can go for a 30 snipe with Dual Splash, then use a fully powered Surf Together to finish Porygon-X Lv.X off. Garchomp (MT) decks will only ever get a 2HKO due to only being able to do 110 maximum. T2 decks can only go for a 2HKO as well, due to most of the maximum damage being caused by T2 decks being 80 (though Blissey (MT) is the exception to the rule). The only other deck that has a chance of OHKOing Porygon-Z Lv.X is Kabutops (MD) in Fossil decks, but since they aren't played that much, it shouldn't be a massive problem.
However, the biggest problem that Porygon-Z Lv.X has is that there is no good Porygon-Z. The GE one is our only one, and is way too flippy to actually be any good, though with Lake Boundary, Porygon-Z's Poké-Power could turn the otherwise 120 max. damage attack to a max. 240 damage with discarding the correct energy. However, it's damage is based on the flipping of coins, which is never the sign of a good attacker, and since it would end up being Porygon-Z Lv.X's sole attack, there is no good reason to end up using Porygon-Z Lv.X.
Modified: Like Garchomp Lv.X on Monday, this is a great card, but is let down by having no real good normal form. However, it also ha a massive weakness to the biggest and most played deck in the format, GG/Plox decks, which makes an already kind of unplayable card, to a totally unplayable card, unless you have a nice metagame that doesn't use GG or Plox decks at all. As soon as there is a real good Porygon-Z though, I have a feeling this card could end up being quite well used. 2.25/5
Limited: Is there a Porygon-Z here? No, so it can't be used. 1/5

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