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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Roserade Lv. 40
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Meganium45 |
Hey, one more TIME!
Roserade...not a great card by any stretch of the
imagination, but worth talking about (as it was
First, FINALLY a Roserade that does not require the use
of Budew! FINALLY!
Second, poison, in this envio (read Gengar) can be
EXTREMELY effective.
Third, a cheap sniping attack that could really hamper
your opponent (especially if you remove the energy).
Fourth, there are MUCH better choices out there.
Problem, there is no attack on the card other than the
power that poisons the opponent, which would have made
this card MORE than good!
Fire weakness is Good, no resistance, OK, 1 retreat is
average, 90 HP will keep it around.
Pokebody, effective if they have to attack it directly,
but other than that...I wouldn't f33r this card.
Modified 2/5
Limited 4/5 (Bench hitting is good, removal is good, and
usually they have to attack your active. Special
conditions are always more effective in limited)
Vince |

Roserade from Stormfront is the card of the day for
Wednesday. Stats are 90HP, a poke-body, 2 attacks, a +20
weakness to fire, no resistance, and one retreat cost.
Roserades poke-body Hidden Poison is a great body
because whenever Roserade is damaged by an attack the
defending Pokémon is poisoned. Her first attack Bowed
Whip for two energies of any kind does 30 damage to one
of your opponents Pokémon and you flip a coin and if you
get heads discard an energy attached to that Pokémon
with this attack you can hit and Pokémon and possibly
discard energy a very good attack. Her second attack
ties into her body to poison the Pokémon that damaged
her. The attack Deep Poison for two psychic and one of
and other type does 50 damage plus 30 more if the
defending Pokémon is poisoned. If you're going to play
this card use it with Weezing for maximum results
because you can make a poisoned Pokémon take 20 damage
instead of 10.
Modified: 3.50/5- great against Machamp use it in a
poison/bench damage deck for the best results
Limited: 3.25/5
Art: 4/5-i love the reverse holo version of this card |
Narctiss |
Roserade Lv. 40
Psychic: Good for damaging half of the other Psychics,
although their play seems to have decreased!
HP: 90 - A little low for a non-evolving Stage 1, but it
will survive a hit or so.
Poke-Body: Hidden Poison.
Pretty awesome if you ask me :P.. Not the best of these
'hit me and I hurt you' attacks, but all the same,
damage is damage! No matter what it will put at least
one extra counter on your opponents Pokemon between
turns. (If they attack you during their turn and cause
damage (note: damage!) while Roserade is active, then
they become poisoned!).
Bowed Whip (2C)
30 Damage to any of your opponent's Pokemon and a coin
flip for discarding energy if heads.
Not too bad of an attack I have to say. Costly for what
it's worth, especially considering the main idea is
based on a flip and the damage is low. If your luck is
up, then try it! Otherwise it shouldn't be used unless
during putting energy on Roserade.
Deep Poison (2P1C)
50 damage + 30 if they're poisoned. If your opponent
wasn't able to/not capable of avoiding the Poke power on
their last turn, then they're going to get really hurt
from this attack. (Crunching some mini-numbers, that
would make 100 damage.. once from poison between turns,
then 80 from this attack, then once between turns again!
Very good for just 3 energy wouldn't you think? With no
drawback on your behalf. It's not too often an opponent
can avoid being poisoned either.
If there was a downside, then it's not something located
within the attack. It's to do with Roserade's HP. If it
happens to get knocked out in that last attack, then
your opponent will still be poisoned, but you won't have
your Roserade! So you can just hope you have one benched
with the right energy on it.. Otherwise it's only going
to take a turn for your opponent to removed the poison
Weakness: +20 Fire. Infernape is still about, I suppose
Ho-Oh in Skittles? You probably won't come across this
TOO often, so you should be alright. That's not to say
it won't happen one day!
No Resistance is no fun.
Retreat cost of 1. Average, nothing scary.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 3/5
Sorry about the mega lack of reviews! I've been ill
lately, busy with work and working on my deck for Cities
last week and also this upcoming weekend another one I
hope! |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Roserade (SF23)
Today's Card of the Day is Roserade, the Bouquet Pokemon
This is the first Roserade that is a Psychic type, and
is actually good, in my opinion Let's take a look. 90 HP
is average for a stage one, and it's the same for all of
the Roserade's out there today. The fire weakness of +20
is also the same, you'd think it's have a Psychic
weakness, but I guess not. No resistance is also true of
all of these Roserades, not even a little Water
resistance for a supposed plant. Finally, all of these
Roserades have a retreat cost of one. A bit odd, seeing
as how plants don't get up and walk around, but the low
cost is gladly appreciated here.
What really sets this Roserade apart from the others,
beside the type, is the fact that it has a Poke-Body,
Hidden Poison. Hidden Poison is just like the Rapidash
from yesterday's Body, except instead of burning the
attacking Pokemon, it poisons them. I think this would
combo greatly with a MT Toxicroak, some GE Weezings, and
maybe a MT Ariados or two on the bench. toxicroak would
make it so Poison doesn't get cured when the Poisoned
Pokemon levels up or evolves, Weezing increases Poison
damage, and Ariados makes all Pokemon's retreat cost go
up by one. Together, they may cause your opponent to
hesitate to attack. Anyways, on to the attacks!
Roserade's first attack, Bowed Whip, costs two colorless
and allows you to choose anyone of your opponent's
Pokemon and do thirty damage to them, and then you flip
a coin, and, if heads, discard an energy attached to the
Pokemon you're attacking. I like this attack because 1.)
It allows you to snipe, 2.) It allows you to discard an
energy on a Pokemon your opponent may be building up,
and 3.) It has an all colorless energy requirement. DP
Roserade could snipe for thirty to, but it took three
energies, two of which had to be colored, and it didn't
discard energies, although it did do fifty damage to the
the defending Pokemon. the main thing I see this attack
doing is KOing Pokemon who retreated rather then stay
This Roserade's big attack is Deep Poison, which, for
two Psychic energies and a colorless one, does fifty
damage, unless the defending Pokemon is poisoned, in
which case, the attack does 80 damage. This attack
combos well with the body, and the previously mentioned
few Weezings, becuase by the tiem it's your turn they
may have taken up to fifty damage, you can hit them for
80, and then they take another round of up to fifty
Modified: 2/5
this is a way better card then the other Roserades, and
I personally think that Psychic is a more playable color
then Grass, but I also don't beleiv that any Poisoning
decks are going to do compared to the Speed Demons out
Limited: 4/5
You should take all the status you can get in this
format, and Roserade is a status machine. The only fire
Pokemon in the set is the Rapidash line, and the Budew
in this set is a great card. If you get the line, use
it. |

J-Wittz |
Welcome to the middle of the week! Wonderful
Wednesday's Card of the Day is. . . Roserade! The "I'm
made of roses and can shoot darts out of my limbs like
a ninja" pokemon. HP: 90-- never all that wonderful,
but not the worst ever either. Just try to avoid the
Weakness: fire +20-- a currently good weakness to
have. Magmortar and Infernape are scarce nowadays, so
not much to worry about
Resistance: none. awesome. wait. no, not awesome. oh
Retreat Cost: 1. Pretty average for a guy with 90 hp.
Not much I can say about it!
Pokebody: hidden poison-- A very nice pokebody-- it's
essencially "do 20 damage to the defending pokemon"
because they're going to take 10 after their turn ends,
and 10 after yours ends. It's annoying to your opponent,
and being annoying is always good. It might also prevent
attacks from your opponent or force them to retreat out.
It's quite nifty.
attack- bowed whip-- a nice attack in combination
with his pokebody. This allows you to snipe out your
opponents damaged bench that retreated because they
couldn't take the poison damage. You also can choose the
active pokemon, if you so desire. This alone would be
good, but the attack also gives you a nice little
bonus!: flip a coin, if heads discard an energy from the
pokemon you just hit. This can deplete your opponent's
resources and make them helpless to avoid your poison or
your next attack. Very ninja-like indeed.
attack--Deep poison-- is alright. Three energies is
never something worth going out of your way to attach,
but if all goes well you're doing 80, plus 10 from
poison for a total of 90. I can see this attack working
in situations where your opponent has no time to set up
and keeps losing his or her energies, but you're mostly
going to want to stick to the first attack.
Combos: Nearly every tournament deck plays Roserade
with Palkia. It allows you to force up damaged bench for
a knockout. It's not the best synergy I've ever heard
of, considering roserade's main attack can hit actives
and benches alike, but it can end up leaving your
opponent stuck with an active they don't want who is
going to be troubled with poison if they attack
Final Words: at first glance, Roserade looks like a
bad card. At second glance, it still looks pretty bad.
Even after a third, fourth, and possibly ninth glance, I
still thought this card was bad and was upset to own
five of them. However, a correctly structured roserade
deck has lots of advantages. It gives dusknoir trouble
by depleting its energy and preventing his 2-3 energy
attacks, and can knock out Dusknoir X/gengar on the
bench to prevent their pokepowers. It also has a
weakness advantage over machamp, which is at least nice.
Kingdra, Regigigas, and Tyranitar will give him trouble
though with their massive hp's (all three), low-energy
attacks (kingdra) and resistances (T-Tar). However, a
well played roserade is annoying and easy to set up, and
it can also, in theory, be fun! Ninjas=Fun.
Modified: 3.75/5 -- It looks like a bad card, but it
really can win at least some of today's metagame
Limited: 4.5/5 -- special conditions? Colorless
energy attacks? Bench hitting? sounds good.
Have a nice day, and look out for ninjas on your way
to school/work. They'll getcha. |
Octillery49 |
Roserad isn't too great of a card. It's HP is a little
low for a stage 1 but isn't too bad. It's attacks aren't
very good for the energy cost and it's body isn't too
great either. Overall there's not a whole lot to say
about this card, I'll give it a
2/5 |