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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Scizor Lv. 47
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Meganium45 |
Whoa, finally a power card to discuss.
The 100 HP fire week Turn 2 monster we call Scizor.
Did I mention that I like the potential of this card???
First, the new Scyther has a FREE RETREAT cost. Yeah, we
love that in a starter Pokemon. Poisoned, burned,
confused, Smokescreened, CYA.
But now on to the big guy!
100 HP is GREAT for a Stage 2. Fire Weakness, that is
fine currently, as there is little fire played with the
threat of Kingdra and his posse (Empoleon and others)
The attacks, both 2 energy let you REALLY have some deck
space for the fun cards like Pokeblower to truly disrupt
your opponent.
If you attack for the KO with the first attack SURPRISE,
you can’t hurt Scizor the next turn! Just like evolving
into Lucario LVL X, but, woot, not a power or body!
If you attack with the second attack, with no powers in
play, 70 for 2 is very, very good.
This is a swarmable beast, usually not taken down in a
Combines well with Cherrim, or just by itself for an
ULTRA fast deck.
I still remember the song “Scizor Furret Muk” from the
FAT quite a few years ago, when Scizor was big back
OK, on to the rating.
You MUST test against this card, so your are not
surprised at your City Championship against it! Know its
tricks, or be tricked!
Modified, 4.5/5 Very good in a pretty slow envio.
Limited, 5/5…Take it or the next player will! Can’t
leave THIS on the board! |

Thursday's card of the day is Scizor. His stats are
100HP, has a poke-body, 2 attacks, a +20 weakness to
fire, no resistance, and 1 retreat cost. His body
Honeycomb Defender is awesome if Scizor has 60 or more
damage on it his attacks do 40 more damage. The first
attack Accelerate for two energies of any type does 30
damage and if the defending Pokémon is knocked out by
this attack prevent all effects of an attack including
damage done to Scizor during your opponents next turn.
So if you play this card in a deck that used cards like
plus power and bucks training to raise the amount of
damage you do to your opponents Pokémon. Scizors second
attack Pound Down for 2 grass energy does 40 damage and
if you don't have any Pokémon with poke-powers in play
it does 30 more damage. It's obvious that this card will
see play because it's only a stage one and it can do
more than 100 damage for two energy.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Art 5/5 |
Narctiss |
Scizor Lv.47
Grass: Nothing special to be honest!
HP: 100. Awesome :P Much better than these low 80 and
90's! But still not the highest we've seen! (That's not
including Wailord, he's just ridiculous XD).
Poke-Body: Honeycomb Defender! (DUN DUN DUNNN).
This can be pretty broken when you need it! Having 6
damage counters or more on any Pokemon is no good.. But
a defence of 40 less damage taken from attacks? NICE!
Total saviour in a difficult situation. A lot of attacks
currently do about 60-70 damage, and so this means you
can last an extra 2 turns if you're lucky!
Accelerate (2C):
30 dmg for 2 = Low!!
However, as a finishing move to KO an opponent. Horay!
You prevent all effects of attacks done to Scizor during
your opponent's next turn. :D
Pound Down (2G):
40 dmg for 2 = Still low!!
No Poke-Powers in play?
70 dmg for 2 = Great! :D
And in most Scizor decks, this is easy to pull off.
+20 Fire. The same as yesterday, not too much of a
No resistance is once again no fun
Retreat Cost of 1 isn't so bad
Now then, Scizor is an Amazing T2 deck and gets your
opponent on the edge for the first couple of moves, half
of the time ruining their setup. There is, supposedly,
which you will soon see, a perfect combo with Scizor.
This little thing would be Cherrim!
Cherrim sits on the Scizor player's bench, about 3, if
not all 4 of them, with another Scizor waiting to
attack, and each one of them uses it's Poke-Body for an
extra 10 damage.. so if you have 3 of them, thats an
extra 30 damage. Combine this with Scizor and it's
attacks start doing 60 with Accelerate (massively
improved and easier to get that nice KO you need for
preventing attacks next turn) and, with no P-Powers, 100
damage with Pound Down.
For 2 energy, those aren't bad attacks at all! It tends
to be a consistant deck too once the setup is complete
since no energy needs to be discarded and their are no
real down sides to this card at all! I've seen Unown Q
included in this deck to make Scizor's retreat free,
making it easier to escape when HP is low, bring out a
Cherrim and start attacking for free, doing 20 (+10 for
however many Cherrims in play, including itself) and
healing any Pokemon for 20.
Tada! Scizor! XD
Good!! :D
Modified: 4/5 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Scizor (SF25)
Today's Card of the Day is Scizor, the Pincer Pokemon.
Scizor has 100 HP, which is a fair amount for a stage
one, especially when combined with its Poke-Body. this
card is the first Scizor to be a grass type by the way.
Anyways, Scizor has a +20 weakness to fire, which is bad
news if any kids are still running Magmortar and
Infernape decks, as they will KO Scizor faster then you
can say, "Oddly red colored metal ninja bug." No
resistnace is what you get from not being a metal type
anymore, as he would then get psychic reistance of -20.
One retreat cost is okay, but what you expect what
happens when you cover a bug in metal.
The Poke-body is honey Comb Defender, and it says that
if Scizor has 6 or more damage counters on it, any
damage done to Scizor by attacks is reduced by 40 (after
applying Weakness and Resistance). this is great, as it
ensures that people have to do 50-80 damage to it to
finally KO him.
Scizor's first attack is Accelerate, which, for two
colorless energies, does 30 damage, and, if the
defending Pokemon was KOed, it prevents all effects of
an attack done to Scizor the next turn. You can weaken
people with his nxt attack, and then use Accelerate to
gain protection for the next turn.
Scizor's final attack is Pound Down, which does 40
damage for two grass energies, but if you don't have any
Pokémon with any Poké-Powers in play, Pound Down does 70
damage. This is an extreme amount of damage for two
energies, and will cause so many 2TKOs it won't be
Modifed 4.5/5
I hate to give this score, but I personally believe
Scizor will become a big new archetype with just how
fast it is. Combine this thing with three or four
Cherrims on the bench and he will be unstopable..Now I
regret trading my Scizors for Tangrowths at the
Limited 4/5
As said previously, there are next to no playable fire
types in Stormfront, and Scizor can hit fast, and hit
very big. It gets a smaller scoire sicne you're not as
likely to get multiple Cherrims out.
~KFT |

J-Wittz |
Happy Thursday friends and enemies! Today's Card of the
Day is Scizor, everyone's favorite red winged pokemon
with blades for arms. When I was little, I hated him
because scyther was cool and didn't need an evolution.
The creators of pokemon did not listen to me. They still
dont. Anyways. . . HP-- 100. that's what I'm talkin'
about! 100 hp is very nice on a stage one. combined with
his pokebody, this can be very, very, very annoying.
Weakness-- fire+20-- as I've said, and will say
untill the metagame changes, fire is a type that you
won't have to worry much about these days. Good
Resistance-- nothing. Scyther had resistance to
fighting, but then scizor went all "no way, man. I'm too
cool and tough for resistance, dude". I miss the days
when scyther was tough and scizor wasn't real =(
Retreat Cost-- one. Scyther had no retreat cost, but
then scizor went all "no way, man. I'm too cool and fat
for no retreat cost, dude". seriously though, one
retreat cost is pretty nice. I just miss syther being
Pokebody-- honeycomb defender-- this name makes no
sense to me. What does scizor have to do with
honeycombs? He just must really love the breakfast
cereal! Nonsenical commentary aside, this can be a very
powerful body. Example! Kindra hits for 60. Next turn,
he's only hitting for 20. It will have to be a 3HKO,
which is a very good thing. This ability also kicks in
from the bench-- so all of your retreated scizors on the
bench with 60 or more damage prevent damage from attacks
like Kingdra's, Tyranitar's, and the non holo Regigigas.
Defense is cool.
Attack--accelerate-- This isn't the main reason
you'll be playing him, but this attack can be extremely
helpful combined with pluspowers and cherrim. With these
added power boosts, you can knock out the defending
pokemon, and then remain relatively safe from attack
next turn! you can still be warp pointed/cyclone
energy'd away from safety, but it's still a solid
defensive attack.
Attack--Pound Down-- if you're playing scizor the way
you should be, this attack simply is two for 70. Which
is rediculous. Back in my day 2 for 30 with a coin flip
to get 40 was the toughest thing anybody had ever heard
of. Scizor can also run with the aid of cherrim and
pluspowers/bucks, leading to totals peaking around 100
damage! for two energy! And even if this attack doesn't
knock out the defending pokemon, chances are they'll be
open for an Accelerate KO. Pound down pounds your
opponents down.
Combos-- are a delicious snack, especially the
pretzel ones.
Combos-- I know people will argue with me on this
one, but Scizor almost NEEDS to be run with cherrim. It
just provides a rediculously strong turn two attack. 2
for 70 + is incredibly easy to get out, and incredibly
awesome. Both are stage ones, so your deck also has room
in it for techs and trainers without the burden of
several rare candy's. Do it. Everyone knows Mantises
love cherries, anyways.
Final Words-- Scizor has extreme potential, and has
won a handful of city championships already. He has
decent HP, two attacks that help him survive longer, and
a completely beastly attack for a devastating amount of
damage. It should be noted, though, that it is hard to
run a scizor deck with everyone's favorite staple card--
Claydol. It has a pokepower, thus its existance
completely docks pound down of its massive power. Scizor
is too cool for pokepowers, too.
Modified-- 4.25/5. A great card that has completely
useful attacks and abilities. Excpect to see him at
local tournaments.
Limited-- 4.75/5. Accelerate is colorless-- very
good. Honeycomb defender makes him a complete wall
against helpless Stormfront contenders.
Everybody scram. The review's over. Go home. |
Octillery49 |
Scizor is an AMAZING attacker, IF you aren't running any
pokemon with Pokepowers. The problem with that is
without Claydol or Uxie, your deck would be very slow.
You could run Scizor straight, but that is somewhat
fragile. Probably the best way to play it is with
Cherrim. Who makes you do even MORE damage.
I'll give it a 4/5. |