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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Skuntank Lv. 40
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Meganium45 |
What is this, Velvet?
They keep TRYING to make this line good, and rumor has
it they FINALLY will in, well, the Galactic’s set.
100 HP, stage 1, sounds really nice, right?
Resistant to Psychic (read Gengar, Dusknoir AMU, and all
their little friends), not bad again, right?
Weak to Fighting (OK, Machamp, some Lucario, Gliscor and
Gallade, OK still? Not so much)
Pokemon Power that acts as a smokescreen, for one turn.
We all KNOW the 101 ways to get around this. Not real
tough or impressive. If it was a, well, “Stance” on your
Skuntank for the next turn, we might think this was
Attacks, an auto-poison and 20 for 2, OK, average at
Plunder, 60 for 3, and remove all Trainer cards attached
to the defending Pokemon, Wait, EXCEPT the unknown G
which you cannot remove without knocking out the Pokemon
or a court order at this point. Man, if the “power” had
knocked G off, we might be talking some fun here!
Retreat cost of 2. Better use moonlight stadium, or
leave this guy out there to rot while you power up SF
Tyranitar (its ONLY partner)
Ratings, well, at least the art is nice.
Modified 2/5 You could play something worse, right?
Limited 3.5/5 much more painful to retreat, and poison
is bigger here. 100 HP stage 1s are very useful.
There you go, See you ALL tomorrow at the City
Championship In St. Peters, Missouri!!! |
Narctiss |
Skuntank Lv.40
Type: Darkness. Fun against all the Ghost Pokemon!
HP: 100. Not baaaad ^_^.
Poke-Power: Evolutionary Gas (XD).
Pretty much says when you evolve, stop one of your
opponent's Pokemon attacking during their next turn.
S'okay, but nothing special, they can always switch out!
You'd need something that stops them from retreating
(Sorry, but I'll be a bit bad at combos on this one
today! You'll have to guess ^_^;; ).
Poison Claws (2C).
20 Damage for 2? Horribleeeee. Instant Poison? Horay!
(Maybe it could combo with Roserade from Wednesday with
some Switch? - Not Warp Point, as Warp Point would also
remove the Poison on your opponent). Maybe not though,
it's easy enough to heal status effects on the bench
without completely ruining anybodies game plan.
Plunder (1D2C).
60 damage for 3? Euck!
Discarding trainer cards attached to the Defending
Pokemon? Well.. How often is that? ^_^;;. Not that
often! Maybe the odd Devo/Evoluter, a random Tool... But
not much.
I doubt this card will see much playyyyy.
Wealness: +20 Fighting
Nehhh.. Machamp? Rhyperior? Maybe.. Not too bad.. It
could be worse, but it could be much better. Fighting
Infernape (As I learnt with my Raichu at Cities), can be
a problem!!
Resistance: -20 Psychic
YAY! :D Good versus the ghosts indeed.. however they use
Damage Counters half the time... Oh well XD.
Retreat cost of 2. EEP! Switch and Warp Point please!
Could have been worse.. But.. 2 is too manyyyyy.
Modified: Sorry! 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Skuntank (SF26)
Today's Card of the Day is Skuntank, the Skunk Pokemon.
Skuntank has 100 HP, a good amount, what you'd expect
from a creature who can be downed by one truck going
fifty. Skuntank has a +20 weakness to fighting, and a
-20 resistance to Psychic. Standard stuff really.
fighting isn't good against Machamp, who will, let's
face it, murder you anyways. And Psychic resistance
doesn't help against Dusknoir and all his fancy damage
counters. A retreat cost of two is a bit much. This
thing may be fat, but real skunks haul butt like
lightning. Dark isn't a bad type to have, but it will
suffer from being overshadowed by T-tar.
Skuntank's Poke-Power, and the only real reason you'd
play it is Evolutionary Gas. Evolution by methane, it's
not just a fuel source anymore. Anyways, the Gas lets
you choose a defending Pokemon and make it unable to
attack for the one turn that you evolve it. You could
probably make a deck dedicated to doing this every turn
with Super Scoop Ups or whatever you crazy kids do these
days, but that would be way more trouble then it's
worth. Retreating stops the effect, and msot good decks
have low retreat costs, or are packing Switches and Warp
Skuntank's first attack is called Poison Claws (Toxic
Santa?). For two colorless energy, you can do 20 damage
and Poison the defending Pokemon, but there are way
better poisoning attacks out there, why settle for this?
Skuntank's big attack is Plunder, which does 60 damage
and discards all trainer cards attached to the defending
Pokemon, for one dark and two colorless energy. If only
it could discard Unown, then it might have a chance in
today's metagame, but so many Pokemon can do this damage
for less energy, or do way more for the same. The
competetion will hit him like that previously mentioned
truck going fifty.
Modified 1.5/5
Skuntank is no match for the current metagame, he will
get wiped out before he can even power up Plunder in
most cases. The .5 is because only Base set Gastly and
Porygon deserve that low a rating.
Limited 3/5
A bit better here. Skuntank can stall a turn with his
power, which can make or break a game. The large amount
of colorless energy requirements is also good. Add in
the fact that the entire Duskull line is weak to him,
and you have a so-so card. Fighting weakness really
hurts though, as even Onix can 2HKO him. |

J-Wittz |
(religious/nonreligious leader of your choice) it's
Friday! What better way to kick off the weekend than
with a bad card? Today's COTD is Skuntank-- the part
skunk, part tank pokemon. wait. . .
. .
HP: 100.
As noted yesterday, 100 hp on a stage one is good.
Resistance: Psychic -20 -- a good resistance to have
these days. Dusknoir/gengar and AMU are both psychic.
And both played often. And will both crush skuntank
anyways. but at least he tries.
fighting +20. Machamp and Gliscor-- mostly Machamp, can
take advantage of this. Machamp X can OHKO it with it's
attack. . . ANY of its attacks actually. . . ouch.
cost: 2. Might as well have a big "I'm fat" sign on his
rear. He will need warp points and moonlight stadiums,
or he will need to go on a diet. Two of those three
answers are possible, I'll leave it up to you guys to
figure it out.
evolutionary gas. wait what? this is seriously called. .
. -__-. Well separately, skunky's evolution gives him
the ability to fart on the defending pokemon and
immobilize them. This ability seems really awesome at
first, but like any real life fart, it can be avoided.
In real life, when someone farts, you take a couple of
giant steps away from the defender and the smell goes
away. the same concept works for skuntank. you can
evolve out of his gas. you can run away from his gas by
retreating. warp pointing. switching. and moonlight
stadiuming. Now, I'm not saying you can ALWAYS avoid it,
but generally, you can. AND skunky has to be active,
which is annoying. All in all, it's a difficult power to
really take advantage of.
poison claws. So bad. I'd rather smell a skuntank fart
than use his attacks. for two energy, you get to do a
BROKEN 20 damage, along with poison. even with the
auto-poison, it's still a super super weak attack,
especially in a format where you will be whooped
immediately and have no time to waste. This attack is a
waste of time.
Plunder-- also bad. The effect is nearly useless-- the
only trainers people actually attach to their pokemon
are the evoluters, unknown G, and the very rare bubble
coat. 3 for 60 is just plain weak. Even with a darkrai
lvl X on your bench, it's still only doing 9 for three
with a garbage effect. Scizor does that kind of damage
on the second turn without a level X on the bench. But
scizor is a good card. Skuntank is not.
Skuntank with Darkrai X is a possible combo, but darkrai
has cooler and better friends to make. Seriously, who
wants to be friends with a skunk when there's a
monstrous dinosaur (Tyranitar) that can actually do
damage and win real games? Not darkrai.
Words: Skuntank is no better than the odor that it
emits. his power is avoidable, and his attacks are
expensive and disappointing. Simply put, he stinks (pun
1.75/5. -- You know those awful times when you're on a
long drive and you smell something awful and dad says
"smells like a dead skunk"? That's the general feeling
of playing this card.
3/5-- colorless attacks and special conditions and a
pokepower that is more usable. yay. |