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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Staraptor Lv. 64
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
12/15 Staraptor Lv.64
Hello, and first of all, sorry about not reviewing
anything last week, but I was quite busy with school
work, but that's done, so I can get back to doing
something interesting, reviewing cards. Just a shame
that I start again with this card. Staraptor might some
how be good, but I can't see it at the moment. Before
moving on, the basics of the card, and they are alright,
with very little that's spectacular about it. 120 HP is
average, but should be able to survive a hit or 2.
Unless it comes up against a Lightning Pokémon due to
it's +30 Lightning weakness, so Raichu (SF) will be able
to OHKO it with it's 3rd attack (that I may have
forgotten the name of), but there aren't that many
Lightning Pokémon in the metagame. However, -20 Fighting
resistance is quite useful, especially against the ever
popular Machamp (SF), but again, while it is quite a big
part of the metagame, there aren't that many Fighting
Pokémon in the metagame. It's retreat cost is perfect,
nothing. Get it back to the bench without any cost, back
to safety. Why you'd want to have it active in the first
place is beyond me anyway.
Protect Wing, it's Poké-Body, reduces damage from Stage
2's but 20. 20 damage isn't going to make too much
difference, but combined with the resistance, it makes
Staraptor fairly effective against Machamp. Other Stage
2's are effected as well, so Kingdra (LA), Tyranitar
(SF), etc. will all have reduced damage outputs, but
that doesn't make Staraptor that much better because
it's attacks are awful. Strong Breeze seems nice, being
able to return a benched Pokémon from your opponents
bench to their deck, but first of all, there's only a
50-50 chance, and secondly, you are going to be
pummelled by your opponents active next turn. OK, you
can get rid of an underpowered main attacker or a draw
engine or a disruptive tech, but there will always be
something on the bench making you think "Maybe I
should've got rid of that instead" (unless you are
playing against Houndoom (LA)). Then there's Clutch.
Used with Metagross (LA), I suppose there could be some
use in it, but a simple Switch or Warp Point will allow
your opponents active to get out of the not retreating
effect. And then, it requires CCC, and only does 60
damage. OK, it will 2HKO Claydol (GE) if you can bring
it active, but then your opponent will probably just use
a Switch or Warp Point to get it back to the bench and
then attack Staraptor with their main attacker.
To be honest, I can barely see any reason why you'd want
to use this card, but if you do, use it with Metagross
(LA) and Poké Blower + (SF) to try and bring something
from the bench to the active spot, so you can then
either Clutch it or Strong Breeze whatever you put back
to the bench. However, if you use combo, you will see it
failing a lot of the time.
Modified: There is only one reason why I'd think anyone
would use Staraptor, and that would be as a slightly
annoying Machamp (SF) counter. Resistance and that Poké-Body
means all of Machamps attacks do 40 less damage. Mind
you, while they are barely scratching Staraptor,
Staraptor is barely doing anything back. Basically,
leave it in the folder, trade it away, anything, just
take my advice and probably the advice of everyone else
writing a review today and don't use this card. 1.75/5
Limited: It could be a bit more useful here. Protect
Wing will barely do anything, but Strong Breeze and
Clutch should be quite useful, with the latter 2HKOing
most of what you find here, and the former just being
really annoying, and getting rid of possible threats.
Still, you need to get a Stage 2 rare card out, and that
is going to be quite hard. 2.5/5 |
Meganium45 |
OK, one day until my Birthday, YAY!
OK, 120 HP, free retreat and resistance to fighting, and
weakness to a non-played type (electric) is definitely
Now, reducing attacks from a stage 2 by 20 is good as
The first attack, for 1 energy, flip a coin, if heads
take one benched pokemon and all cards attached and
shuffle it into their deck, not bad, but Unown G stops
it DEAD. Too limited.
The second attack, for 3 energy, 60 and can’t retreat is
a more powerful, more costly Pidgeot Clutch attack. Not
hitting hard enough in this envio.
This is a pokemon that is well, not good enough today,
or any day.
For Modified, 2/5 you could pick something worse.
For Limited, 2/5 you really could not pick much worse.
Steelix on my Birthday! YAY!
Vince |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Sorry about the delay, my internet crashed last night,
anyways, here is the COTD
Staraptor (SF27)
Today's Card of the Day is Staraptor, the Predator
Staraptor has 120 HP, a good amount for a Stage 2
Pokemon. The Lightning weakness means that Stormfront
Raichu only needs one Burst Ball to kill it, but
fighting resistance is great against Machamp, especially
when combined with his Poke-Body. A free retreat cost is
also nice, snce it allows this bird to fly the coop in a
bad situation.
Staraptor's Poke-Body is Protect Wing, which reduces the
damage done to staraptor by 20, as long as the damage is
done by Stage 2 Pokemon. That means Machamp's atacks
will 40 less damage, or 20 more with the Level X, and
Staraptor gets to do enough damage to OHKO Machamp. Too
bad the power only works when active, otherwise it could
be used to block the spreading damage from Kingdra.
Staraptor's first attack is Strong Breeze, which allows
you to Flip a coin, and, if heads, put 1 of your
opponent's Benched Pokémon and all cards attached to it
on top of their deck, and then they shuffle it. his
attack si totally worth the flippiness, the ability to
take a Pokemon they were building up off the field and
into the deck is great. you could combo it with Palkia
Level X to swap out their strongest Pokemon to the bench
and then send him to the deck. f it discaarded all cards
attached, the attack would be so broken.
Staraptor's final attack is Clutch, which does 60 damage
for three colorless energies, and prevents the defending
Pokemon from retreating. This attack is outright
horrible. Stage 2 Pokemon should be doing at least 80
for three energy, or at least have better effects then
preventing retreat.
Modified 2.5/5
The first attack is great, the second not so much. But
at least it's better then the suicidal DP one. With a
better second attack, I think this could have been quite
a competetive card, but now only people with a Staraptor
fetish will try and use it.
Limited 3/5
Being a Stage Two isn't great, neither is having a
weakness to a lot of the set. But all colorless attack
requirements are great, and the resistance to the
Larvitar and Machop lines is great.
~KFT |

J-Wittz |
Monday eveyone! Isn't it just thrilling to get up, go to
work/school, and come home to today's awesome Card of
the Day? I sure think it is. Today's COTD is Staraptor,
the "Pidgeot Wannabe" pokemon.
120-- not very good, but there is worse. Keep in mind
though that Blissey is a stage one with 130 hp and SF
Tangrowth has 110 hp and an autoheal ability.
Resistance-- Fighting -20. Good to have-- machamp might
have to take an extra punch at staraptor to finally
knock him out. Actually, with the pokebody, several
extra punches.
Weakness-- lightning +30. Luxray and Raichu get OHKOs,
but you won't see a huge amount of them around anyways.
cost-- none. This guy's fast. If pokemon was a racing
game, this guy would be awesome to have. But it is not,
and he is not.
Protect wing-- kind of protects you. Obviously, stage
1's and basics hit right through the power. He also can
still get hit on the bench because he has to be active
to get it working. Dusknoir and Gengar hit right through
this with their "place X damage counters" attacks, as
opposed to doing damage. The only real application I can
see this having is preventing Kingdra and Machamp.
Especially machamp. Vs staraptor, machamp gets a -40 on
all of his attacks. If your opponent was always machamp,
I would always run staraptor. But he isn't, so I don't.
strong breeze. Sound really good, but then gets worse
and worse as you think about it. You have to flip a
coin, and the pokemon has to be benched. Yes, this could
offer potential disruption, but while you're dilly
dallying flipping a coin every turn to get a possible
shuffle-in bench, your opponent is beating staraptor and
building the pokemon you just shuffled back in back onto
their bench. DP Dusknoir's pokebody is so good because
you can use it every turn from the bench. Why do the
same thing for one energy in the active position for a
Attack--clutch-- boooooring. "no retreat" is a great
"status effect", but for three energy, it's going to
take too long to set up for no real impact. 60 damage is
becoming to be really weak for three energy. If you
aren't getting a crazy effect or insane amounts of
damage for three energy, you better not be playing that
attack. Therefore, you better not be playing this
You could warp point and attempt to shuffle your
oponent's old active pokemon away. but it wouldn't be
very good, and you'd probably get tails on the attack,
words-- Staraptor's card may say he's level 64, but this
is a horrible horrible lie. This bird belongs in a cage
or a zoo. Not in a pokemon battlefield.
Modified-- 2/5
2/5 |