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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Steelix Lv. 63
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have been away for awhile,
but I needed to take some time off for finals. Anyway, I
am back now, and I hope to start the deck garage right
back up and get more reviews in in anticipation of
Cities! Today we are reviewing Steelix!
Name: Steelix Lv. 63
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare
HP: (130) - Great for a Stage 1. This would even be good
for a Stage 2! No problem here.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fire+30/Psychic-20) - Fire should
not be too much trouble these days. Psychic resistance
is useful, too.
Retreat Cost: (4) - Wow. Uh yeah, pack some switch/warp
points, or use Magnezone with it.
Attack #1: (C - Outbreak Power) - This attack is like a
weaker version of Tyranitar's Spinning Tail. The only
good part of this is that you don't need the ridiculous
5 energy, and you can choose what you hit if you have
less energy than your opponent has pokemon.
Attack #2: (MMCC - Iron Tail) - This, to say the least,
is not something I want to rely on. It will be rare that
you need 2 heads (to hit for more than 100), so this
essentially becomes a 50/50 attack.
Final Analysis: This Steelix has very nice HP and a
decent spread attack. Its weakness should not hinder it
greatly, but its retreat cost may. The second attack is
too unreliable to rely on. The best part of the first
attack is that is does not require a specific energy. I
could see this becoming a decent partner to something
like Typhlosion to keep something on the bench
Modified: This Steelix is not bad, but not a centerpiece
card. It could work with the right help, such as a
double-headed coin. (3/5)
Limited: This would be a beast in limited. The first
attack annihilates here. (4.5/5)
Meganium45 |
Happy Birthday to ME!
Come on Bill, it SHOULD have been a Meganium today!!!
In all seriousness, this Steelix is one of the new
spread deck powers.
I have been toying with a cool version using Unown G,
and a Magnezone to power him…kind of feels like the Old
Dark Tyranitar deck, but heh, showing my age.
130 HP and weakness to fire, both GOOD. Resistance to
psychic, what is Gengar/Dusknoir going to do to this
thing when G gets attached?
The first attack becomes YAY, 20 to everybody REALLY
quickly! This adds up, and then you devolute them. (That
worked great before everyone started playing unown G on
The second attack, flips at 100 a shot, sounds great,
but WAY too high risk/reward for me.
I have been toying this card with several partners, but
it comes up just short. Will have to wait until Uncle
Tony, Colin, or Jayson find out the way to break it, and
then share that information with me!
Retreat cost of 4, just don’t do it. Switch and Warp
Point are good partners.
Right now, the card looks good, but I have felt that way
about Steelix in the past. Except for Dark Steelix
(Eric/Colin) I don’t think we have had a great one.
Modified 2.5/5 right down the middle
Limited 4.5/5 very good high HP pokemon with cheap
attacks and no Unown G.
My rating today 37/37 !!!
Vince |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Today's Card of the Day is Steelix, the Iron Snake
Steelix has 130 HP, an outstanding number for a Stage 1
Pokemon, very few things can take this guy out in one
hit. Steelix has a +30 weakness to fire. This isn't as
big as you'd think, as most fire types 2HKO him, even
with the weakness. However, Flare Blitz on DP Infernape
with a PlusPower will kill him in one hit. Steelix also
has a -20 resistance to Psychic, which gives him an edge
against AMU, not a big one, just a little bit of an
edge. Finally, Steelix has a whopping retreat cost of 4,
meaning, if you run him, be prepared to run Switches
and/or Warp Points alongside him.
Steelix's first attack is Outbreak Power which lets you
choose one of your opponent's Pokemon for each energy
attached to Steelix, and then do 20 damage to them. This
attack is great as an early game spreader, and it is
really cool how the amount of Pokemon you can hit goes
up as you attach energies to Steelix. However, you need
a lot of energy attached to Steelix for the attack to be
really useful, and the damage doesn't stack. What's
worse is that every decent HP Pokemon out there takes 3
turns to KO at least with Outbreak Power. By the time
you get in three whacks, Steelix is usually facing a
much stronger defending Pokemon who is ready to take him
Steelix's final attack, Iron Tail, lets you flip a coin
until you get tails and then do 100 damage times the
number of heads. At first glance this atack seems great,
if you flip two heads in a row, you can KO anything in
the game! But then you realize that if you flip tails
that first time, you get nothing.
Modifed 2/5
Not good here, all of it's attacks are slow and Iron
Tail is too risky. I suppose ou can pack four special
Metal energies on him and use Outbreak Power for a
while, but that's as good as you'll get with this
Unlimited 5/5
Steelix is a unstoppable here. Few Pokemon in the set
can resist even one Iron Tail, and Outbreak Power can KO
many Pokemon at once. If you get this guy and Onix, use

J-Wittz |
tuesday ladies and gents! Today's pokemon is Steelix,
the "almost one thousand pounds" pokemon. Let's get to
HP: 130--
awesome! I believe this ties steelix with blissey for
2nd highest hp on a stage one pokemon (wailord is just
in a league of its own). He can definitely take a hit. .
. or two. . . or three. . .
cost: 4. ouch. this guy won't budge an inch if you don't
load your deck with switch/warp point.
Fire +30. hurts against magmortar and friends, but could
be much worse. Magmortar and friends don't see much play
because of their own weakness. . .
Resistance: Psychic -20. looks good, but isn't as good
as you think. Gengar and Dusknoir, the two main psychic
offenders, both place damage counters with their main
attacks, thus ignoring weakness entirely. You'll still
defend yourself against some of AMU and Gardevoir, i
guess . . .
outbreak power--has potential. It's basically a mini
tyranitar attack based on how many energy you have
attached to you. You're going to want tto find some way
to get maximum energy on-- this attack can be absolutely
brutal with a good 3 or more steel energy-- you'll get
to keep hitting multiple pokemon for several turns--
sounds fun!
iron tail-- and the results are in! The winner for the
best attack to use with a two headed coin is. . . .
STEELIX and his insanely risky IRON TAIL! serioulsy,
this attack is only for the bold, brave, and mentally
insane. For a heads, you're doing base 100, with another
chance to do 100 more. but if you flip a single tails,
your luck is done, and steelix does 0 for four. I
imagine this to be a desperation attack when hope is
lost, or when steelix is about to die and can't make use
of his first attack.
Energy acceleration will help, but might not be needed.
I'm really not sure, but I really want to try this deck.
You could work him with other spreaders like bronzong,
ampharos, spiritomb, etc etc. Special steel energies are
a must for this guy-- 130 hp and metal defense can work
tremendously. Teching an omastar in would help KO
evolved basics too-- especially those who evolved
through rare candy.
Decision-- I like this card, and I bet the world a
dollar that somebody can make a winning deck with him.
High HP and defense, along with being a stage one and
having a spread attack, are all good reasons to try him
out. Four retreat cost and the risky attack aren't the
best thing ever, but i suppose that's the price to pay
for being almost a thousand pounds. However, he might
face trouble against speedy decks or pokemon with high
hp-- who knows?
Modified-- 3.75/5-- i think he has potential to be an
unseen spreading force
4/5-- stage one with high hp and colorless energy
attacks? sounds great
Octillery49 |
Steelix is a HORRIBLY underrated
card. It's extremely hard to kill, because of it's high
HP and Special Metal. With Pokehealer it's even better.
It works pretty well with Togekiss or Magnezone. I've
also played it with Blissey and energy link. However,
it's still a pretty slow card in this format, I'll still
give it a: 4/5
like yesterday's card, Tangrowth is a pretty hard to
kill card. It's attacks aren't too great for the energy
cost, however with Sceptile (Great Encounters) you can
heavily reduce the amount of energy it takes to attack.
It's first attack isn't too great when so many people
are playing Unown G. It's second attack is bad early
game, because of the heavy energy cost. Overall, it's
decent with Sceptile, but not too great otherwise. 3/5 |