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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tangrowth Lv. 41
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Name: Tangrowth Lv. 41
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare
HP: (110) - This is pretty good for a Stage 1.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fire+30/Water-20) - Weakness
should be OK, and the resistance to water is... AWESOME.
Retreat Cost: (3) - Yeah. Pretty bad. Now the pair
switch that comes in virtually every theme deck comesa
to use.
Poke-BODY: (Green Renewal) - This is definitely a great
Body. As you see, it can heal even if it is on the
bench. This will prevent spread damage, and it will
enable you to bench it and heal for free. Simply
Attack #1: (Green Acid) - This is decent for the cost.
Considering you would want to use Sceptile with this, it
gets even better.
Attack #2: (Reaching Vine) - This is a great attack! The
cost sucks, but if you are using Sceptile, which any
sane person should, it becomes great. 60-20-20 for 2
energy is amazing.
Final Analysis: It's good. Use with Sceptile. That is
Modified: See Final Analysis. (4.5/5)
Limited: The healing ability and multiple status
condition attack make Tangrowth a priceless pick here.

Meganium45 |
This is one of my favorite Pokemon in the entire
Stormfront set.
It screams that it has to be played with Sceptile (GE)
which doubles the energy, so it is a part of a setup
deck, but these days, that is pretty OK. The ability to
hit for bench damage is elite, and combining it with the
other Tangrowth that whips anything on the board, makes
it pretty cool.
The damage output is enough that I would not try to
squeeze a Cherrim line in with it, but I could live with
a small line.
You are basically looking for Tangrowth/Sceptile and a
good starter, which could be Sableye. To go first, and
use a supporter, is usually a broken combination in this
envio. You are at risk for the b’donk of Machamp or
Kingdra, but isn’t any deck (except for Regigiggles)
The fact that this thing does damage, and does not throw
damage counters makes unown G less of an issue. The
self-healing, and ability to drop conditions on un-G’d
Pokemon is really good too.
When Stormfront came out, this Pokemon got a lot of
attention, especially from an area where Colin made the
playing of grass Pokemon more than cool.
Fire weakness is still OK. Water resistance is very
OK – given the statements and the combos above….I forgot
to mention that this is only a stage 1, and Tangela can
be a decent starter too!
OK, now that I have said ALL of that…
Modified 4/5 You should see more of this guy soon.
Limited 4/5..Stage 1 with easy to get basic…makes for
good fun, no?
See you all at my event at the St. Louis Mills mall this
Saturday…shameless plug…
I am giving away more T-shirts as bonus door prizes,
along with the playmats, binders, hats and Poke’balls.
Come join us for a GREAT time. Registration starts at
Thanks to Bill for the Elite Gift!
Tangrowth (SF29)
Today's card of the day is Tangrowth, the Vine Pokemon,
the card that won me my Stormfront Prerelease.
Tangrowth has 110 HP, which, when combined with its
Pokebody, can keep it in play for a long time. The +30
Fire weakness is pretty bad, as it means a OHKO from
Infernape, Magmortar, or just about any decent Fire
Pokemon out there. The resistance is a good 'ol -20 to
Water which helps against Kingdra, because if they
attack with Dragon Pump, bu the time their next turn
swings around, you will still be at a respectable 90 HP.
Tangrowth's retreat cost is three, which means you'd
best be packing a couple of Switches or Warp Points.
Tangrowth's PokeBody, Green Renewal, let's you remove a
damage counter each turn from Tangrowth, and unlike
Leftovers, it does it after your opponent's turn too.
This Body is like a combo Leftovers and Metal Energy, it
revents damage from your opponent pretty much, and also
lets you heal. And the best part is that it cannot be
turned off. Not only that but it works on the bench so
Snipers will have a hard time too.
Tangrowth's first attack is Green Acid, which costs one
Grass and one Colorless energy to do 20 damage, and you
can flip two coins. If the first one is heads, the
defending Pokemon is confused, second one heads, they
get Poisoned. This attack is great while building up
energy on Tangrowth, because it will usually get at
least one status condition on them, which can force a
retreat. But this attack is nothing compared to...
Reaching Vine, Tangrowth's second attack, which costs
two Grass and two Colorless energy to do 60 damage to
the defending Pokemon, and 20 to two benched ones. I
love this attack. If this attack was a person, I would
marry it. This attack may seem costly, but with a
Sceptile or Leafeon LV. X, it seems easy. You can
constantly whack the defending Pokemon, and two Benched
Pokemon for damage every turn. you can even get a triple
knockout, and before you say how unlikely that is, I
took out a Scyther, a Budew, and an opposing Tangrowth
all at once with this attack to win my prerelease. This
attack makes me want to call Tangrowth, the Kingdra of
Grass, but he has no Aqua Stream attack, and he's not
really a seahorse.
Modifed 4/5
Yes I am biased, I have four of these babies in my
binder, and I'm just waiting to bust them out on the
Tourney scene. Comboed with Sceptile (GE) or Leafeon LV.
X, you can power these guys up quickly and maybe even
try an swarm them. Luckily, Kingdra took away all notion
of a Fire doiminant metagame.
Limtied 4.5/5
Hooray for Bias! If you can get the energies on this
guy, he's unstopable. No fire types to stop him, quite a
few water types to fear him, and two consecitive 60s can
KO just about anything, unless they got extremely lucky
with their draws.
~KFT |