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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Bibarel Lv. 29
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 4.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Name: Bibarel Lv.29
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Uncommon
HP: (100) - Definitely not terrible for a Stage 1.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fighting+30/none) - Fighting
weakness is not terrible, but be super careful with the
slightest hint of Machamp, though this guy can hit the
Lv X for 120 with only 120.
Retreat Cost: (3) - This retreat cost sucks too,
especially since you would have to use more energies to
retreat than you would to actually attack.
Poke-BODY: (Unaware) - Nice. Protect yourself from
everything except damage. A built in Unown G.
Attack #1: (CC - Amnesia) - This could be useful, but it
is certainly nothing to rely on, especially since it
only puts out 20 damage.
Attack #2: (WW - Surf) - This replaces Seaking as the
highest damage for 2 energy and no ill effects. This is
great for early game: hit your opponent hard and fast
and give them no time to recover.
Final Analysis: Bibarel is a great starter for a Water
deck. It is nothing to rely on to win games, but if you
use it to give you time to set up for your finisher, you
could already have 3 prizes by the time you get the
other thing out.
Modified: Use to support your water powerhouse. I am a
fan of hitting fast for a lot of damage, and Bibarel
fits in perfectly with that kind of strategy. (3.5/5)
Limited: This is another area to excel for Bibarel.
Jigglypuff13 |
12/18 Bibarel Lv.29 (SF)
Right, Thursday, and what a great little card we have
for you today, Bibarel. This is a great card for those
who are a little short on money due to it's Uncommon
rarity. Anyway, the basics of the card, and first, it
has a rather nice HP for a fully evolved Stage 1, 100.
Not quite as nice as the 110 of Tangrowth yesterday, but
should still allow Bibarel to survive at least 1 hit.
+30 Fighting Weakness is rather annoying since Machamp
(SF) is quite a big part of the metagame, so if Machamp
has even one damage counter on it, Rage will get a OHKO,
and Hurricane Punch will need either 3 heads (which is
actually quite a lot), or 2 and use a Plus Power/Buck's
Training to get a OHKO. Machamp Lv.X reduces these
figures, but still, it's only one deck. No Resistance
is, er, no Resistance. However, 3 Retreat Cost is just
way too much for a Stage 1, so make sure you pack a few
Switches/Warp Points.
Abilities, and first of all, Unaware, which means you
don't need to use Unown G (GE) with Bibarel, and thus
have no fear of Gengar (SF), Dusknoir (SF), or even the
not often used Gliscor (LA) (though the latter targets
Weakness with it's damaging attack). That is just
brilliant. Then we have it's attacks. First, we have
Amnesia, which does 20 for CC and has the standard
Amnesia effect of stopping one of your opponents attacks
next turn. This just makes it a really good Gengar
counter, since you could easily Amnesia Poltergiest, and
thus stop them from doing anything. Unless they just
retreat to another 2 energied Gengar and KO with
Poltergiest, but that isn't the point, the point is,
Amnesia is just a great disruptive attack, stopping your
opponent from using one of their annoying attacks.
However, it's the secondary attack since it only does 20
damage. Surf is just so much better damage wise, doing
60 for WW. T2, this will happily donk most starting
Pokémon nowadays due to most basics having 60 HP. All of
these just make it a great little card.
Now, what should run it with? Well, Bibarel should be
used with more Bibarel. Just make a T2 Bibarel deck, and
that should do quite well. It's not going to set the
world alight, but it is a solid deck and should be quite
fun to play. However, there is one more reason why you
should play this deck; it's cheap. a 4-4 line of a card
where the Stage 1 is uncommon is going to be very cheap.
Admittedly, some trainers like Roseanne's Research,
Bebe's Search or, if you decide to play it, Time-Spacde
Distortion, might be slightly expensive, but it's still
going to cheaper than any Lv.X fueled deck.
Modified: It's fast. T2 60 is nothing to laugh at, and
Amnesia is quite annoying as well. 100 HP is nice, but
Machamp (SF) still laughs at it. However, as the game
progresses, that 60 damage cap doesn't look quite as
good as it did at the beginning of the game, but it's
still really good. Of course, the main attraction is the
price, which I don't care about here. 3.5/5
Limited: Due to it's uncommon rarity, at least 1 person
will pull a decent line of this card at your
draft/pre-release, and the person who will find it's
brilliant here.Take this card and run it if you can, and
I'm sure it'll be well worth it due to it's high HP and
60 damage output, just watch out for Fighting types.
4.25/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, who can spell this Pokemon???
You all have to listen to a fun story, and the ONLY way
this Pokemon should EVER be used….
We opened a lot of product from this set, excited about
the Xs, Shinings, Chars…so we decided to do the most
radical thing imagineable…a 27 pack pass draft.
Imagine 8 of us sitting around a table, with 27 packs in
front of us…wow, a lot of packs.
We decided to make the decks 60 cards, with no limit on
the per-card (which is standard in draft)
My friends and kids were laughing, yes laughing about
how unusable this card was. It began the discussion of
“other worthless pokemon that were never made good”
discussion…you know, the Raticate, Teddiursa, Granbull,
Rapidash and others that have never been given a tier 1
While this is being said I am quietly drafting ALL of
these I get passed. I end up with a 9-9 line of Birabel.
Also get 9 Poke’blowers and 7 pokedrawers. Add in 3
Luxury Ball, 3 Marleys, and 20 energy, and you have my
Turn 2 Birabel. I went 3-0 easily beating everyone in 2
out of 3 games, only losing one game total, and then
beat 3 other people for fun, not losing a game.
Always started with Bidoof, an energy, and usually had
the Big Guy waiting!!!
Turn 2 60 is HARD to deal with, when you can’t really
take down the big guy in a hit. And I was ALWAYS
building a backup!
For a real deck, in a real game, a 3 retreat cost and
weakness to fighting +30 is unacceptable. 2 for 60 is
good damage output, and always having an unown G
attached is a great thing. Just not good enough in this
Modified…too fragile…3/5
Limited (pass draft) 4/5 as it is an uncommon that
usually people won’t want (until they read this review)
See you tomorrow!
Vince |
Octillery49 |
Bibarel is a GREAT card. Looking at him at first, he
doesn't seem like much, but you have to look deeper.
First off the Body. His Pokebody is AMAZING in a format
with Gengar and Dusknoir decks running around
everywhere. Amnesia is great at stalling and controlling
the game. Surf is a decent attack, sixty's a pretty good
amount of damage. His retreat cost is AWFUL, but a
switch or Warp point can fix that. 4/5 |