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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rocket's Snorlax ex
Team Rocket Returns
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.13
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Rocket’s Snorlax EX
Cute Card in that Dark Energy actually heals this card.
An interesting twist.
2 very average attacks for the unlimited format, but
weakness to fighting, which is almost non-existent in
unlimited is not too bad.
Not sure what kind of deck I would use him in, as the
big hitting decks would simply wreck this “little” guy
for 2 prizes.
A fun card nonetheless. Never played in modified, never
should be played in unlimited.
I am adding .5 for Otaku’s birthday.
Unlimited 1.5/5
Limited (Draft) – Big HP Pokemon, nice power, I would
take him, 4/5. Once he falls, you lose HALF your prize
cards though!
Jigglypuff13 |
12/30 Rocket's Snorlax Ex (TRR)
Happy birthday Otaku! Right, with that obligatory part
out of the way, time for todays Unlimited card, Rocket's
Snorlax Ex! A card that, when it came out, literally was
never actually used (much at least). So, what will it be
like now, you ask? Guess. Unless you like my bad card
reviews, this isn't going to be pretty. Basics of the
card, and 100 HP on a Basic Ex was pretty good actually,
so was and probably still is a little survivable. x2
Fighting Weakness is, in Unlimited, not too bad, since
there aren't that many good Fighting cards in Unlimited
(I mean, really, whose going to attack with Areodactyl
(FO)? Hitmoncham (Base) may be a little problem though).
Resistance, well, I shall gloss over that. 3 Retreat
Cost? That's a lot, and thus is not good. If you want to
use this card, make sure you pack a few Switches/Warp
Points to get Rocket's Snorlax Ex back to the bench.
Then there's the fact it's an EX, meaning a lot of card
won't search for him (unless you use ones not from the
Ex Series), and will give up 2 prizes when KOed, which
is just harsh.
Especially when you consider it's abilities aren't that
great. Dark Healer is alright for removing 1 damage in
between turns so long as it has a Dark energy attached.
Thanks to Basic Dark energies, it's a lot easier to
achieve this than it used to be. However, even with 100
HP, it still isn't that great of a tank. Snowpoint
Temple/Rocket's Hideout could help in making it a little
more of a tank, but still not that great. It's attacks
don't make it much of an attacker either. Poison Claws
is you rather average and bad CC for 20 and 50% chance
of inflicting Poison to your opponents active. Not a
main attack, and only worth considering for if you ever
feel that you probably should Poison the defending
Pokémon, but don't matter too much if it doesn't (which
is never). Collapse is useless as well. CCCC for 60 and
putting yourself to Sleep is not good, and there is no
good reason to put yourself to Sleep. 60 damage isn't
great either. For both of these attacks, Special Dark
Energies are needed to make the damage output even close
to reasonable, but even then, it isn't much better.
If you are thinking about using this card (and why?),
then there are a couple of routes to go down. The first
is a tank route, using Snowpoint Temple/Rocket's
Hideout, Leftovers, Gold Berry, Poké Healer +, Potion,
etc. to keep Rocket's Snorlax Ex alive whilst stalling
your opponent. Might work, but with Suicune Ex (TMvTA)
and Sneasel (NG) around, keeping it alive will probably
be quite tough. The second is a more aggressive way, use
Darkrai Lv.X (GE) and Xatu (SW) to keep abusing Collapse
for 100 damage, and putting your opponent to Sleep.
However, needing 4 Energies is just too slow, along with
setting up 1 Basic Lv.X and a Stage 1. Everything else
is just too fast, needing less energies, and generally,
just better.
Unlimited: If only it didn't need 4 energies for it's
best attack, and if only that attack didn't put it to
Sleep. If only it had slightly more HP. If only it was
actually any good. All the popular decks here (SneaselKing,
Blasticune, 'Plume Ex, etc) are just faster and more
powerful. Yes, you can use DCE (Doubel Colorless Energy)
if you wanted, but one SER (Super Energy Removal) would
ruin you entirely. I wouldn't use this card here, though
might prove quite a surprise if you find a way of making
it work. 1.5/5
Limited:Can you still do this? If you are somehow
playing a TRR draft and find this, it might be worth
while using it. Admittedly, you will give up half your
prizes if it gets KOed, but with 100 HP and a bit of
luck in getting a Dark Metal or 2, Dark Healer could be
very useful. Also, it can be a half decent attacker,
dealing 60-70 damage using Collapse without or with an R
Energy attached. Might be quite good here. 3.5/5 |

Otaku |
Now to review my all time favorite Pokémon as my all
time favorite version of it: Rocket’s Snorlax ex!
You can read the original reviews for the card
here. When it was first reviewed, it was still
Modified Legal, though if the other CotD reviews are any
indicator, it was one of those Pokémon either you knew
how to use or traded away to people like me. :-D
What I said about it (with respect to Unlimited) remains
true as far as I know: you can back this card up with
Trainer disruption (I recommend Dark Vileplume as
it shares all that lovely Rocket and Dark-in-name
support) and as long as your opponent isn’t running a
Fighting Deck or lucky enough to keep top-decking
Tyrogue from Neo Discovery, you’ll have a big (120
HP after Rocket’s Hideout) Basic Dark Pokémon-ex
dolling out 20 with a chance of Poison (and getting
around any already-in-play Focus Band or OHKOing
Baby Pokémon) that can also swing for a big 60 damage if
you need it (more damage for either attack if you have
Darkness Energy or R Energy attached).
The fact that you can use R Energy or Double
Colorless Energy lends a Dark Turbo Snorlax deck a
surprising amount of speed that will catch the unwary
off guard. If they know what to expect, then you’ll
just have to beat them the old fashioned way – playing
well and hoping for “heads”.
quickly became my favorite of the original Pokémon due
to its good HP, DEF, and ATK (in Red/Blue/Yellow) and
hard hitting moves (Hyperbeam, far more devastating in
the original games) and the potent combination of Rest
and Toxic (and a Poké-Flute when playing against the
computer). I am a fat guy, so I felt some kinship with
the sleeping behemoth; especially as I am 5’11” and if
it were real, a Snorlax would be 6’11”.
The original Rocket’s Snorlax was a
disappointment, but the Pokémon-ex version gave us
better stats, better abilities, and better artwork
(though the background detail was better in the
illustration for the original Rocket Snorlax.