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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dusknoir Lv. 47
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Meganium45 |
OK, this is about the weakest of the Dusknoirs. I don’t
like it.
It’s body would have been much better combined with the
attack that protected Dusknoir if the attacking Pokemon
had less than 3 energy, but, heh, that kind of symbiosis
is RARELY Seen.
I prefer the Holo Dusknoir (#1 in Stormfront) and the
Diamond and Pearl Holo Dusknoir, but not this one.
And no, I do not consider it feasible to attack with the
SF Holo, to have the DP Holo on my bench, and then to
have this one on my bench.
The attack (being only one) is alright, not to high, not
too low. The retreat cost is average, HPs average,
weakness and resistance average…can you say average in
an extraordinary envio??
Modified 2 out of 5. Much better choices here.
Limited (Draft)…3 out of 5. I would take it, if I were
going Psychic, just to give me another option, but stage
2s in draft are inherently risky!
See you all at my event in St. Peters, Missouri on
Saturday December 13Th (shameless plug)
Vince! |
Octillery49 |
This Dusknoir is an okay card, however, he's
overshadowed by the many other playable Dusknoirs. His
pokebody is interesting and could be combo'd with
Tentacruel (LA). His attack isn't to great though. In a
format where a certain water dragon can do the same
thing, but actually better, in my opinion, for 1/3 of
the amount of energy Dusknoir isn't that great.
Modified: 3/5 |

Travis hilse |
today pokemon is Dusknoir LV47. hes a stage 2 pokemon
with 120hp which is nice for a stage 2 his pokemon power
is nice putting 1 damage on all ur opponents pokemon
with and energy on it which is nice. his attack for 1P
and 2C is nice doing 60 plus 20 if it has 2 or more
damage already
in limited 4/5
constructed 4/5 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Dusknoir (Stormfront 17)
Today's Card of the Day is Dusknoir, the Gripper
Pokemon. (Doesn't that sound wrong?)
Dusknoir has 120 HP, a fairly high number which is
needed with all the high powered attacks in the DP era.
Dusknoir has +30 weakness to dark. Once again, the only
dark Pokemont that jumps to my mind is Tyranitar, unlike
Drifblim, Dusnoir cannot retreat for free unless you
have a Moonlight Stadium, but if you Level him up, any
body will think twice about KOing you.. Dusknoir, like
Drifblim, also has a -20 resistance to Normal. This
sin't as helpful as you would think, since Normal
Pokemon are rarely the mainstays of decks, and are
usually more techs, or searchers. Skittles is the only
deck I can think of that uses Normals as their main
attackers, and as far as I know, that Archetype is dead.
Dusknoir's PokeBody is Spirit Pulse, As long as Dusknoir
is your Active Pokémon, put 1 damage counter on each of
your opponent's Pokémon that has any Energy attached to
it between turns. This would be a lot better is you
could use it from the bench, because then I believe that
this would be an integral part to Dusknoir decks, rather
then being shunted aside in favor of the Holographic
Dusknoirs. Anyways, this Body is great if your opponent
is powering up multiple attakcers at once, but not so
great if they're only focusing on one Pokemon.
Dusknoir's one and only attack is Darkness Mist, which
does 60 damnage for one psychic and two colorless
energies, but If the Defending Pokémon already has 2 or
more damage counters on it, the attack does 80 damage. I
rather like this attack better then the other Dusknoir's
attacks, because it combos nicely with Dusknoir's body,
since you can't have an active Pokemon without energies
if you're really hoping to KO this Pokemon fast. Or you
can just do 60 the first turn and 80 the next.
Modified: 3.5/5
This card is great, but there isn't enough room for a
third kind of Dusknoir, although I suggest you try it
out. Maybe you can deviate a little from the 1 LV. X, 1
DP, 2 SF Holo line.
Limited: 4/5
This card can be quite a force if you can get it out.
With partly colorless attacks, he can fit in a two-type
deck, and sicne msot people have energies on some, if
not all of their benched Pokemon, the power can really
come in handy. Finally, the attack will 2HKO anything in
the set, and OHKO basics who've been weakened by the
~KFT |

J-Wittz |
Happy Monday! Todays COTD is Dusknoir lvl 47! let's get
right to it! HP: 120-- not really spectacular, but
pretty standard as far as Dusknoir goes
Weakness: Dark +30. The only guy to watch out for
with darkness weakness is Tyranitar. He's being played a
good amount, so it isn't a very great weakness to have
Retreat cost: 2: At least here we can confidently say
that he has an advantage over his other dusknoir
brothers. however, 2 retreat cost is still heavy, and
you aren't going to want to retreat him without
switching, warp pointing, or moonlight stadium. . . ing.
Resistance: colorless -20. This helps protect against
Regigigas and. . . not much else. But Regi's becoming a
huge threat, so resistance is awesome!
Pokebody--spirit pulse-- sounds a lot better the
first time you read it. The first time you read it you
think "hey wow 10 damage spread what a combo with
dusknoir X as a stadium!" But then the drawbacks kick
in. The huge one would be that he needs to be active in
order for the effect to take place. The effect really
depends on what kind of deck you play as well. Some
decks work on putting energy on several pokemon, while
other decks will only have 1 pokemon with energy on it
at the time. 10 damage between turns is annoying, but it
isn't a massive hit. It's kind of like instant poison
that can sometimes hit the bench. . . as long as you're
active. All in all though it's fairly good-- I just like
the other dusknoir pokepower/bodies better.
Attack-- darkness mist-- is an okay attack at best.
if you've been spreading damage well with his pokebody
and some other dusknoir X and got 2 damage counters on
the defending pokemon then well. . . you're doing 3 for
80. Let's say, ideally, even though this would never
happen, you have this guy as your active and Dusknoir X
the stadium out. AND your opponent has 2 damage counters
on it.Even then, you're going through a lot of trouble
for a possible 100ish after several turns of set up. The
biggest drawback is that huge energy cost--3. Psychic
has no energy acceleration, so unless you're going to
make space in your deck for energy pickups or togekiss,
it's going to take some time building this guy up.
valuable, valuable time.
Combos: nothing I can think of. The pouty expression
on Dusknoir's card art reflects his combo-ness: he wants
to be left alone and doesn't want to work with anybody.
Final Words: I really do feel bad giving this guy
such a hard time, but he has a lot to live up to. He's
like an average child in a family of geniouses. The
grandaddy DP dusknoir has one of the most powerful
pokepowers in the game, and the other SF dusknoir can
self-damage to get dusknoir out quicker while drawing
cards and has the versatilty of two attacks. The third
dusknoir (what? there's ANOTHER one? why yes, there is.
He's a promo) has a cool but flippy power and 10 more
HP. I just can't find room for THIS dusknoir in my
dusknoir decks.
Modified: 2.5/5 -- There are just better dusknoirs
out there, especially the original DP one
Limited: 1/5 -- even if you miraculously pull this
guy, the stage one, and his basic , you're still going
to have to get those energy on him -__- |