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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rapidash Lv. 43
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Meganium45 |
OK, YAY, a Fire Pokemon.
It’s a Rapidash, which is usually bad. Cute, but bad.
This one has decent stats at the first glance.
80 HP – Not bad.
+20 weakness to water…um, Kingdra, is that you? Empoleon,
Free retreat is always good.
Attacks, 2 for 30 is meh.
2 for 60 to anyone, discard 2 fire, not bad, good sniper
in a fire deck (perhaps his only use).
Used with Heatran Level X, and you do not even have to
discard the fire energy (or you get it right back)…
Stark mountain to move energy when needed…OK, I can come
up with a few combos.
Scizor being popular, Butterfree seeing play, Sceptile,
Tangrowth, Toreterra and other grass meanies, there
could be some use for his weakness…but…
There are MUCH better Fire Pokemon to use!
Modified 2/5 (and I am being nice)
Limited 4/5 (it actually works here, if you can get the
Vince |

Today's COTD is Rapadash from Stormfront. His stats are
80HP, 2 attacks, +20 weaknesses to water, no resistance,
a poke-body, and free cost. His body Burning Mane burns
the Pokémon that attacks Rapidash when he is damaged.
Rapadashs first attack Rear kick is basic attack two
energies of any type for 30 damage. His second attack
Shooting Fire for two fire energies does 60 damage to
one of your opponents Pokémon but you have to discard
two fire energies to use this attack. This card is ok
for a fire type but with all the Kingdra decks being
played it won't do that good plus it has only 80 HP.
Modified: 2.25/5- not to bad but in this format it won't
work at the moment
Limited: 3.25/5
Art: 2.50/5 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Rapidash (22)
Today’s Card of the Day is Rapidash, the Fire Horse
Rapidash has 80 HP, this is an okay amount, and is
helped by the fact some Pokemon may be afraid of
attacking, due to his Poke-Body, but more on that later.
Rapidash has a + 20 weakness to Water. The main deck
that will get you because of this is Kingdra, but,
frankly, he could kill you even without the weakness.
The MD Empoleon can get an OHKO on you with Surf
Together, but that’s true of nearly all Fire Pokemon.
The no resistance is to be expected, but you’d think
that since all the grass types are now weak against
fire, that they would have some sort of resistance to
Grass. The free retreat cost is an added bonus, but
also, it should be expected. After all, this is a Horse
isn’t it?
The Poke-Body, Burning Mane, is my favorite part of this
card. Burning Mane makes it so If Rapidash is your
Active Pokémon and is damaged by an opponent's attack
(even if Rapidash is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokémon
is now Burned. This is a great effect, since it can make
your opponent hesitant to attack you, and when combined
with the Heatran LV. X, they will have taken (40? 60?)
damage by their next turn, not including your attack,
unless their attack lets them retreat or they have an
ability that protects against being affected by the
Burned Special Condition.
Rapidash’s first attack is Rear Kick, which does 30
damage for two Colorless energy. Sadly, this is
Rapidash’s only attack that doesn’t involve discarding
energies. The damage is sub par, but it does okay damage
if you factor in burn damage from the Body. The all
colorless energy requirement is nice in Limited, but in
Modified, any deck that would want to use Rapidash is
pure fire, and I think it would be worth a colored
energy instead of a colorless one just to do 10 more
Rapidash’s final attack is Shooting Fire, which, for two
fire energy will cause you to discard two Fire Energy
attached to Rapidash, but you can choose 1 of your
opponent's Pokémon and do 60 damage to that Pokémon, of
course you don't apply Weakness and Resistance for
Benched Pokémon. Shooting Fire is a great attack,
because it allows for a large amount of damage for a
relatively low cost in energy and it allows you to
snipe. The discarding energy is a downside, but with a
free retreat, Rapidash can hit a Pokemon on the bench
with Shooting Fire and then retreat to another
powered-up Pokemon.
Modified: 2.5/5
I think this card can be a powerful with Heatran.
Empoleon and Kingdra will eat this guy for lunch though.
Limited: 4.5/5
With an all colorless attack, and a great Poke-Body,
Rapidash is easily a powerful card in limited. Add in
the fact that about all grass Pokemon in stormfront, and
some psychic ones are weak against fire, and you have
yourself one great card for this format.
~KFT |

J-Wittz |
Happy Tuesday my fellow readers! Today's COTD is
everyone's favorite (or second favorite if Ponyta's your
thing) flaming horse, Rapidash! HP: 80-- really
really bad when you consider his weakness. Kindgra OHKO
all day long.
Weakness: water +20-- as said, this really isn't a
weakness you want to have in this metagame. Kindgra
would love to OHKO your stage one AND do 20 to your
bench. And he will thank you for it.
Retreat Cost: none. I can't complain, or make up
complaints just because I don't like this card.
Attack one: rear kick-- this attack is more like a
kick in your own rear. 2 for 30 has been done since the
days of Base set over a decade ago. His name was
Electabuzz, and he was a basic.
Attack two: shooting fire-- This attack would be good
under different situations. Doing 60 damage isn't going
to knock out anyone except for basics,and discarding not
one, but TWO fire energy leaves you completely
vulnerable. Stark mountain is a great way to get two
fire energies attached next turn, but with this guy's
super low hp and super bad weakness, there isn't going
to be a next turn.
Combos: Combo Rapidash with your binder.
Final Words: Rapidash has potential in there
somewhere, but ends up getting crushed by the metagame
and too many flaws. A wonderful alternative to rapidash
is Houndoom-- he does 100 for two fire with his pokebody
in effect, and isn't guranteed the loss of both energy!
And even houndoom has serious kindgra trouble. Wrong
place, wrong time.
Modified: 1.75/5. Hitting the bench is always good,
but rapidash simply can't compete with several other
Limited: 2.5/5-- pulling him and a ponyta shouldn't
be so hard, but getting those two fires on him with no
recovery should.
Hope you all have a nice day! I'll let everyone know
that I DO love rapidash. . . I just hate his card. |
Octillery49 |
The first thing you notice about this card is the
Pokebody. Instant burn isn't that bad and it's a good
thing they printed even if Rapidash is knocked out,
because Rapidash's HP is absolutely AWFUL. Water
weakness is very bad at the moment. Also Rapidash's
attacks are very weak. Overall I'll give it a:
2/5 |