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Cresselia LV X
Unlimited - lol I seriously don't think there are any good
cards in Unlimited past Hidden Legends. 1/5
Modified - Very interested poke-power and attack. The power
is like Banette ex's, except you can use it on the bench.
Deliver a finishing blow with Moon Skip to get 2 prizes. His
weaknesses are low HP, double weakness to psychic, and
fairly expensive attack. 3/5
Limited - If you're lucky enough to get both Cresselia and
his LV X form, this is a killer. Each turn you can move back
10 damage to your opponent's side, and take 2 prizes each
time you kill something. 4/5 |
Arbok14 |
Welcome to a new week, I hope it has started well for
all of you. Today is our first look at one of the
new Lv. X from Great Encounters: Cresselia.
Name: Cresselia Lv. X
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Ultra Rare Holo
Analysis: Hmmm... A Lv. X for a Basic Pokemon, cool,
it's like a super-Stage 1! Its Basic form is pretty
good: 80 HP, cheap 1st attack that can heal, and decent
second attack. So it should be a smooth transition into
the Lv. X should it have to start. As for the Lv. X, 100
HP is good, but a double weakness to Psychic is not,
especially with the popularity of Gardevoir, Banette,
and expectedly Weezing.
1 Retreat Cost is good. Full Moon Dance is a great
Poke-POWER: You move 1 damage counter from any Pokemon
to any other Pokemon in play. With two of these out,
this could be great. Moon Skip applies the EX rule to
any Defending Pokemon the attack is used on. So two
prizes for any Pokemon and THREE for knocking out an EX!
Unfortunately, this attack only deals 40 damage. But,
with the other Lv. X out, it could be 60 thanks to the
Powers. This could be some play, but I don't see it
having a big impact, because of the double weakness to
Gardevoir and Banette and the weak attack set.
Modified: Not a bad Lv. X, but also not the best. Weak
attacks, a large weakness, and only 100 HP hinder its
chance of becoming a cornerstone in successful decks.
Limited: Honestly, if you receive both Cresselia (a rare
holo) and its Lv X (and ultra-rare holo), you should use
them. But the odds of this happening are very small.
Congratulations if you do pull one though. (4/5)

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Cressilia lv X
card is very hard to evaluate ”draw 2 prizes instead”
seems like such an INSANELY strong sentence but i see
quite a few problems:
to charge it ?
basic so NO DRE or scramble with PPC for only 40 (50with
power) you need a serious way to charge it using 3 turns
is simply to slow. HOW is the question.
damagde output
isnt going to KO anything and if it takes you 2 or 3
attacks to KO it is kind of terrible: Spread damagde?
Pluspowers? Your choice but something is needed
weakness and low HP
weak and only 100 hp? This wont last long.
Despite it bad points i see a lot of people trying to
break this and who knows they may just do it.
actually see this working in classic if you have
powerfull energy accel like blastoise (and holon
castform) using this while trying to ko opponents cleffa
doesnt seem awfull.
Modified 3 (for now)
Classic 2
Limited 3 |